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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 2nd day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 60 > Articles > To Conserve or Not to Conserve - Petpets

To Conserve or Not to Conserve - Petpets

by belorage

PETPET PUDDLE - Ever since the release of "Krawk Files", the Neopian public is becoming more aware of the existence of "Petpet Conservation". After reading the first story, curiosity got the better of this reporter. I joined the guild, headed by the Krawk Krew. Soon, I came to know more about conserving Petpets.

However, not many people know of this Petpet Conservation. According to a survey done by this reporter, it was found that majority of the interviewees had absolutely no idea what on Neopia is Petpet Conservation. I could have been speaking Tyrannian to their ears.

I was aghast at the bleak fact! Petpets are being mistreated right and left, and nobody cares? With this upsetting information in mind, I went off to the Lair Of The Krawk Hunter, to interview Stevo Furwin, renounced Petpet Conservationist, about his views on this matter of great importance. I found Stevo, the great Petpet philanthropist, hard at work at Petpet Zoo. He was busy feeding WooWee the Weewoo. I rushed over to him, tape recorder in hand.

BelOrage: Hello Stevo! Are you willing to accept my interview for this show? You see, I am educating the Neopian public about the joys of Petpet Conservation and I would appreciate your help.

Stevo: Yes, of course! I'm always glad to help educate the public; mate and Petpet conservation is a very important issue in today's Neopian society.

BelOrage: Okay, thanks! Can you explain to our audience what exactly is Petpet Conservation?

Stevo: Petpet Conservation is conserving one of Neopia's great natural resources- Petpets! So many Petpets are being abused- sold to the highest bidder, or discarded cruelly when a newer, more popular Petpet is discovered. Petpet conservation helps rehabilitate these gorgeous creatures- and helps prevent the abuse from occurring in the first place.

BelOrage: Recently, I had conducted this survey, asking the general public about their views on Petpet Conservation. The result, sad to say, was bleak. Many Neopians have no idea what is Petpet Conservation and does not recognize the necessity of it. What do you think about this, Stevo?

Stevo: I think it's sad that most people have no idea about the wonderful world of Petpet conservation. We need to educate the public about this issue- and remind them to take good care of their pet's best friend, the Petpet. Don't take away your beautiful Petpet when a newer, more fashionable Petpet comes along. Petpets should be your pet's best friend for life, mate! Life!

BelOrage: So, in other words, Petpet Conservation is really necessary?

Stevo: Absolutely! Your Petpet gives so much to your pet- love, friendship, and occasional help in the Battledome- it's time to give something back to them!

BelOrage: Do you have any tips for home Petpet care, for our viewers out there?

Stevo: Be sure to learn all you can about your Petpet's species so that you can provide a proper habitat for it! Don't forget to take your Petpet for plenty of exercise. Never force your Petpet to aid your pet in the Battledome if he's a pacifist, mate. Be sure to talk to your Petpet, and give him lots of love and attention! And above all- be very careful if you take your Petpet to the Turmaculus! He's easily riled!

BelOrage: Well, thank you for spending your precious time on this much-needed interview. Have a g'day wrangling in the Zoo!

Stevo: You're welcome, mate, and thanks for interviewing me. Remember, Neopia- take good care of your precious Petpets!

So, the great Petpet caregiver has spoken his views on Petpet Conservation. The ultimate choice my audience, is up to you. Would you rather follow his advice and start caring for Petpets, or not follow his advice and continue mistreating Petpets just because they are not worth caring for? I would choose the former if I were you.

I would like to dedicate this article to the members of Lair of the Krawk Hunter. Please, Neomail me if you have any questions or comments! I would appreciate it a lot!

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