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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 8th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 8 > New Series > The Unhappy Usul: Part One

The Unhappy Usul: Part One

by vulpixio

It was another sunny day in Neopia, but Usulkaren, a skunk Usul, woke up in a gloomy mood. She slowly slid out of her bed, doing so quietly as not to wake up her sisters, Kacheeky_Sleeky, a Skunk Kacheek, or Vulpixie_007, a Disco Kyrii, who were still sound asleep. She left their bedroom, and went out the front door into the sunlight.

Usulkaren wasn't always an unhappy Usul. When she was just born, she was a beautiful red Usul, and she got along well with others. The day before she was to go to Neopian School, her owner, Vulpixio, walked in and said he had a surprise for her. He took her to the Rainbow Pool, and told her to go in. Usulkaren did so, and looked back as he dipped a black and white paintbrush into the pool.

She then felt a tingling sensation on her fur. When it stopped, she looked at her reflection, and saw a Skunk Usul in her reflection. She looked around, wondering where another Usul has come from. Vulpixio laughed, and explained to her that she was now a Skunk Usul.

Her sisters gushed over her new look, and she began to like it herself, but then school began. Since she was the youngest of the three sisters, she tried to stay close to them. However, they suggested that she tried to make friends on her own. She liked the idea, so she went out during recess, hoping to find friends.

She didn't. What she did find was staring, fingers pointing, whispers, and even laughing. Her shy side took over, and she tried to blend in, but that wasn't happening. She then looked to her left and was attracted by the look of a Faerie Poogle. She scuttled over in a attempt to be friends. She gave the Poogle a sweet smile and said, "Hi! I'm Usulkaren! What's your name?"

The Faerie Poogle just stared at her. She then nudged a Faerie Kacheek that was standing next to her, whispered something to her, and snickered. Usulkaren wasn't sure, so she tried again. "Hi! I'm Usulkaren! What's your name?" The Faerie Poogle again didn't answer, and Usulkaren was disappointed.

Suddenly, the Poogle shoved Usulkaren, and she tripped over the Faerie Kacheek that was in position behind her and landed with a "SPLAT!" in a mud hole. Soon, everyone on the playground was pointing and laughing at her. She looked around desperately for Vulpixie_007 or Kacheeky_Sleeky, but they were nowhere in sight.

She struggled to stand, but slipped and fell. Another round of laughter surrounded her. She finally managed to stand, but the Poogle shoved her back down, saying, "Stay in the mud where you belong, you skunk!" Everyone began to laugh harder, and Usulkaren got out of the mud hole, climbed over the school yard fence, and ran home crying.

Vulpixio was more than upset when he found out she had run away from school. He dragged her back to the school and made her apologise to the teacher for running away. Everyone, including the Faerie Poogle, saw it and another round of laughter surrounded her.

Usulkaren cried herself to sleep that night, and decided to run away the next day. After slipping out of her bedroom early, she grabbed a Cheese Omelette, a carton of Chocolate Milk, and her Expert Bow, then left the house. She only looked back for a moment, then ran away down the street.

Night found her in the middle of Neopia Central, nibbling on the Cheese Omelette. She wasn't certain of where she would go or what she would do. But she didn't care. All she wanted to find was a place where no one would laugh at her. After she finished eating, she put away the Cheese Omelette and walked on.

As she was passing an alley, she heard a voice! "Psst...." She was attracted by the voice, and she entered the alley.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Unhappy Usul: Part Two

The Unhappy Usul: Part Three

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