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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 48 > Articles > Is Brucey B EVER Going To Pack Up?

Is Brucey B EVER Going To Pack Up?

by cloudknight

LOST DESERT - Yes, that little Bruce sitting at his War Tent waving to everyone who visits him. When will he pack up? The battle's been over for quite sometime but the Bruce still sits there waving. It was my job to find out why he still had not packed up.

I took my Neopets Visor and a fan that ran on batteries and headed to the Lost Desert. It isn't very lost anymore is it?

There was a large crowd at the Fruit Machine so I had to wait a few hours before getting near that tent. There were too many people to pass through and many Neopians in flight with their flying Neopets. So I could not pass on land or up in air.

By nightfall, most of the people had went home. So I didn't waste anytime getting to Brucey's tent. I made a little stop at the Food Stall for some food for I had not eaten since I had gotten there.

Then slowly I walked toward the tent in the severe heat. My fan had ran out of power and my visor's plastic part had melted. But finally I had reached my destination. So I drank some water and took out my Notepad.

Cloudknight: Mr. B?

There was no reply.

Cloudknight: Mr. B?!?!

Brucey: Wahh...? What the? What are you doing at my tent? You are not even ready for battle! Suit up! Suit up!

Cloudknight: Um. Mr. B. Mr. B! The battle is over sir. Can you not see that the tents and buildings are all standing?

Brucey: But they are coming! They are coming!

Cloudknight: No one is coming you mediocre Cheat! player! Get a hold of yourself!

Brucey: How dare you! I shall beat you in Cheat!. If I win you must do what I say. If you win I must do what you say.

So we played a game of Cheat!. As I said before... he was mediocre.

Cloudknight: I beat you. So here is my request. Why are u still here? Even your signs say that the Battle is Over!

Brucey: Ah.. Yes. I am still here because I am a soldier! The battle may been over but the war is not! Can you not see my tent is a "war" tent. It is not a battle tent! Now be off with you! I must look out for the enemy.

Cloudknight: OK... [whispering] freak.

Brucey: I heard that!

So there you have it folks. One of the most unnoticed places now noticed. And one more thing: Why does Brucey B talk like an old man?

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