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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 43 > Articles > The Terrors of Neopia: A Survival Guide

The Terrors of Neopia: A Survival Guide

by bluescorchio104

SCARY CAVE - The Terrors of Neopia? You probably have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Well, I'm talking about the various monsters, such as the Monocerous, Lava Ghoul and Meuka the Mucus Meerca. These monsters could tear you limb from limb, and grind your intestines to a pulp, and finish you off without even exerting 0.0000001% of their full strength. Scared yet? You should be. Due to the rampaging beasts roaming around Neopia, I've decided to formulate a guide to help you and your Neopets survive an encounter with Neopia's fiends.


This fierce bull-like beast paralyses its victims with a single terrifying bellow. Luckily, Jubjubs are immune to this cry (for some crazy, weird, not-even-slightly-likely reason), so if you're friends with one, count yourself lucky. Monoceri (the plural of Monocerous) seem to be aware of the immunity of Jubjubs, and are subsequently wary of all Jubjubs, so if you're desperate to be protected from roaming Monoceri, you could:

a) Carry around a Jubjub plushie.

b) Gather up some spare pocket lint and stick them onto your body with glue, in order to impersonate a Jubjub.

c) Stuff you ears with cotton wool and wax.

Beware, though, because none of these solutions are 100% guaranteed to protect you, so if you get eaten, don't blame me.

Swamp Ghoul

If you're lost in a murky swamp, caught in a fog that has suddenly appeared for no logical reason whatsoever, feel a cold chill in the air, and detect the reek of evil in the air (though whatever evil smells like I have no idea), chances are you're about to have a encounter with a Swamp Ghoul. Swamp Ghouls prey on lonely Neopians, so the best way to avoid these spectres is to always have friends around, or get your Neopet a Petpet to keep it company.

Lava Ghoul

Luckily, there is only one Lava Ghoul in Neopia, and fortunately for us, he spends most of his time at the Wheel of Excitement. Although he's originally from Mystery Island, he travels all over Neopia, and his hot lava breath, combined with his extendable fiery tongue, makes him a formidable foe. The obvious solution is to carry around a few Bottles of Water, but if you don't want to lug them around everywhere, just teach your Neopet a few water abilities, like Drench or Water Jet, and you'll have a good chance of surviving with all your limbs intact after bumping into the Lava Ghoul.

Ghost Lupe The Ghost Lupe is the result of a brave Lupe Knight attempting to rescue his bride. Romantic, huh? Well, there's nothing romantic about this phantom, due to his bad temper and vengeful spirit. He will rarely try to help the occasional lucky Neopian, but more often than not he'll try to obliterate you. No worry, though, with the help of a 3.5 million Air Faerie Fan, you can literally blow him away. If you can't afford an Air Faerie Fan though, you can buy a less effective Basic Hair Dryer from the Battle Magic Shop for a few hundred NP.

Shadow Usul

The Shadow Usul, night black, and pitch dark, will definitely give your Neopet a nasty scare, although she (that's right, The Shadow Usul is a female) rarely steals, and though she is quite capable of nastily injuring you and your Neopet, the odds are that she won't. A Filamen, with their ability to light up, are good protection against the shadowy, far from insubstantial flesh of the Shadow Usul.

Spider Grundo

The unique result of Dr. Sloth's horrible experimentation on an innocent Grundo, the Spider Grundo is vicious, ruthless, and above all, extremely sly and cunning. Do not, under any circumstances, venture into his web, for that only spells instant death. The strands of his web are unbelievably strong and sticky, and no average blade can possibly cut through it. While the Spider Grundo's web is quite easy to avoid, there are dire consequences should you let your guard down...

Jelly Chia

The bizarre but dangerous Jelly Chia resides inside an old, abandoned chocolate factory, but occasionally ventures out. Even though the Jelly Chia seems irresistibly tasty, don't even think about taking a bite, for he will pounce upon you at once, and envelope you, and slowly dissolve your flesh. You're pretty safe if you don't have a sweet tooth, but if you do, control the urge to chomp away, for it might be the last thing you ever do.

Meuka the Mucus Meerca This is no ordinary Meerca, not by a long snot... erm, shot… for this Meerca has unnaturally sharp teeth, and unusually strong jaws, as well as being composed entirely of snot! In fact, Meuka is renowned for devouring anything in his path, which includes Neopians! Fortunately, Meuka only slithers around the Haunted Woods, so be thankful. Just in case, however, I recommend that you carry around a large supply of Neopkins, and should Meuka ever threaten you, you can frantically wipe away at the snot that makes up his body. Of course, this method is probably too disgusting for most Neopians to handle, but this is the only one of the many ways I can think of protecting yourself against this huge slime ball. Alternatively, you could always carry around some food, and if you're lucky, maybe you'll be able to convince Meuka to eat that instead of you. As my final solution, with the help of some Fake Teeth from the Space Weaponry store and a Slime Potion, you could disguise yourself as a fellow snot Meerca, and maybe even make friends with Meuka, though I think that is highly unlikely.

Pant Devil

The legendary Pant Devil is famous for his acts of thievery. His close relation, the Ice Devil is lesser known, but also steals regularly, and inhabits the Winter World regions of Happy Valley, the Ice Caves and Terror Mountain. Both Devils steal random items from your inventory, and the only way to keep your valuables safe is to put them into your Safety Deposit Box. There seems to be no way to evade these creatures, but if you own a Horus or a Whoot, they will warn you of the approach of the Pant Devil.

Mutant Grundos

Mutated by Dr. Sloth, these once-normal Grundos are now stupid, slow and brutal, but they have incredible strength, far beyond that of any normal creature. Do not attempt to fight any Mutant Grundos that you encounter, instead, try to trick them, and you'll come away unharmed.

Well, that's about it. With this article, you can live a safe, happy and fulfilling life in Neopia. But remember, perilous beasts are not the only hazardous things in Neopia. There are many other things, such as financial ruin, transmogrification, and of course, the evil, malicious, just-plain-not-nice Dr. Sloth. Till next time, but remember, beware!

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