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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 47 > Continuing Series > Neopets Gone Live: The Good, The Bad, The Adventure of a Lifetime: Part Five

Neopets Gone Live: The Good, The Bad, The Adventure of a Lifetime: Part Five

by rokuman

Chapter Eighteen: DNA ARMOUR NEOGIZE!
"Where are you mighty Shoyru," the Jelly Chia laughed.

"Flamramon we're outnumbered by a myriad army from Neopia," I exclaimed, "and the others probably are fight too."

"Rokuman, I'd made a promise to protect you and that's what I'll do," Flamramon said trying his best to shield me from the Chias. "You're aren't the only one who wishes the others were here. Hmm, what's that." He said as a portal opened to reveal one human, a husky, an Usul, and… Stinger?

"Jake, is that you?" I called out running to him.

"Gahhhh," the Usul shrieked, "Human, I told you that I'm afraid of the light, now I'm melting…" The Shadow Usul faded away like Esophagor and Garoo did.

"Jake," I started to say, "you tricked her didn't you." I didn't know that Chiazilla had puffed some fire at me.

"Kento watch out!" Jake said tackling me out of the way, "Kento are you all right?"

"I'm okay," I chuckled then I remembered Garon, "Garon there is an army of Chias with you're name all over."

"Chias," he said with slobber foaming up, "I'm there." He constantly started to have a Chia all you can eat lunch buffet as he ran scaring every Chia in sight.

"Garon!" Jake and I shouted, "Leave the Jelly and the wannabe Godzilla to us."

Then our Neoports beeped in "DNA ARMOUR ACTIVATED."

"Well shall we see what this does?" I suggested.

"For the future of the World, I'm with you," Jake replied.

"Then let's do it to it," we shouted, "DNA ARMOUR NEOGIZE!"

"FLAMRAMON DNIZE TO!" Flamramon shouted as his body was dissolving into DNA patterns.

"STINGER DNIZE TO!" Stinger shouted as his body dissolved into DNA patterns too. The two Neopets were forming into a single body of power.

"Part Flaremon," I said.

"Part Sting," Jake said.

"And together they become…" Jake and I tracked off.

"Metal-Flamemon," the new Neopet shouted, "I am the DNA forms of Sting and Flaremon. I had also combined the elements of steel and fire to create my massive form of power. Now stand back."

Jake and I ran for cover. As we ran I thought, Does Shenlon and Konami DNize too?

Seoul, Korea

"Meilin, I don't I can fight him much longer," Konamizunagi gasping for air.

"Persistence," Meilin replied, "Never, never, never, give up when the going gets tough. We can't give up. Konamizunagi try some cold water attacks."

"I'll try," Konamizunagi replied, "Tsumetai Mizu No Reji Ata-ku!" [Cold Water of Rage Attack.] Konamizunagi formed a water ball in her hands and threw it at the Grundo.

"You think water will defeat…" The Grundo stopped bragging, "Cold, cold, this water foreeeezingggg!" He ran one block down to where the Seoul Korean air flight to Tokyo is.

"A ticket for two to Japan and hurry," Meilin said to the attendant. "Alrighty little girl here you go," the attendant said giving Meilin the tickets.

"Thank you very much," Meilin said as she and Konamizunagi got on the plane.

"Stop your running, Grundo," Konamizunagi and Meilin said running after the Spider Grundo, and jumped unto the plane to Tokyo. The plane that they were on started to take off.

Beijing, China

"Aiie," Meuku said running towards the next plane to Japan.

"Oh no you don't," Shin, Shenope, and Balthazar said chasing the disgusting trail of Meuku.

"Shadow Blast," Shenope shot a Shadow Bomb at Meuku to slow down a bit.

Shin ran up to the flight counter, "I need three tickets to Japan right away."

"You're just in luck," the attendant said giving Shin the tickets.

"Thanks," Shin said as he Shenope, and Balthazar got on the plane.

"Got you now Meerca," Balthazar said snapping his teeth at Meuku. As soon as they got on the plane it, it took off.


"Take you for flying and have a nice day," the flight attendant said. "Gate 10 and 11 for Flights Beijing and Seoul has just arrived."

"You're getting away that easily," Meilin and Shin said accidentally running into each other, "Oof. Sorry." They looked up to each other.

"Meuku watch out the girl has a water pet," the Grundo trembled.

"And the boy has shadow pet and I'm afraid of the dark," Meuku trembled back.

"Meilin are you okay?" Shin asked helping her up.

"Yeah, thanks Shin," Meilin complimented.

"Kimizuno, we can take these two easily," Konamizunagi said.

"No doubt about it," Shenope agreed, "Shadow Bomb!" Throwing the bomb.

"Ice Cold Waters of Earth Submerge!" Konamizunagi shouted, doing a bitter cold version of her Waters of Earth Attack.

"Nooooo!" the two henchmen said, dissolving into nothing.

"We did it," the four of them rejoiced. Crash!

"There are two monsters outside!" some Japanese guy shouted.

Meilin, Shin, Konamizunagi, and Shenope rushed to the nearest window and saw Metal-Flamemon and Chiazilla exchanging attacks.


"Meilin shall we?" Shin asked.

"You betcha," she replied.

"DNA ARMOUR NEOGIZE!" Shin and Meilin shouted.

"KONAMIZUNAGI DNIZE TO!" she shouted as she turned into DNA form.

"SHENOPE DNIZE TO!" Shenope shouted as he turned into DNA form too. The two Neopets were forming into a single body of nature.

"Part Konami," Meilin exclaimed. "Part Shenlon," Shin exclaimed.

"And together they form…" Shin and Meilin said trailing off.

"Kasumizunami!" the new Neopet shouted. "I'm the DNA forms of Konami and Shenlon, I have used the stones of Shadow and Water to make the protector of Nature. And I am that protector."

"Meilin, Shin is that you?" I said running up to them.

"Kento, Jake it's good to see you," Meilin said hugging us both.

"So Kasumizunami is the DNA form of both Konami and Shin," Jake observed.

"Hey Balthazar," I said patting him on the head.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Garon could use your help with kicking some Chia buttocks," I explained.

"For the love of Neopia," he said running out of the airport to join his brother.

"Sizzling Hero Kick," Metal-Flamemon said, kicking the oversized Chia.

"Roooooooooooooarrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Chiazilla roared deleting into data.

"That was close," we all sighed.

"But the Jelly is still out there," I pointed.

"What's next?" Meilin reprised.

Chapter Nineteen: Jelly Chia's last resort
"Jelly give up we have you corned," my friends and I said, "We got Lupes and we are not afraid to use them."

"This is crazy," the Chia said with a sweat dripping on his forehead. Our pets are in their normal state and are ready to attack if the Chia made any sudden movements.

But we knew that if Sloth appeared suddenly we would have to Dnize our pets to defeat him. So we held our stuff in case he shows up.

"Now tell us where is your master hiding?" Jake questioned him.

"Never," the Jelly refused.

"Come on if you tell us we'll let you go," Shin compromised.

"Okay I'll tell you," he said. "He's going to attack the Emperor of this Country.

My heart started to pound hard again, No not Emperor Akahito.

"Yes emperor Akahito is my master's target," the Chia squealed, "Now let me go."

"Garon, Balthazar we got the information we need," I said, "we can not let Jelly get to Sloth before us, eliminate him."

"Kento are you sure?" Flaremon asked.

"Kento's right Flaremon," Shin backed me up, "we can't take any chances. Do it."

"If you say so," Garon shrugged, "Balthazar let's do it." The two attacked the Jelly and it was deleted.

Chapter Twenty: The Last Battle
"We need to get to the Imperial Palace right away guys," I said as we ran down the street towards the palace, "Japan has a long history of Emperors as long anyone remembers. Unlike other countries, except for Hawaii of course, Japan always had the Yamato Dynasty. And I don't think anyone would want a bunch of Neopets to ruin it. So it's up to us to save Japan. Are you with me?"

"That's quite a speech Kento," Shin said, "Of course I'm in, after all Japan did borrow a lot of stuff from China and Korea."

"I guess I'm in too," Meilin said, "Japan was once a powerful nation, it had a great Empire containing Taiwan, parts of China, parts of Russia, the Koreas, the Philippines, all the way down to Papa New Guinea."

"Hawaii was the reason the USA had joined World War II," Jake continued, "the Japanese is one of America's most powerful allies too. That's why I'm in."

"Guys thanks," I said with tears in my eyes, "Let's save Emperor Akahito."

"Right," we all said.

One Hour Later…

"We are just a few blocks from the gates guys," I shouted, "If Sloth is in there we need to Armourize then DNize, got it?" They nodded their heads yes.

We took out our Neoports and Codestones, then shouted, "NEO ARMOUR ENERGIZE!" Our pets changed into their regular forms and we got ready to DNize, "DNA ARMOUR NEOGIZE!" Metal-Flamemon and Kasumizunami appeared.

As if were on cue an army of Grundos stormed out of the gates.

"Brother they need help," Garon said as our DNA pets fought the Grundo army, "By the time they get to Sloth those guys will be worn out."

"Time to be the heroes?" Balthazar suggested.

"It's about time," Garon confirmed. At that moment, Balthazar and Garon were shrouded by light that meant that a miracle is about to occur. The fighting had ceased for a while, and then our Neoports were beeping then a light beaming out towards the two Lupes as they were going to DNize.

"Balthazar DNize to…" Balthazar howled.

"Garon DNize to…" Garon joined in.

"Galandar, the Warrior of Persistence," the new pet shouted, "Shin, Kento, Meilin, Jake, I'll fight these wannabe Storm Troops, while you guys go on for Sloth. No buts." He then started attacking the Grundo Army one squadron at a time.

"Guys Ike!" I shouted as we stormed into the palace to the main chamber. I peaked into an open room and saw the Emperor and the Prime Minister tied up to wooded posts of some sort. I ran into the room and started to untie the knots.

"Your journey ends now Neo-Brat," Sloth said calmly aiming the Ray at my back, "You are full of energy boy. I thought your friend Jake was like that, but I knew better not to jump to conclusions. No I don't plan on doing that at all. Ah yes now I must destroy you once and for all." He was about to pull the trigger, then my Neoport started to glow. It shot light at Sloth. "What's this Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhh!" Sloth said his final words then he simply vanished. My Neoport dropped dead on the floor and stopped activating.

"Kento are you all right?" Flaremon said as he flew to my side.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, "But we didn't really destroy Sloth."

"That's the weirdest part of this whole mess," Shin said.

Galandar walked toward us, then he was starting to split apart. Zoop! Balthazar and Garon were now present.

"Kento this world has to forget about what happened and there is only one solution," the two Lupes said, "And that's to transport Flaremon, Konami, Shenlon, Sting, Balthazar, and I back to our home. And once you do, all but you four will forget that this event occurred."

"Okay, the only computer that has Neopet access is mine," I shouted, "we can do it there.

"Or you can use the place's computer," the Emperor said to us.

"Really?" I asked.

"It's a pleasure!" he replied.

"All right Neoports ready?" I asked, pointing my Neoport as the North end towards the six pets, Meilin pointed hers' as the East End, Shin had his the South end, and Jake was the West End.

We all blessed our good byes and thank yous, shouted, "NEOPIAN PORTAL OPEN!"

Our pets transformed into data then transported back to the Neopian World. The others and I parted and headed on home too. Went our separate ways and hoped one day we'd be united soon. The damages from the previous fights were gone as if they didn't happen. I walked right into my apartment where my mother was worried.

"Mom what's wrong?" I asked.

"Miko is missing," she replied.

"Mom I just took her to the vets today," I lied, "Didn't you remember?"

"Oh Kento that's nice," she sighed as Miko purred herself to sleep

Epilogue Although no one had learned how Sloth was destroyed or why. But all I know it meant that a more powerful monster has stepped forward. But that's another Adventure…

The End

Author's Note: Regarding chapter fourteen, "Attack of the Chias", Chia owners, I'm not trying to say that Chias are bad pets, but if the Jelly Chia is involved in anything then might as well have an army of Chias.

Special Thanks to gundamblaze, scriptfox, and those who supported me.

Hope you enjoyed Neopets Gone Live, because the NGL2 is on its way, it will have new Neoports, new Neo-Chosen Children, and a new enemy, who is very notorious.

Previous Episodes

Neopets Gone Live: The Good, The Bad, The Adventure of a Lifetime: Part One

Neopets Gone Live: The Good, The Bad, The Adventure of a Lifetime: Part Two

Neopets Gone Live: The Good, The Bad, The Adventure of a Lifetime: Part Three

Neopets Gone Live: The Good, The Bad, The Adventure of a Lifetime: Part Four

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