Even as I write this, my chains of the cave wall are
clinging on to me with me forever a slave of who knows who.
My name is Christina. I am a red Kacheek. I
was once normal Neopian. I was a Neomillionare with friendly friends and just
everything everyone would want to be. Now I am in raggedy clothes with everything
that once belonged to me robbed except my trophy. Wondering how? That is why
I am writing this.
Three years earlier...
"Yes! I won again!" I shouted as I won Better
Than You, again.
"That's not surprising," said my friend,
Hannah. She was a Pteri (a nice Pteri like every other Pteri).
"I know it isn't. And I know you helped. If
I get the vacation, I'll share it with you. If we get NP, I'll give you half,"
I replied.
"But Tenisha was involved in it too!" Hannah
said. Tenisha was a Gelert.
"You're right. I'll include her in it. As you
can see, I have a pretty good life. I never want it to fail!"
"Mine either!"
Just then, the phone rang. Hannah picked it
up. It was a recording so she listened carefully. After she finished, she hung
"That was Better Than You," Hannah said. "She
said to come down there as soon as possible!"
I called my friend Tenisha and we all went down
to Better Than You. We all won 20,000 NP and a trip to Tyrannia. Tenisha hated
Tyrannia, but with the NP she won, she could then take a trip to Faerieland
"You three also win 1 Soup Faerie Doll each!"
The Better Than You Kyrii announced.
"This is one of the best days of my life!" Hannah
The Next Day...
"OK! I'm ready to go!" I said to Hannah over
the phone.
"I am too!" Hannah replied.
"I'll let Tenisha know we're ready," I said.
So she did and Tenisha was ready too. Soon,
we were on the plane to Tyrannia. As we were about to land, I saw an evil shadow
cross over the plateau. It was there for 1 full minute. Then it faded.
"Hey guys! What was that?" I said.
"What was what?" Hannah asked.
"That huge shadow!" I said.
"What huge shadow?" Tenisha asked.
"It was there for a minute on the plateau!"
"Probably your imagination," Hannah said.
It was weird to me. All my friends were looking
at the exact same spot I saw the shadow. I shrugged. "Yeah. It most probably
I stopped for a minute and looked up. Usually all I see is cave ceiling, but
now, I saw a hole through the cave opening up showing a bright blue sky and
a light faerie. A beam of light was shining down on me She muttered something
through her mouth, but I couldn't read lips. Then the cave ceiling closed and
it was total darkness again. I frowned and continued writing.
Back to the story...
Five minutes later, we landed and we climbed
off the Meerca. I looked around until I found the perfect hotel. We checked
in and decided to spend the rest of the day there.
The next day, we decided to explore. We went
for a game of Grarrl keno, only winning 1000 NP. Then we decided to spin the
wheel of mediocrity. We won an Airax that Hannah decided to keep and name Vissia.
We then decided to play Tyranu Evavu, but we lost so we went to the cave painting
cave. There we saw a pterodactyl, Monoceraptor, and something else. I'm not
sure what it was. I followed the storyline of a baby Chia and a Elephante get
swept up and never to be seen again, but I didn't understand it.
"That is a really cool picture!" Tenisha said
pointing at a Tyrannian-like faerie.
"Yeah!" Hannah agreed.
"Hey guys!" I said pointing at the painting
I saw.
"This one resembles a story. What does it mean?"
They looked straight at the painting, but then
shook their heads. "It's just a picture of a happy Elephante caring for a baby
Chia," Tenisha said. "There's no story to it."
I looked at it again, but again saw the picture
of the three evils swooping up the two pets. How come they don't see it? Can't
they see that there is something around here that makes me nervous? I pretended
to understand so they wouldn't think I'm crazy.
We went to the village to look around. We saw
a bunch of houses, pets, and campfires. They gathered around a campfire to listen
and tell stories. We decided to sit down and listen to a few. One caught my
"One day on the ancient lands of Tyrannia, there
lived a Usul named Misintris," began the storyteller. "She was a very happy
Usul who always traveled around the world until one day on her trip around the
world, she went to this place of Tyrannia. She was going over somewhere then
suddenly, she was picked up and carried off to who-knows-where. Only her friends
know where she was captured and held, but they died in the Maraqua Whirlpool.
We don't know where Misintris is now or if she is dead or not, but the world
of Neopia wants to see the beautiful face of Misintris again."
We decided to leave at the end of that story.
I thought my friends would be frightened, but they were smiling.
"That was a good story of how the omelette arrived!"
Hannah exclaimed.
"Omelette? Are you kidding me? He was clearly
talking about an evil that stalks Neopia! There wasn't a word of the omelette
in it!" I shouted.
"Evil that stalks Neopia? What are you talking
about? There wasn't a word of evil in it!" Tenisha exclaimed.
I thought I was going crazy! They heard and
saw stuff I didn't hear or see and saw stuff that they didn't see! I sighed
and headed to the plateau. We grabbed a piece of the giant omelette to eat and
then went to the concert hall to watch Blue Kacheek Group.
Afterwards, we emerged all exclaiming how fun
it was, but there was something that I saw that everyone else didn't see. I
saw one of the Kacheeks fly into the air. Nobody was moving, nobody was talking,
nobody was even blinking except me and that one Kacheek. He cast a huge shadow
on me and started writing a note on the ceiling saying "Your time will come
after this show!" I didn't know what it meant, but soon it disappeared and the
Kacheek flew back down on the stage and then time was alive again.
We started walking toward the Tyrannian Arena
when I suddenly didn't feel right. I felt like I wanted to get some more omelette
even though we could only have 1 per day. My way out of temptation wasn't strong
enough and I started running from my friends toward the omelette. As soon as
I got there, I gained control again and realised I was lost. I didn't know my
way to the omelette so I ended up heading toward a small hill in the Tyrannian
desert. I started to walk again when I suddenly was lifted into the air. Then
everything went black along with the faint words from Hannah. "Christina! Where
are you? Christina!" Then everything went quiet.
Back to the Cave...
I stopped writing when I heard the master call.
"Slave! Back to work!" I had no other choice. A shadow came into the room as
I hid the story you just read. He unlocked my chains and took me deeper into
the cave. He handed me a sponge and walked to a chair to sit down. I had to
scrub the floor removing every single dirt. Then I had to make the nearby bed,
do the laundry, just about everything!
As I began to make the bed, the shadow began
to sleep. I quietly ran out of the room and ran into a Usul who was also in
rags running the same direction as me.
"Who are you?" we asked each other at the same
I introduced each other and the other Usul replied
saying her name was Misintris.
"You're the Misintris from the rumour?" I asked.
"What rumour?" Misintris asked.
"Three years ago, I heard a rumour of you, but
I was the only one to hear that rumour Everyone else heard how that omelette
"That happened to me too."
"I also had a lot of other stuff happen to me
too," I said. I told her the story.
"We have to escape!" Misintris whispered.
"But how?" I asked. "We don't know where the
cave entrance is and this place is FILLED with evil! And also..."
Before I could finish, the top of the cave opened
and down dove a light faerie. She gave me a note and flew back up through the
cave hole and it then closed.
"What was that about?" Misintris asked.
"I don't know," I said as I opened the letter.
It read...
Dear Slave/Neopet/Whatever,
My name is Aurelia. I give you this letter
to help you escape this cave alive. You are in the deep and lost parts of the
Cave of the Beast which means you are still in Tyrannia. The owners of this
cave are the Monoceraptor, the pterodactyl of this cave, and something else.
No one is sure who or what it is. I found your story and sent it out through
Neopia. Everyone is wondering where you are. Escaping from this place is not
as easy as it seems. What your imagination told you was true even though everyone
else did not agree. Now you must use your imagination to escape these challenges...
Walk forward from where you are. Turn left
on every intersection no matter what. Soon you will find an Elephante and a
baby Chia They will want to come with you. Let them, but if you take one more
step forward, Misintris, the Elephante, and the baby Chia will be knocked out
and you must face the Monoceraptor alone. If you defeat him, The 3 pets will
come back to life and you will continue the journey. I cannot tell you anymore.
Before I close this letter, I must warn you.
The only Neopets you can trust are Misintris, the Elephante, and the baby Chia
The rest will either try to kill you or lead you to even more danger. Good luck
on your escape!
"I guess we go forward," I said as we started
walking. I saw an intersection and we turned left. I saw another intersection
and we turned left again. I saw another intersection. We were about to turn
left on that one when a Mynci jumped in front of me.
"Hey! I got some easier way to escape!" the
Mynci said. "Go right on every intersection from here on!"
"No thanks," I said. "I believe that the long
way is the wise way."
"It isn't!" the Mynci replied. "Go right now!"
"Will you leave us alone?" Misintris asked.
"Fine then," I said. "I will make you!" I picked
up a rock and threw it at the Mynci Misintris caught my drift and started doing
so. After five hours (which felt like five minutes) the Mynci left.
"What evil people... I mean pets!" Misintris
"Tell me about it," I said. I shrugged. "Let's
just go!"
We turned left and heard a certain type of crying
coming from an intersection to the right.
To be continued... |