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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 15th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 26 > Articles > How to Get Rid of Your Neopoints

How to Get Rid of Your Neopoints

by blackjewelledqueen

The Neopian Times is always full of articles meant to help new (and old) Neopians gain Neopoints quickly and easily. There are help sites all over the Web that claim to have all the answers for most or all of the games that give NP prizes. Practically every other guild offers a program that guarantees to show you how to make 1,000,000 NP in one day, one week, 10 days, or however long they choose to have you believe. Now, we all know that most of these plans aren't possible unless a) you're an expert at the games and can reach the upper limit of reward money every time you play, or b) have a cable modem, DSL, or a higher connection to the Internet so can empty the shelves of each store at restock time. However, aren't all these ideas encouraging greediness and selfishness? I think we should return to the values of the hippies in the sixties. Therefore, I have developed a plan that GUARANTEES you to lose 1,000,000 NP in 10 Days

10. Safety Deposit Box - Avoid at all costs! Anything in here is safe from harm or theft, which means you'll be stuck with more valuable items you'll need to get rid of. I suggest keeping everything in your item box.

9. Make Friends in High Places - The Pant Devil, the Swamp Ghoul, and the Money Tree Ghosts are just a few of the native Neopians you should hang around. If you come in contact with these guys often enough, they're sure to relieve you of a random item (or, if you're lucky, two!). Since all of your expensive things are in your item box for the taking, you should be missing a codestone or two a week, if you're lucky.

8. Stores - Now, these are tricky. In order to get the least out of your selling experience, you need to follow a few guidelines. A good line to remember is, the cheaper, the better. If you're selling a Grand Lightening Beam, for example, look at the estimated value: 12,000 NP. Now, look it up on the Wizard: 40,000. Obviously, you should post it at 12,000 NP. To be safe, and go under the competition, try 10000. It'll sell in no time!

7. Money Tree - I know, I know. This one is controversial. After all, you don't want anyone else to be burdened with too much NP. But, whenever you pass the Money Tree in your daily wanderings, drop off a bit. You know, a faerie here, a white chocolate buzz there, maybe even throw in a few hundred NP. You'd be surprised how much these little offerings add up after a while.

6. Lottery - The national Neopian Lottery is a gold mine. At least 10,000 people play it daily. That means each ticket you buy has a 0.01% chance of winning--it's one of the easiest ways to lose NP! Try to keep your odds under 1 %. That means 100 tickets. At 100 NP each, that means 10,000 NP gone, every day! *note: if, by some twist of fate, you win, all I can say is IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT! You tried your hardest. I'm terribly sorry.

5. Games - If your pet is bored stiff, and absolutely must have some fun time, only go to the games that have little or no rewards. Neowardrobe, Kiko Match 2, and Chomby and the Fungus Balls are excellent choices.

4. Stock Market - This is very simple. Contrary to what most people would have you believe, Buying High, Selling Low is the only way to go!

3. Bank - Do NOT put money in the bank. Not only does it collect interest (making it harder to get rid of that pesky pile of NP), but it also keeps it out of the hands of the ghosts.

2. Quests - This is my personal favourite. Ignore all the quests except for the Brain Tree. Since you can only do ten a day, we must go for the ones with the most wasting power. For each question from the BT, you must do two quests for the Esophagor. Most of these include searches for Gummy Worms (25,000 NP), pumpkin slices (20,000), and more! This means an easy 100,000 NP gone every day, since he rarely rewards you with anything worth more then 500-1000 NP.

These ideas should be enough to get rid of at least 1,000,000 NP in ten days if you follow them faithfully. But, if after that time period you still aren't blissfully broke, try the foolproof way.

1. Discard option - If you click on anything in your item box, you'll notice that one of your choices is to discard them. This is perfect, since the object is now destroyed. You can rest easy knowing that no one else was forced to add your junk to his or hers. You can empty your item box in minutes!

I hope these suggestions lead you to a life in Neopia as free and uncomplicated as mine is! By the way, when you meet her, give my regards to the Soup Faerie!

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