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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 15th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 17 > Articles > Trophy Troubles

Trophy Troubles

by relationshipper

It seemed like just two months ago that everywhere I looked, everyone had a trophy... but me! Well, I overcame that problem a while ago, and if you're trophy-less and need some help on getting something in your trophy cabinet, grab some Neocola, and read away :)

The Easy Trophy - Ask anyone, and most probably they will say 'CHEAT!!' Cheat! is an easy (but rated Hard) game that is very easy to beat, and not to mention get some Neopoints! There's also Pyramids, GO GO GO, and other card games that shouldn't be too hard :) And don't forget Better Than You trophies (or medals), just get an above average score in a certain game when there is a Better Than You competition going on, and you are one of the first 5000 users to succeed, you get a sweet trophy or medal, and Neopoints.

Battledome Stuff - If you have some time to spare, why not try beating Punchbag Bob? Not very hard, and if you succeed, you get a raggedy Beating Punchbag Bob Trophy!! (not necessarily a good thing... this trophy is as ugly as the Whack-A-Beast trophy, but better you have something then nothing, and it makes your NeoPet(s) look extra strong too)

The Art and Literature Trophies - The Art gallery (aka The Deep catacombs) is lurking with opportunities to get a trophy or two (or more? wow!) If you enjoy writing, why not submit something to The Neopian Times, or if you're great with verses and rhymes, try the Poetry Contest! (and of course, you get an item if you manage to get your poem published :o) Good at drawing? Well make something of it, send your drawing to the Art Gallery, and let everyone admire your purdy picture(s)!

Flash Games - Ouch! This I'm not too good at, maybe you are? If you're score is tops in games like Meerca Chase, Chia Bomber, Whack-A-Beast, Deckswabber, and so on, then this could be your chance to get a cool trophy or maybe some!

Trophies of (pure?) Luck - This refers to trophies from things like the Brain Tree or Fruit machine. Basically, you just have to be very lucky (unlike me!) You can always increase your odds of getting better high scores for Brain Tree Quests by completing more of them, but that will most likely make you lose a lot of Neopoints instead. And of course, the fruit machine is once a day, don't even think about using multiple accounts to play more often or you can kiss your account good-bye!

Okay, so you've read all of the above? Good. So if you are still in pursuit of a trophy or two, please try the above :) Maybe you can finally get rid of the words Trophies : None disappear, which can be quite annoying when do a userlookup on yourself :P

Special trophies - You can't get these anymore!! Don't feel bad if you didn't get any of these, because I didn't either :*| (Well feel special if you're reading this, it took 20 whole minutes to make this list!)

Krawk Cup Champion - You got this one if you guessed Mr. Roboto as the winner of the Deckball Championship a few weeks ago.

Test Game Champion - I'm not too sure where this one comes from, but it does exist. It obviously was from some sort of test game that I don't know about... do you? ;)

Kau Korall Champion - This trophy shows a lovely Kau, and users got this if they got the top scores from the now-defunct game, Kau Korall. If you're wondering what the game was about, I asked someone with a Kau Korall trophy. And the reply was you had to chase the Kaus back into the barn, and your character was the lovable Gelert (or was was it carrot?) who has to do the chasing or something like that. Fun, huh?

Ski Lodge Murder Mystery Champion! - You can still find out what happened and how you could've gotten one of these, just go to Terror Mountain's Mountain Top, then go to the Ski Lodge. Viva Mister Shankly!

Usurper Champion - Wow, another murder mystery? Well at least this time, none of the NeoPets team are victims! In this mystery game, you are the 'detective' and have to scour through everything, maybe take some guesses, and find out who the murderer was! This is located in the Lost Desert, so if you want to read more, just go to the Sakhmet Palace there.

Theme Park Trophies - Back a couple months ago, before theme parks were being taken off NeoPets, players with big theme parks could've gotten a trophy, 3rd place, 2nd, or 1st :)

Tyrannian Army Trophies - Actually, these aren't really trophies! You could've gotten one if you helped free Tyrannia a few months ago.

Lost Desert Battler - I haven't researched much about this one, it has to do with the Lost Desert and the whole Brucey B lucky coin thing. Down with Sloth!

Hmmm...any that I missed? Well, you can Neomail me and yell at me for not mentioning it if you want :T but I'm sure you'll be too busy playing games or thinking of the perfect line for your soon-to-be perfect poem! And that's it! I hope if you're trophy-less now, this article will give you an idea on how you can get some trophies to make your userlookup extra purdy and for whatever reasons why you'd want a trophy :)

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