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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 11 > Articles > PetPets - Behind the Cuteness

PetPets - Behind the Cuteness

by Me_160286

Right below Tyrannia and to the left and down to what was Maraqua on the map of Neopia, you can see a big island not far from land. Between this big island and the mainland there are three minor islands. On these islands PetPets evolved.

As you all know, the early Neopia was nothing but a bunch of poisonous dung puddles. The first life forms were monsters and mutants created by Dr. Frank Sloth who had made the planet his home. One day a bright light broke through the heavy skies of Neopia, and everything that was hit by it was transformed. At this point, most of the life forms Dr. Sloth had created melted and became mud. Sloth himself fled the planet. Read more about that in the story 'The Life and Times of Frank Sloth'.

But Neopia now came to life. Real life. Plants were growing and animals were evolving. In most areas they became big and strong. These were the ancestors of today's NeoPets. But on these three islands, who were separated from other parts of Neopia by the strong, underwater currents, smaller beings evolved. They were animals of a different type than the NeoPets. More peaceful. They ate grass and plants and berries and fruits. They evolved into many different types, and lived in water and air as ell as on the ground.

This happened long before the NeoPets were fully evolved, and centuries before the owners arrived, and since no NeoPets came to the three islands the PetPets lived in peace for a long time.

But the new Neopia was still young, and earthquakes, tidal waves and tornadoes were a usual sight. One night, the biggest storm that has ever swept over the planet came to the PetPet islands. The storm destroyed forests, smashed the fruit trees, and blew so much water up on land that the grass was ruined. And it swept up hundreds of PetPets from the land and the water and took them along as it continued over Neopia, dropping them off everywhere, thus spreading them throughout the world. The few that remained on the PetPet islands starved because the storm had taken most of their food with it and ruined what was left.

The PetPets now found themselves in a completely new environment. They explored deserts, forests and the clouds. And they became aware of the new threat; they were now prey for the NeoPets. This changed their evolution. They had to evolve defence mechanisms, and adapt their stomachs to the new types of food. They also slowly changed appearance to glide into the environment and hide themselves. There were major differences between the different types of PetPets now.

The decades passed by little by little for a long, long time. The PetPets managed to survive in most of the areas. They also became good in defence. But then one day something new announced itself to Neopia. The owners. They came many of them, few at first, but then more and more and more. At first they didn't know half of the world they had arrived in. They took the NeoPets as their pets and trained them and guided them. And as time passed they learned more about the world discovering new places and new NeoPets all the time. And finally, they became aware of PetPets.

The PetPets themselves wasn't sure they liked this. They were afraid a new predator had come to hunt them. And when the owners started to capture them, they wasn't happy about it. The owners gave the PetPets to their NeoPets. The PetPets was sure they would be eaten. But the owners had trained their pets well. Old instincts were forgotten and the NeoPets immediately fell in love with the little creatures. The PetPets became popular. Breeding farms were built and for every new world they discovered, they found new PetPets there. Some of the PetPets were set in cages and collected, but most of them were given to NeoPets as company. Many PetPets now became more "petlike". Fluffy and soft and cute.

Still, new PetPets are discovered. And many NeoPets finds joy in the small creatures. I believe that this is the best that could happen. Most of today's PetPets come from breeding farms. There they also experiment with getting new types. Some types became unable to reproduce and are very rare. They are not sold in the official PetPet shops anymore. Wild PetPets are still prey for wild NeoPets. I believe that ending up as pets for the NeoPets is the best thing that could have happened to the PetPets. At least they won't be hunted anymore.

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