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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 19th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 11 > Articles > The Way of the Fuzzle

The Way of the Fuzzle

by chimesjon

With the help of Zack the Fuzzle

Have you ever seen a Fuzzle? If you haven't, stop sitting around and open your newbie pack! The Fuzzle is a cute adorable toy. Here's everything you need to know about Fuzzles.

Kinds of Fuzzles

The Basic Fuzzles: These Fuzzles are the most common ones around. They are also considered to be the cutest too! These are the first known Fuzzles of all of Neopia. They love to do nothing but play. Some kinds of basic Fuzzles break. This includes the Blue Fuzzle and the Pink Fuzzle. Please be careful when letting new pets play with these certain Fuzzles, or the Fuzzle won't be fuzzy anymore.

The Evil Fuzzles: The Evil Fuzzles aren't really evil in real life. They are just as adorable as the basic Fuzzles, only less cuter and cuddly. Many believe that the Evil Fuzzle is an evil spirit planning on taking over Neopia. This isn't true, they are just misunderstood fellows. Besides, taking over Neopia is for another maniac's dream, like Dr. Frank Sloth. Like many have heard, "Don't judge a book by its cover," don't judge an Evil Fuzzle by its looks.

Flaming Wuzzles: These were discovered in the Fire Faerie Volcano. The person who discovered this must've been crazy to classify this thing as a toy. These so far are the latest Fuzzle discoveries.

Flaming Wuzzles don't really relate to the other Fuzzles, they really might have been rivals of the Fuzzles, though they were not successful on being more popular. Another thought I think is that the Flaming Wuzzle is really a Fuzzle who was so mad, he burst into flames and lived.

Rumours of the Fuzzle

Fuzzles were rumoured to be baby Jubjubs. They are not Jubjubs of course, as answered in the Editorial of The Neopian Times. I believe this rumour for fun, since Zack has had a chat with me. Here is the former theory in an old article:

The Fuzzle is really a baby Jubjub. It's teenage form is the Evil Fuzzle. Though it might take a while, the Fuzzles will soon turn into Jubjubs.

Colours of the Fuzzle

Unlike the pets of Neopia, Fuzzles come in certain colours that pets don't usually have. The Fuzzle has the colours of orange, yellow, purple, grey, blue, pink, black, green. And the rarest of all, rainbow.

Fuzzles with the colour besides that of the common colours orange and green, are much more expensive than usual. A Rainbow Fuzzle is mostly valued for 43,000 NP, and the Rainbow Evil Fuzzle is supposed to be unaffordable in shops. Flaming Wuzzles cost from 95,995 NP or more.

Zack the Fuzzle

I hope you've heard of Zack the Fuzzle. He's stars in The Fuzzle Journey, Fuzzle Changes, etc. He came from the rich manor of the spotted, spoiled Acara, Averay Delinski Hobbes. He was found in the Money Tree after running away from her, and lived with an Aisha named Whoopi for two months. After he turned into a Jubjub, he was sent to the Neopian Pound looking for a new owner. He still needs to know more about the holidays.(He calls Halloween "Haha Low Wings") His first Fuzzle friend was Zoey, a Pink Fuzzle. She is currently gone and is no where to be found. You'll find out soon enough.

I know, you're probably asking why I'm telling you about Zack. It's because he was the one who told me all this stuff and I'm not hogging all the credit!

Well, I hope you know more about Fuzzles now.

Note: The Fuzzle isn't really a Jubjub in real life. Just in your imagination.

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