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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 2nd day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 14 > Short Stories > Painted By Faeries

Painted By Faeries

by hawaiiusa2000

Louria, a shadowed Kougra, brushed her fur, looking into the mirror sadly. Lately she had been wishing desperately to be a faerie Kougra... not by a paintbrush, she didn't quite like the look of that for herself, but a lilac colour with dark purple stripes and a creamy white belly. The wings would be lilac and a baby blue and not quite sharp edged, but a curved edge with dark purple patterns tracing through the wings...

"Louria?! You're going to be late for school!"

Louria smiled to herself in the mirror, golden eyes sparkling then grabbed her backpack and ran out the door of her house.

Louria boarded the school bus and sat down beside her best friend - Koura a spotted Kougra - with a smile. "Hey Koura!" Her golden eyes danced, picture of the faerie Kougra still in her mind... she would be painted by the faeries... not by any ordinary paintbrush... the faeries. "Lour! Are you okay? I must have called your name three times!" Koura laughed and smiled at Louria. "I know what you're thinking about... it's the faerie Kougra isn't it?" Louria nodded quietly, picture drawing it self in her mind again.

The bus stopped and Louria stood up and grinned when she saw Tev, a male shadowed Kougra and walked over to him. "Hey Lour, what's up?" Louria shrugged, glitter in her eye. "I'm plotting.... How will the faeries paint me?" Tev chuckled and shook his head. "You're a dreamer Louria. Why would they pay attention to an ordinary pet?" With that he winked and walked away, leaving Louria with her daydream.

As Louria walked into school and sat down at her desk the wheels of her mind started turning and turning. Perhaps she could do some volunteer work? Win a beauty contest? Free a bottled. She cut herself short and gasped. Of course! Free a bottled faerie. She would buy one of each faerie. Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Light and Dark, bottle them together then release them, surely she would be blessed! "Louria I've called your name five times! What's the matter with you?" Lour looked up and blushed. "Sorry Mr. Feather... I'll try to pay attention next time." The old Lenny shook his head and continued to teach the class.

When the class was dismissed for Recess Louria dashed out and began to hunt around the school grounds for faeries. Koura followed her with a laugh. "Lour, I think the school removed the faeries from around here!" Louria didn't give up and continued to search. She lifted a branch of a tree and screeched, scooping up an Air Faerie and sticking it in her backpack. "I found one!! I actually found one Koura!" She danced around, golden eyes shining.

After school that day Louria went home and searched through the kitchen first, then through the deposit box. She found four other faeries, Water, Light, Earth and Dark and bit her lip, wondering where a Fire Faerie would be. Grabbing an extra Air Faerie she ran to the trading post. "Hmm... there must be a Fire Faerie here somewhere... Ah ha!" She found the most reasonable wishlist and trade and bid the Air Faerie, hoping the person would be on-line so they could accept right away. Thankfully they were and Louria snatched up the Fire Faerie and dashed home.

Louria scooped all the faeries into one jar and wrinkled her nose, what she did when she was hoping something would work. Quickly she turned the lid till it was loose, then pulled it off. Different colours of light blew out of the top and the faeries rose out. Louria was almost blinded and she hid her eyes, watching them. "Thank you kind one... you have released us of our captivity... what could we do to repay you?" Louria gulped and looked up again. "I... I think that you might paint me faerie." She described her interpretation of a faerie painted pet and nodded. "That is my wish." The faeries flew around her and Louria felt two wings growing out of her back. The colour of her paws changed and she knew it was working. The faeries disappeared and Louria ran to the mirror inside.

She began to scream. "IT WORKED! I'VE BEEN PAINTED BY THE FAERIES!!" She danced around for a while until Jenny, her owner came home. "Louria? Louria you're faerie!" Louria just smiled, not able to explain.

The End

Author's Note: I hope you enjoyed this story! I am hoping to write more stories on Louria, Koura, Tev and their friends. Hope you enjoyed it! Questions and comments are appreciated by Neomail.

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