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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 11th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 44 > Continuing Series > Balthazar and Luna_8080's Moon Charm: Part Four

Balthazar and Luna_8080's Moon Charm: Part Four

by fire_faerie_8080

I woke up very stiff and sore.

"Oh! What happened to me," I groaned sitting up.

"Shh, it's okay you have some visitors though," the Fire Faerie said.

I looked around and I ran to my family.

"Mum, Chloe, Cherish!" I cried hugging them all.

"We were all so worried about you," said fire_faerie_8080 very happy from being reunited with her youngest pet.

"What is going on?" asked Chloe concerned.

I then poured out the whole story.

"I have one question though," I asked turning to the Fire Faerie, "Why did you think I was an impostor?"

"Air Faerie came by saying that an impostor of you was going around attacking faeries and to look out for you saying something about telling us something was important leading us away and then attacking."

"What are we going to do?!" I cried.

"I don't know but whatever we do we must not let Balthazar get that Charm," said the Fire Faerie.

Then I felt like I was hit with a ton of bricks.

"Too late!" yelled Balthazar as he picked me up by my wings.

"Help! Let me go," I cried struggling.

"Water Jet," cried our Cherish as she blasted Balthazar right in the face.

"Magic Pebbles!" yelled Chloe as she pelted him wherever she could but he didn't even flinch.

"I call upon the Wand of the Light Faerie to cast a spell!" yelled out fire_faerie_8080. She had borrowed it from Air Faerie's weapon closet.

Still nothing was working. Then in came the worst nightmares our lives. Air Faerie glowing black and then Amy glowing red. I then became very angry and remembered that I now had abilities too.

"Flash!" I yelled in anger blinding Balthazar and him dropping me I was slightly winded but it didn't matter.

"While everyone was taking the opportunity to attack Balthazar I snuck up behind Amy and took off the chip. She immediately went to attack Balthazar but then Air Faerie turned to me.

"Give up fighting is useless," she said looking at me with those glowing black eyes.

"I won't give up," I yelled back but before I could attack her she attacked me.

She took out her Sword of Domar and then the real battle began.

I leapt out of the way of her first attack but she was swift. I dodged left and right I jumped and ducked. But soon I was cornered there was no way out. Then I had my Sword of Domar attached to my back I quickly drew it out and stopped her attack. I was back in the game.

Soon we were both dealing fierce blows. We had both inflicted damage on each other. We were both bruised and had several cuts. Finally I stunned Air Faerie with my last ounce of strength using Flash and ripped off the chip. I fell to the ground exhausted. I felt like I would never move again. I was on my side my wings were stretched out behind me my arms in front of no longer holding the sword the chip merrily crackling in the fire and my legs stretched out. I was actually quite comfortable until I saw something was standing over me it was Balthazar. He picked me up my the wings I didn't even try to struggle.

"It's over you pathetic fool your energy is gone you are beaten... it's over," he said the light of victory in his eyes.

I looked him straight in the eye and said, "You are the fool if you think you have won," then he hurled me across the room right into the wall.

"Leave her alone you big bully nobody messes with my family and gets away with it!" yelled out Air Faerie.

I picked up my sword and leaned on it as I struggled to my feet.

"Luna are you all right?" asked Air Faerie.

"I'm fine!" I yelled back.

I held my sword aloft in a fighting stance.

"You may now have your sister on your side but that won't stop me!" yelled Balthazar as he walked over towards me.

I attacked him with a fierceness I never knew I had. Even that wore out soon. Then he picked me up by the wings and ran for it and he even jumped through an upper story window but he landed on that Brown Uni and then I was flying over the ocean. I was very tired and hurt by then. I could hear the roar of the Whirlpool. I thought the end was coming. I didn't have any weapons the backpack had been ripped off and my sword I dropped right before we jumped out the window.

"Hand it over now and I will let you live or if not I am strong enough to find it in the Whirlpool," he sneered.

"You know what Balthazar you lose!" I yelled and used Flash and he dropped me but I was able to fly and get clear of the Whirlpool.

When Balthazar was finally able to see again he became more enraged than ever.

"You must like the thought of dying then you pitiful fool," he yelled at me.

"Hah maybe you can pick us off one by one but you're outnumbered," I yelled back noting with satisfaction the gleaming dots in the near distance.

"Yeah if they get here in time," he growled and before I knew what had happened I was under the sea.

I was struggling to rise to the surface as more bubbles escaped from my mouth. When I finally reached the surface I tried to shout for help but was pulled back under. I savagely kicked my attacker in the face and swam to the surface to breath. I got a good breath and as I was beginning to fly into the air and shout for help I was once again pulled under. Though this time Air Faerie had heard me. I was being pulled deeper and deeper but I then I felt a pair of hands grab me and begin to pull upward. I looked up into the eyes of my sister. Suddenly I felt new hope surge through me I became determined I felt a great surge of power I kicked away and in a few swift motions I broke the surface my sister by my side and soon we were in the air. I noticed a funny thing was happening my charm was glowing very brightly. Then it grew into a staff. It glowed brightly and as Balthazar came spluttering to the surface I attacked. I used moves I never knew I had. I even shot stuff out of the staff. Soon I was glowing orange.

"Balthazar you won't hurt the Faeries!" I boomed holding the staff above my head.

By this time Balthazar had been battered but he was on his last leg of strength.

"That is what you think," he mumbled as he leapt at me and grabbed the staff.

Thankfully I still had a hold of the staff but I stopped glowing he began to glow black it was like he was sucking the power out of me. I held my breath I felt as if I was going to faint but then I came back into sharp focus. He had let go of the staff and I began to glow again. It was Jhudora she attacked Balthazar and brought the rest of the Uber Faeries to help.

"Look out!" I cried at the Faeries as Balthazar once again grabbed onto the staff.

I watched in horror as he pointed the staff straight at the Fire Faerie my breathing was becoming laboured I struggled to keep consciousness. I could see the world go in and out of focus. Finally I snapped out of it. I steadied myself took a deep breath and jerked the staff so it pointed right into the middle of nowhere. It shot a beam of light and then I wrenched it free of Balthazar's grasp. I threw myself right at him and knocked him off the Uni into the water soon he was at the mercy of the faeries he was banished from Faerieland forever and then my staff turned back into a simple charm. Suddenly I felt so drained and exhausted I thought I was going to pass out. Fortunately my sister Air Faerie and the Fire Faerie both noticed and caught me before I even fell. I fainted and was having a beautiful dream but soon I came to and I was somewhere comfortable. I was laying on a cloud. I coughed and alerted those who were around me.

"Luna are you all right!" cried out Air_Faerie_8080 in distress.

"I'm fine," I whispered.

"Hardly," snorted the Water Faerie, "Balthazar almost destroyed you!"

"We'll talk later," I sighed and rolled over and fell asleep.


Ah I must say I have been having a glorious holiday the Faeries confiscated the Charm the though I knew that was going to happen. They are actually letting us stay in the castle. It is amazing you barely go anywhere without bumping into Faeries. The Fire Faerie seems fond of me and we are currently working out an apprenticeship to improve my skills. Cherish is out and about learning as much about healing as she can. You constantly see Air_Faerie_8080 walking around with the Air and Light Faeries. The Earth Faerie can be seen walking around with Chloe sometimes just talking about this, that, and the other. Then curiously Jhudora has been into see me several times even though the Queen Faerie and my mum fire_faerie_8080 detest it. The Uber Dark Faerie stays away she knows that it would make everyone feel uncomfortable but I talked with her a bit just to cheer her up and say no hard feelings of course. Anyway things are pretty much back to normal and under control. The Grand Reopening of the Ultimate Fire Faeries (UFF) is currently being planned. I hope to be there. Well this can be put one way we all lived happily ever after, maybe. Who knows when another adventure will pop up but I bet I'll be there. Oh, one last thing... poor Amy is staying in the castle too she and her mum sweety3602 are for a while anyway. This is Luna_8080 and this is my story.

The End

Author's Note: Hello happy fans! I hope you enjoyed this story I got tired of using the Dark Faerie so I decided why not use Balthazar then I can still put my favourite Neopians in the story. I hope you like it. Feel free to Neomail and as for the guild I really do have a guild called the Ultimate Fire Faeries and amy3460 and sweety3602 are real people so feel free to Neomail them too. I would also like to thank them for allowing themselves to be included in my story. I would also like to applaud her because she is my sister and gave me the idea for a Rainbow Scorchstone so I would like to thank her and her idealistic head. Well this is fire_faerie_8080 signing off and looking out for a new adventure to pop up in my pet's zany lives. Thanks to all again.
Previous Episodes

Balthazar and Luna_8080's Moon Charm: Part One

Balthazar and Luna_8080's Moon Charm: Part Two

Balthazar and Luna_8080's Moon Charm: Part Three

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