Hello, Neopians! This is a brand new series, featuring the Evil Chia from a
Competition--Hubrid Nox!
Hubrid Nox has just been taken into the Gallery of Evil. Whenever he was seen
in public, some people ran up to him asking for his autograph, while others
ran for their lives. Those who asked for his autograph regretted it, because
he signed their skin with his teeth. Several weeks passed and Hubrid was no
longer a rookie evil-doer. One day he decided he needed some evil personal goons.
So he went out to the Faerieland Employment Agency.
When he arrived everyone ran away, except for one. He was a puny little Tuskaninny
with a black ski mask. He took it off and said, "I'm Little Tommy, Little Timmy's
cousin. I'm here to take over Faerieland and kill all the Faeries."
Hubrid smiled and said, "I like your attitude. Would you like to be my apprentice?"
Little Tommy said, "Sure!" and the two set off to the Hidden Tower to cause
Inside, Hubrid zapped the Faerie Queen with his Attack Fork while Little Tommy
scooped up some goods.
"Time to bust!" said Hubrid, and they leaped out the window.
"Wait, we don't have wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings!" screamed
Little Tommy as the flew to the floor.
"Don't you have faith in your master?" Hubrid asked in his most evil voice,
while throwing a Capsule Bean Bag to the ground. They fell on the cushion and
made a break for it! The Faerie Queen woke up to see an extremely nice quality
hologram of Adee the Chia stealing items and jumping out the window!
"Adee...I never would have believed it...but you must be stopped!" Adee the
Chia had been successfully framed!
Adee was found guilty in Faerie Court. In prison he was paid a visit by Little
Tommy-with his ski mask, of course. "Hey, loser. Our next big heist is at the
Chia Bingo.
And there's nothing you can do about it! MUAHAHAHA!" and he leaped away.
"I've got to warn the other Chias somehow!" Adee said to himself.
The next day Little Tommy and Hubrid Nox showed up at the Chia Bingo, appearing
to be just casual players, wearing casual clothes, with a casual amount of Neopoints.
Hubrid whispered to Little Tommy, "When they call 44, get out your Sparkshooter
and direct it at any of these losers. I'll put my fork in the face of the caller,
and we'll grab the jackpot!"
As planned, the number 44 was called, and the plan went into action. Lil Tommy
held his Sparkshooter at the person next to him. Hubrid drew his attack fork,
but not before the Neopian Police Force came in with Rainbow Guns, surrounding
the two evil ones!
"How...did you know?" Hubrid asked with his hands up.
"This trusty Lupe, the prison warden, tape recorded everything your little
friend said to Adee
last night!"
Hubrid looked angrily at Little Tommy. "FOOL! Never give away a plan to ANYBODY!"
Hubrid wasn't done. He drew three Gold Spectre Battlecards from the Spectre
Battledeck be brought to the competition, and knocked all the Police guys out
except for one. He jumped through the roof and ran to his hideout. Little Tommy
was sent to a Juvenile Detention Center and was forced to give all the Hidden
Tower items back.
Inside his hideout, Hubrid thought, "Adee. Faerie Queen. Lupe Warden. Police
Shoyrus. All weaklings. I will destroy them all. And I will become the most
evil being in Neopia! Stealing this Battledeck was too easy! MUAHAHAHAHA! MUAHAHAHAHA!
Little Tommy was doin' time in his detention cell, thinking about what he was
going to do. He knew what he was going to do...he was going to break out. But
To be continued... |