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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 15th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 26 > Articles > Neopian Guide to Better Living Part II: The NeoPet

Neopian Guide to Better Living Part II: The NeoPet

by potebrigitte

Let's face facts, work hard enough long enough and you can get enough Neopoints to buy anything. I am convinced that anyone on NeoPets could be a millionaire within a month, which begs the question, "What's the point?" What's the point of having a million Neopoints in the bank and a huge shop full of every single Neoitem you've run across? What's the point of NeoPets? The pets! I've seen users that have PetPet galleries but own NeoPets that have no PetPet. I've seen people with 10 Wands of the Air Faerie but have a pet who has never entered the Battledome. I've seen stores full of Codestones and the user who owns it has weak pets, owners with Book collections with "average" intelligence pets. Why have all these things if it doesn't benefit the pet? I'm reasonably sure that the only items on here not meant to benefit the NeoPets are the Gift items. Anything else just wouldn't make sense.

Giving up collecting is hard, its really hard and I know because I am an ex-plushie collector. I even keep a few favourites in my shop still, mostly presents but some I just like, but I'll tell you, if it came down to keeping my plushies or training my pets I would pick my pets in a second. It really hit home when I got floose; floose is my Blumaroo and he was my pet the first time I played NeoPets a year and a half ago. When I stopped playing the first time I painted floose striped and put him in the pound. Six months ago when I started playing again I looked him up, he was still striped and no one had trained him. I adopted him and started training him again because I felt so bad for him. How could someone have a pet for a whole year and not train it at all? What were they getting out of NeoPets if they were totally overlooking the pet part? Neostuff? Neojunk?

The Book and Gourmet Clubs are a mixed blessing in my opinion, I think its good that people are reading to their pets and feeding them nice food, but on the other hand you end up with questions in the Editorial Section like, "Is there any way to make my NeoPet hungry?" Its obvious that any good that the Gourmet Club is doing for the pet is secondary for the owner. Its also kind of a shame because people are making gobs of Neopoints of food that would probably be better off in their pets tummies. I wonder how their pet feels about that. I'm guessing the NeoPets only care about food if its being fed to them and PetPets if your giving them one.

On top of it all training a pet isn't as expensive as you might think, you can buy a whole Secret Laboratory Map for 81,000 NP max. and you can replace any species and colour of pet that might get zapped away (except for the Krawk) for under 200,000 NP. Maybe next time while you're adding an unbuyable to your gallery think about how else those Neopoints could be spent. Chances are you could make your pet pretty amazing if you're willing to give up just one of those items. Your NeoPets are worth more than their weight in unbuyables, in fact, a good NeoPet is the only difficult thing to get in Neopia.

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