Just a Potion Away: Morphing with Kauvara's Products by sarakrindel |  |
Name, species, gender, colour--the four things determined at a pet's creation.
The name is unchangeable, but the other three properties can be altered. This
two-part article will explore how to do just that.
Except for Newbies, most people know that you can use a paint brush on a pet
to change the colour There are more than enough articles on painting, so I feel
no necessity to talk about this aspect.
Frequently Kauvara's shop is full of the more common morphing potions, which
change pets into a specific species and colours. Usually the plain (meaning
red, blue, yellow, or green) ones are cheaper in the marketplace that from the
shop direct, frequently under 10,000 NP. Users of the Lab Ray, people who didn't
like their pet's makeover, or those who are just tired of their pet's species
are the ones who like to use these potions most.
Jetsams, Cybunnies, Poogles, Koi, and Chombys, the limited edition pets besides
the Tonu, have morphing potions which as far as I know, work. It makes me wonder
what species a pet which has been morphed counts in the popularity statistics.
However they are very pricey (there will be more discussion of getting limited
edition pets in the next part).
There is also quite an array of non-plain morphing potions. A lot of them
*are* unbuyables (an unbuyable is an item which is rarely available in the shops
for less than 100,000 NP, the un-sellable limit), or very expensive. However
they can be money savers too.
Take for example my ex-Pteri, butterfingerbeak. I had wanted a Wocky for a
while, and I especially liked the fire. Fire, Fire, Your Pants on Fire paint brushes
are unbuyable, but there is a "Fire Wocky Morphing Potion". With some refreshing
of the Shop Wizard, I found one for 30,000 NP. I decided to take an abandoned
pet from the adoption agency, and voila! my fire Wocky Even if your pet is already
a Wocky, it's a big price tag difference.
Even if the potion is not cheaper, it is another item to look up on the Shop Wizard, which means you are more likely to find a really cheap item.
Several months ago, when my guild was trying to choose a mascot, it was decided
that it should be a cloud Gelert. At that time cloud paint brushes were around
64,000. However there was a very cheap cloud Gelert morphing potion at 59,999
NP, even though the average price was for that potion was a lot higher. Okay,
only 4,000 saved. But we were also looking for a pet name which fit our guild,
and with the potion we could get a pet of any species, not just Gelert, and
it would become a cloud Gelert With this wider selection, we were able to help
a pet in need at the adoption agency, and our current mascot is Britianca, the
ex-Nimmo cloud Gelert
Here is hopefully a complete list of all the non-plain morphing potions. Don't
get your hopes high, a lot are unbuyable. As prices always go up and down, I
have not bothered to include them too.
Disco Acara
Purple Chia
White Grarrl
Fire Nimmo
Fire Acara
Striped Chia
Striped Grarrl
Purple Peophin
Checkered Acara
Split Chia
Spotted Jetsam
Silver Peophin
Desert Aisha
White Chia
Striped Jetsam
Desert Poogle
Spotted Blumaroo
Purple Eyrie
Halloween Kau
Purple Poogle
Striped Blumaroo
Cloud Elephante
Striped Kau
Spotted Pteri
Halloween Blumaroo
Split Flotsam
Christmas Koi
Rainbow Quiggle
Desert Blumaroo
Striped Flotsam
Stone Lupe
Striped Scorchio
Split Bruce
Skunk Flotsam
Skunk Mynci
Purple Shoyru
Christmas Bruce
White Flotsam
Striped Nimmo
Striped Skeith
Purple Techo
Strawberry Tuskaninny
Striped Tuskaninny
Faerie Usul
Fire Wocky
Purple Zafara
Starry Zafara
shankly wuz here
Unfortunately, Chombys, Cybunnys, Grundos, Jubjubs, Kacheeks, Kikos, Kougras,
Kyriis, Lennys, Meercas, Moehogs, and Unis only have plain morphing potions
currently available. But they're better off than the Buzzes, Krawks, and Tonus
which have no morphing potions at all. Keep an eye on the news page for new
varieties of morphing potions.
Now there are two final morphing products which I know of (though there may
be more) available at Kauvara's. One is the Rainbow Swirly Potion. Anyone who
keeps track of the news and editorials knows that it raises the pet's level
and give him/her a new, random colour (possibly, though unlikely, robot), but
does not change the species. This is a relatively new potion, so it will take
some time for it to get absorbed into the market.
There is also the "strange potion". It looks like a healing potion, but smells
of burned rubber. This unusual brew is supposed to change a pet's gender. This
is an unbuyable, and the Lab Ray + morphing potion if necessary is probably
a better solution (the Lab Ray will be discussed next week).
Morphing potions are not always the best answer. Often they are a downright
mistake. But they can be another option from "I have to pay 70K for the paint brush
I really, really want" and "I don't like my pet anymore - I'll abandon it",
and the more options you have, the more likely you will find a solution which
will cost you less.
Next Week - Unorthodox Means: Alternative Morphing Methods
Have questions? Comments? Feel free to Neomail. I wrote this article to help
others. However, if you think this article is horrible, don't contact me about
it, go write a better one yourself.
Hope you'll find this information useful! |