Sludge Sanctuary by _stardust |  |
Welcome to Sludge Sanctuary, I am _Stardust, your tour guide. While others
have tried to figure out the reasons behind people and their love for sludge,
they never seem to actually ask anyone, they just make something up that sounds
good. I am a true sludge lover, and I will tell you why I love my sludge.
Sludge Sanctuary is my gallery's name. Pile of sludges have hard pasts; a
sludge could be something as delicious as a red apple, or a beautiful Faerie
paintbrush, yet now, it is a lowly pile of sludge. And look, the description
says: Eeew... it's a smelly pile of sludge! Now, I ask you this... how would
you feel if someone called you smelly? Not good, eh? So I have created Sludge
What is Sludge Sanctuary you ask? Well! That's simple. It is a place for all
sludges. When an owner has an item turned into a sludge, they most probably
think, "What am I going to do with this thing?" So now, the once wonderful
item is nothing, and upset, thrown to the curb, but here at Sludge Sanctuary
we love sludges, big and small. We offer many things, including: therapy, a
playground, and even schooling. Let me show you around.
The playground is an exciting place for young sludges. They can mingle with
others like them, and talk about their past. Older sludges find it enjoyable
sitting on our picnic tables, and watching the youngsters play. We offer great
playground equipment, such as: Mynci bars, 2 slides (one small, and one large),
3 teeter totters, 2 large jungle gyms, and 4 swing sets (total of 12 swings).
For those new to being a sludge, we offer group therapy. A place where they
can express their feelings and emotions about their new life. They are able
to talk to others who have gone through the same thing, and find help. It is
a relaxing time, and all sludges are welcome; we even have a class for young
Ahh, school. What better then seeing young minds in action? We have an excellent
schooling program, where we teach about the history of the sludge, history of
Neopets, and of course, mathematics! We have classes from pre-school through
Well, that's all for now... hope you enjoyed your stay; if you would like
to find out more about Sludge Sanctuary, please, send me a message!
*** Note, If you have any sludge you are planning to discard, please neomail
me, and we can work something out! Thanks!***