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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 9th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 30 > Short Stories > Junk Collecting

Junk Collecting

by jimmy_91754

Before I start the story I'll introduce you to Nite_jjj, my Kiko, and his friend Feezifriend, Vinchenzoe's Grundo. Both NeoPets collect useless junk. Nite_jjj specialises in rare and junk that's worth about 50 NP at the most. Feezifriend is into candy wrappers, especially Neodrops. They are teased by three NeoPet bullies. A Lupe named Golden Yo-yo A Jetsam named Pinkboy. And a Grarrl named Grarrl the Girl, nicknamed Girley. Nite_jjj and Feezifriend are mainly teased because they collect useless junk.

"Run for your life," shouted feezifriend.

Nite_jjj and Feezifriend were getting chased by Golden Yo-yo, Pinkboy, and Girley. "OH NO," nite_jjj said the moment Pinkboy grabbed him. A second later he saw Girley take hold of Feezifriend.

"Well, well, well," said Golden Yo-yo "Looks like your gonna be in for it." Golden Yo-yo took out a baseball bat and hit nite_jjj and feezifriend with it, and they went flying. Then finally they crashed into a lake a mile away. Feezifriend heard the laughter of the bullies.

"I despise them," said Nite_jjj.

"Oh well, Nite_jjj," said Feezifriend calmly."As long as we're here let's have some fun."

They started playing in the water. "Let's go exploring underwater," said Nite_jjj. As soon as he finished the sentence Feezifriend started racing to the bottom of the lake.

"Wow," said Feezifriend. He was staring at a chest at the bottom.

"What's the matter," said Nite_jjj. Then he saw feezifriend staring at the chest. "Come on let's get it back up to the surface. Then we can find out what's inside," said Nite_jjj.

When Nite_jjj and Feezifriend got the chest back to the surface they tried opening it. They tried everything but soon they gave up and thought that was an impossible feat.

Near by the three bullies were talking about Nite_jjj and Feezifriend. Nite_jjj could hear them talking.

"Why did we come all the way here, Yo-yo," asked Pinkboy.

"For the millionth time, I want to make sure those two losers are goners," shouted Yo-yo in reply.

"Uh oh," said Nite_jjj in a scared voice.

"What is it?" asked Feezifriend.

Then suddenly Girely jumped out of nowhere and hit Feezifriend.

"Grab the chest," Golden Yo-yo said to Girley. "There must be something valuable in that thing."

Girley grabbed the chest and threw it to Golden Yo-yo. Then Yo-yo broke it open with his paw.

"Awwwww man," said Yo-yo in disappointment. "There's only a dumb book about useless junk in here. Let's go guys."

The bullies left in disappointment. When the bullies left Nite_jjj and Feezifriend raced to the chest when they left. There was a book named Ways of Using Useless Junk. They read a page of the book and they knew what the book was all about.

In that page it read:

Volcanic Rock - best used as a bomb of volcanic ash and lava. Ingredients needed Volcanic Rock, hot water from the rock pool ( will not work if cold ), and a bottle of red sand.

Step 1: Put the Volcanic Rock in the water.

Step 2: Mix with Red Sand

Step 3: Leave it in the water over night. Over night the Volcanic Rock will suck the water up.

How to use: Throw at opponent and when you want it to explode say the secret word all junk collectors know.

Both Nite_jjj and Feezifriend knew the word when they went to the Neopian Useless Junk Convention. The word is Dodo. One of the NeoPets at the convention said it was a magic word all useless junk collectors must know.

Anyway, Nite_jjj went to vinchenzo's NeoHome. Vinchenzo is Feezifriends owner. At his home the NeoPets did what it said in the book and waited over night. In the morning they went to test it.

"What are you doing here. losers," said Yo-yo. "Want to get hit with a baseball bat again."

"You better not get us angry or else," said nite_jjj with a grin on his face.

"What are you doing Nite_jjj," whispered Feezifriend."We don't even know if that thing works."

"What thing," said Girley. "Give to me, Nite_jjj."

"Oh I'll give it to you," said nite_jjj. He threw the volcanic rock at the bullies. Then ran far away.

"That's it," said Pinkboy.

"DODO," shouted Nite_jjj and Feezifriend. At first nothing happened but then BOOM!

"YES," shouted Nite_jjj and Feezifriend at the same time.

The bullies ran away confused about how the volcanic rock exploded.

It couldn't be magic, Yo-yo thought, or could it.

The End

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