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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 13th day of Sleeping, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 60 > Articles > Bye-Bye Chia Flour

Bye-Bye Chia Flour

by aachewwthree

HIDDEN TOWER - Life has dramatically changed for Battledomers everywhere. On the day of September 27th, the day that will forever life in infamy for battlers…several Hidden Tower items were retired. These include: Jade Scorchstone, Rod of Dark Nova, Monoceraptor Claw, Zaptwig, and Chia Flour.

There are downsides to the whole thing…as well as good. One user who had a positive thing to say in the swarm of anger was geomunky. He had this to say: "I think retiring items changes the values of items tremendously...."

For those rare pets that were in a state of sheer terror when the Battledome was mentioned now go there without a second thought. This reason… CHIA FLOUR IS RETIRED! Several Battledomers let out sighs of relief at this. I was able to visit the Battledome chat room this day and was able to get a quote from Oasis247: "No more Chia Flour! ROCK ON!!!" For those that followed my advice from my article in week 43, you are going to pocket a King's Ransom. That is if you didn't sell during the July 30th price spike, which was predicted by yours truly.

One of the biggest complaints amongst the Battledomers was the removal of the Jade Scorchstone. This item fully restored a pet hp once a battle. Compared to the other Hidden Tower items, Neopians were eager to hand over the 1,900,000 NP required buying the stone. With this item now retired, in a mere 20 minutes the price tag on the Trading Post had skyrocketed to over 2.5 Million NP. Those who are in possession of the item are now debating. Keep it for their pet; or add a comma to their bank account. Horsegirl4231 had this to say: "I hate it, it is horrible. Even though I can't afford it anyway, I would like a jade scorchstone at the ht price, not the retired price where it is even more!!"

The third item on the list to be taken from the display cases was the Monoceraptor Claw. Now this weapon was very powerful, but the price ripped a person's wallet to shreds. The weapon had an amazing price tag of 25 Million NP!! The retirement of the Monoceraptor's Claw isn't considered a big loss the battling crowd. With the cost, very few Neopians could afford it. No one could be found to quote on this weapon though I would have to say that while I disagree with the retiring of the weapon, I have a hunch that this is paving the road for new weapons.

The fourth of the five retired Hidden Tower artifacts was the Zaptwig. The Zaptwig dealt two different types of damage. The story behind the Zaptwig is that is was a joint work by a Light Faerie and an Earth Faerie. Per dabears44, "The Zaptwig is a really great, yet underrated Battledome weapon." The Zaptwig does 10 icons total, 5 Earth, 5 Light.

The fifth and final Hidden Tower weapon retired was the Rod of Dark Nova. The RODN created 3 Dark Novas while healing 20-55 hp per round. Users' pokenmon, xilver_, and jerellem all agree on this, The RODN is a very powerful defence weapon that is best used with pets under 200 hp. The RODN was very good in battle though the cost was sickening. Buying the RODN would cost 13,855,000 NP.

Well, this concludes the article. While there are those angry about the retirements, those smart investors are preparing to upgrade their bank account.

This was a article by a guy with a lame sneeze pun for a name.

Author's Note: Thank you to all who let me quote for this article. A very special thanks goes to the honourable drake_da_dragon and to the Essence herself, child_dragon forgetting some quotes. Couldn't have done it without you two.

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