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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 10 > Short Stories > Another Visit to the Cockroach Towers

Another Visit to the Cockroach Towers

by international_chunk

It was not long ago when Billy the Lupe asked his owner, "Can we go and get some food? I'm totally starving!!"

Indeed, he was hungry. He hadn't eaten in three days! Billy was very hungry and he longed for a shiny, red apple much on. He started fidgeting with his paws. (Billy always did this when he was worried.)

"What are you doing that for?" his owner, Susan asked.

"I'm worried about you," replied Billy. "I'm starving and you usually feed me up... I'm really hungry and you're all quiet and I really don't like it. Is something wrong?"

Susan bit her lip. "I'm sorry I had to tell you like this... but I have no NP. It's all gone. Someone stole it."

Billy froze. He didn't understand what Susan was saying.

"No! That's not right!" Billy shouted.

"Well, I'm afraid it is, Billy," said Susan firmly. "I know it's a surprise, but it's true and there's really nothing I can do."

"I don't want to believe you," Billy cried.

"Neither do I," sighed Susan. "Crazy people stealing things. They should earn NP for themselves. They're lazy."

"What are we going to do?"

"Looks like your going to have a visit to the Cockroach Towers."

Billy emptied his piggy bank and there was 15 NP there. Susan decided that was enough to pay for 15 days.

"That's more than enough to help me get NP. I'm really sorry Billy, I have to do this. Remember, it's for the best."

Billy nodded. Billy trusted Susan. He always did. She always told the truth, and he new they'd have a fair amount of NP in no time.

Susan walked with Billy up to the Cockroach Towers, holding her nose at the awful stench coming from it. Billy was most affected--his delicate nose could smell the awful goo dripping from the cracked ceiling.

"I don't want to stay here!" cried Billy, backing away.

"I would much rather have you at home cozy and warm then at then here, at this stupid dump."

Billy stepped in, making a face at the smells and sounds coming from the rooms.

"I made a reservation for Billy, my Lupe," Susan said clearly. "I want him to stay here for 15 days, see?" Susan continued, standing on her tippy toes to lean over the reception desk to point to the reservation.

"Okay, number 207," said the Chia behind the desk, dropping the keys in Susan's hand.

"Where's that??" Susan asked. "Look, I'm busy. Find it for yourself!" Growled the Chia, getting back to playing with his yo-yo.

After quite a long time searching for a decent room, Susan found one that was much better than the others. The number 207 hanged off the door.

"I'm not surprised, this is just typical!" Susan shouted in disappear.

They pushed the door open, and it creaked. Billy waited expectantly.

The room was bland and grey with goo oozing out of the ceiling. Billy looked around the room and told himself .... just 15 days ....

"I can't believe I'm doing this to you!" growled Susan, to herself. "I wish we didn't have to go through this."

"I don't want to stay here!" cried Billy.

"You just have to sleep here, go out to the Market place and have a good time. See if you can pick up any codestones!"

"I'll try!!"

"Okay Billy. I hope you have a good time - yes, I know it will be extremely hard but don't stay here all day, go outside."

The night was so awful. The goo dripped in his face, cockroaches walk all over his body and he didn't have his tea until 11:30 that night. Billy thought it wasn't worth it - a bowl of pasta and eyes. Billy didn't even feel like eating ever again.

After the next few days, Billy went outside and smelt fresh air, after being sick of the stench of his "suite".

After coming back to the Cockroach Tower, Billy wanted a glass of water. He was very thirsty.

"Can I please have a drink?" Billy asked the same Chia.

"I'm not a waiter!" shouted the Chia.

"Can you make me one?"

The Chia growled fiercely. "You idiot! Get one yourself!"

Billy walked away and decided he won't ask for anything again. Billy was still thirty, and decided to go to the bathroom.

Billy knocked on the closest door he could find. It opened with a creak.

"Hi, do you know where I could get a drink?" asked Billy.

"I do actually. Just down the hall. You need to drink it out of the bathroom sink, mind you, so it isn't very nice!" said a blue Uni.

"Do you want to come with me?"

"Sure." The Uni smiled and walked out with him.

Billy and the Uni got to know each other really well. Each day they used to go out and play together and, remarkably, the days flew past.

The Uni, Jennifer, had been left alone in the towers for many years, after her owner booked her in.

When Susan came to pick Billy up, Billy was very happy! He ran to her as fast as her could but he could see Jennifer upset

"Susan, this is Jennifer, Jennifer, this is Susan!"

Jennifer told Susan all about what happened, and Susan came to say, "I'll adopt you, you poor thing."

They all went home and sat on the rug. So, the visit to the Cockroach Towers was awful, but Billy had gained a friend that he would never forget.

The End

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