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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 52 > Short Stories > Outlaw


by coteau_296

Jagger trotted up the ridge and looked out over the sea of rolling grass. The sky was gray and the air was damp and cool, promising rain. The green Ixi crouched down in the grass, his fur being blown by the strong wind and becoming one with the waves of green. Jagger looked behind him, seeing the land of Meridell in the distant haze, almost as if it was in the clouds. Ahead of him, the grass stretched as far as the misty horizon. Jagger stood and took up a brisk, steady trot, descending the ridge and letting Meridell fade into the distance.

     Rain began to fall, and the sky became ominously dark. Occasionally, the sky flickered with distant lightning, followed by a low rumble of thunder. Jagger knew he was close. Although he could not see very far through the rain and fog, he knew he was almost there. Meridell was long gone, and he missed it already. Jagger's fur was drenched, and the Ixi was tired and hungry. He sat down for a minute, closing his eyes as the rain got him wetter still. Jagger suddenly realised how cold he was. The wind picked up, and the rain fell harder. Jagger curled up and raised his head, but there was no shelter in sight. The thunder was louder now, and closer, with lightning lighting up the black sky frequently. He lowered his head again, pressing himself low to the ground and pulling his legs in even tighter. The thunder became a distant roar in Jagger's ears, the rain a distant sensation of cool water on his back, and the green Ixi fell asleep in the storm.

     Jagger awoke slowly, not opening his eyes until recalling where he was, and what had happened. He then stood and shook his damp coat. There was a thick fog surrounding him again, but the sun was up and the sky was cloudless. He sucked in a deep breath of cool morning air and stretched, then yawned and closed his eyes. Yes, Meridell was far away now, and he could not go back. Not yet, anyway. Maybe someday, he'd return, Jagger decided. But the Ixi shook the thoughts away and began a fast gallop into the mist.

     By noon, the fog had risen and Neopia Central was clearly visible to Jagger. He thought of the shops, and how much food must be there. He was very hungry, and still quite tired from his previous day's journey. He walked ahead, kept going only by the hope of finding food. The first shop Jagger came to was the food shop. Eagerly, the green Ixi trotted in. A yellow Chia stood behind the counter, watching the store carefully. Seeing the pet alone, the Chia shifted uneasily. After a few minutes of watching the Ixi, he finally barked out, "Stray pet! Help, stray pet!" A moment later, the ugliest Techo Jagger had ever seen strode into the shop. Jagger had never been to Neopia Central, but he was smart enough to know that he was in trouble, and the Techo was looking for him. The Ixi darted into another isle and crouched down, listening for any danger.

     The Techo stared at the creature stonily, before it ran off and hid somewhere. "Sure, make my life harder," he growled under his breath. He sauntered down the isle, expecting to find a dumb Ixi crouching behind there with closed eyes, shying away from him. But to his surprise, there was no pet. The Techo spun suddenly to face the doors as they swung open and the green Ixi ran away. "Call for help!" the Techo shouted at the shopkeeper before pursuing his victim.

     Jagger didn't know where he was finding the strength to run. All he knew was he had to run. No, he realized-he couldn't run. He had to hide. Even if he could run, someone would notice him, so thin and dirty and tired. Jagger darted behind buildings and trees, avoiding the road. He could hear people yelling and knew he was terribly outnumbered. This had not been his plan at all. A large shop with two shields on it was ahead, and Jagger saw it was Defence Magic. Having temporarily lost the Techo, he slipped inside, hiding from the shopkeeper's sight.

     Jagger crouched low behind a large box, barely breathing. He could see out the shop doors that his enemies had ran past. But then he heard footsteps, drawing near. Jagger looked behind him, seeking to fall away into the shadows and become invisible. He sank back, his hooves ready to strike should he be noticed. A young girl strode down the nearest isle, her pet blue Uni beside her. The Uni sniffed some food, then shook her mane and pawed the ground in disgust. Then, she noticed a figure crouched in the shadows. She flicked her silky tail in amusement, and started forward. But then she was knocked flat as a green Ixi launched itself at her and struck out with its sharp hooves. The Uni leaped to her feet to retaliate, but two small horns pierced her side at once. She whipped around to stab the attacker with her sharp, gleaming horn, but there was nothing there. Again, she felt two hooves thrust into her neck. The blue Uni was knocked flat and Jagger reared up and pawed at the it. The Uni regained her footing and slashed back, narrowly missing the Ixi with her horn. Jagger leaped back and watched the girl rush to her pet's side. The Uni looked around, searching for the Ixi. Jagger didn't stay though. In a flash he was out the door and running back toward the food shop.

     The Techo and his team were on Jagger's tail again. Jagger felt sick and tired, and his stomach was burning from hunger. He didn't know how he was going on, or why. The Ixi spotted a clump of trees outside the city, and headed for it desperately. He made a clever loop, hiding behind the Neolodge and then circling the arcade before crossing behind the auction house and hospital. Jagger heard the Techo shouting orders to search for the Ixi, and bring him to the pound immediately. Jagger shook his head. It was all too much. He was an outlaw, a criminal. He couldn't go back to Meridell, he couldn't stay here. Jagger shook the thoughts away and drifted to sleep, dreaming of home.

     Jagger woke up quickly, standing and tensing alertly. A sound had awoken him. Not a loud sound. No, this was a soft sound, of someone sneaking up on him like one of the thieves in Meridell. He looked around, ready to run or charge. He then saw the source of the sound. A girl was making her way towards him, unthreateningly, but not without purpose. He pawed the ground menacingly, but she continued to come near him. Jagger, desperate to scare her off, bluffed a charge, but he was so weak it was ineffective. His legs were weak under him, and he couldn't stand firm. The girl was next to him now, her brown eyes filled with concern.

     "You all right?" she asked the green Ixi.

     Jagger didn't respond. Even if she meant no harm now, she would once she heard of his recent past. The girl snapped a collar on the Ixi and led him forward, but Jagger just collapsed outside the patch of trees. "Who are you?" he said, just above a whisper.

     "I'm Erin," the girl responded. Then, a mean voice cried out.

     "Look, get them!" the Techo shouted. Immediately, three other officers were rushing at the girl and Ixi. Jagger closed his eyes and listened as the girl stopped the attackers.

     "What are you doing?" she demanded. "This is my Ixi. Get out of here."

     The officers looked at each other in confusion, then the Moehog cleared his throat and responded, "This Ixi needs to come with us, he's in some trouble."

     But the girl didn't give in. "I'm sorry about whatever he did. Here's 500 NP for repairs. Bye now." With that, she lifted the Ixi into her arms and walked off, away from the Techo and his team.

"That was close," Erin said to Jagger and she set him down next to the Money Tree. "What'd ya do?"

     Jagger sat up and looked at the girl closely. She was tall and lean, with dark hair and eyes. The Ixi decided he had nothing to lose, and a lot to gain. "A lot," he began.

Erin looked at him a wrinkled her brow. "That narrows it down," she said sarcastically.

     "I was in the food shop, then the Techo came to capture me, so I ran into the Defence Magic Shop," he explained. "While I was hiding there, a Uni discovered me, so I attacked it. I ran back, and hid in the trees."

     Erin nodded understandingly and stood up. "Wait here," she said. Then added, "You'll be fine."

     Jagger rested his head on the grass and watched Erin go. When she was out of sight, he used his remaining strength to drag himself across the road and hide behind the Neolodge Jagger didn't trust anybody. A minute later, Erin returned holding a few things. Jagger watched her as she stared at the spot he had left, then turned to take something out of a backpack. A beep sounded below his ear and he jerked around to see what it was. His collar beeped again, and when he turned back, the girl was standing in front of him.

     "I was just getting some food for ya," she said casually as she picked the green Ixi up again and brought him back to the grass. She took some food out of her pack and offered it to the Ixi. "So what's your name?" she asked as she took some food out for herself.

     "Jagger," he said as he stared at the foreign food. "What is it?" he asked suddenly.

     Erin gave him a puzzled look, then laughed. "It's just a burger," she replied as she opened a Neocola.

     Jagger ate it quickly, and then sniffed Erin's pack for more.

     "Here, have an omelette," she offered. "Bacon and Broccoli."

     Jagger ate it quickly, then stood up and walked back to sit beside Erin. To his surprise, she reached over and unsnapped the collar around his neck. "There ya go," she said as she stuffed it into her pack. Jagger stretched and nosed the pack again, but he could tell there was no food left.

     "Well, thanks a lot. I gotta go now," Jagger said slowly.

     Erin smiled. "I guess I'll see you around," she said. "Bye."

     Jagger turned and walked away, towards the PetPet Shop, where he hoped stray pets would be welcome. Inside, tiny petpets jumped in cages, and Neopets browsed excitedly, pleading with their owners to buy them a pet. Jagger sat in front of a window with a Whinny behind it, thinking of Meridell. Suddenly, Jagger was roughly grabbed and put into a net.

     "Gotcha!" the Techo sneered as he dragged the green Ixi out of the shop. He avoided the streets, so the Ixi's friend wouldn't see him, and approached the adoption centre.

     Although Jagger had some of his strength back, he didn't put up a fight. He knew it was useless. The net was made to hold Neopets that fought much more ferociously than he ever could. The Techo grabbed him and tossed him into a small cage that smelled and was dirty. Jagger looked to see if he had water, but the bowl was bone-dry. He sat, cramped in an awkward position, thinking of an escape plan.

     Erin packed her backpack up and stood, wiping the grass clinging to her knees. She was not a newbie, nor a veteran of Neopia. But she had never found a pet she liked. Erin shouldered her pack, then walked over to the adoption centre. This was her routine, and she hoped one day, she'd find a pet that she'd like. Inside, pets were barking, roaring, neighing, and making any noise they could to be found. Erin passed by a Gelert, a Lupe, a Wocky, a Usul, shaking her head at each one. She continued to walk past cages, and gasped when she saw a green Ixi, with its coat dirty and dark with sweat.

     "Jagger!" she exclaimed with the shock evident in her voice.

     Jagger awoke and saw Erin, his eyes lighting up immediately. "Erin? What are you doing here?"

     Erin rolled her eyes at the question. "Jagger, what happened?" she asked.

     "I was in the PetPet store, and the Techo used a net to trap me. Now I'm here," Jagger stared the young girl.

     Erin reached into her backpack and pulled out 126 NP. "I'll be back," she said to Jagger as she ran to the front desk.

     "Welcome to the adoption centre!" the red Uni greeted as Erin strode up.

     "Jagger, the green Ixi in cage 63," Erin said coolly. The Uni gave her a form to fill out and sign, then a collar to show ownership. Erin filled out the sheet, then handed the Uni 126 NP and grabbed the collar and cage key.

     "Thank you for adopting a pet!" The Uni called as Erin ran back to cage 63.

     Erin slid the key into the lock and the cage door swung open. Jagger leaped out and allowed his new owner to slip a collar on him. "Thanks," he said as the two ran outside.

     Erin grinned, and rubbed his head. "You bet," she responded. "But I suggest you stay with me at least until you get to know this place a little better," she added. "Neopia is a dangerous place, and a pet without an owner isn't going to last long."

     Jagger nodded. "Yeah, that Techo really doesn't like me. I'm not leaving you again."

     Hearing Jagger say that, Erin looked him over carefully. "I'm not big on keeping pets perfectly clean and groomed, but you look like you really need to get cleaned up," she told her new pet. Jagger's fur was streaked with brown, and mud had obviously dried on him. The rain had made his fur dull and sickly looking, and a few ribs stuck out, showing he had been starving.

     Jagger frowned. He didn't want a bath, ever. "I hate baths," he said.

     Erin laughed. "No, I'm not going to give you a bath. The river is clean enough to get some of that scum off of you. And you could use some more food."

     Jagger smiled at Erin, really liking his new owner. "Where is the river?" he asked.

     "This way, come on," Erin broke off to the right, and Jagger happily followed at her heels.

The End

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