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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 6 > Short Stories > The SuperNeos: The Return of the Crystals

The SuperNeos: The Return of the Crystals

by Legendofzelda16

Based on a short story written by: Ilovensync4ever169

After defeating DarkGrundo and foiling his plans to destroy Neopia, the SuperNeos took a day off to relax and reflect on their journey.

“Hey, do you think when we blew up DarkGrundo’s ship the dark, fighting, and lightning crystals were destroyed also?” EarthKau asked.

“In a way yes but in another way no. The crystals did get blown up but whenever a crystal gets broken or destroyed, it reforms and places itself somewhere on Neopia for another pet to find,” FireLupe said.

“So that means anyone could find the dark crystal and try the same thing,” WaterPoogle gasped.

“Yeah, but we just have to have faith that nothing like that will happen for a long time,” StoneShoyru said.

“Maybe we should go out and look for the crystals so we can keep them in good hands,” AirKyrii suggested.

“They could be anywhere,” IceQuiggle said.

“We should try anyway. If those crystals got into the wrong hands we could be in serious trouble,” FireLupe said.

The SuperNeos set out on a quest to find the crystals and decided to look in the place where they originally found their crystals.

“Hey look guys, I see the lightning crystal,” StoneShoyru cried pointing to it lying on the ground.

“The lightning crystal. Is that what it’s called?” said a female Peophin as she waltzed over and picked it up.

“Please ma’am you must give that to us. It possesses powers beyond belief,” EarthKau said.

“In that case, it’s mine,” the Peophin said putting it around her neck and gaining it’s powers.

“Please lady we need that back,” AirKyrii pleaded.

“Crackling bolt,” the Peophin screamed shocking AirKyrii to the ground.

“You have just learned the attack lightning furry,” the lightning crystal said.

“Okay then, lightning furry,” the Peophin shouted shocking every one of the SuperNeos.

“Poison ivy,” EarthKau said as the Peophin was wrapped up in poison ivy. When all the SuperNeos got up and recovered, the Peophin had broken free from the poison ivy vines.

“You won this time you wretched brats but you haven’t seen the last of LightningPeophin,” the Peophin said running away.

“LightningPeophin is strong,” WaterPoogle said.

“She got away. She could be harming anyone at this very moment,” StoneShoyru pointed out.

“We should find her and talk to her,” AirKyrii suggested.

“But she would just attack us again,” StoneShoyru said.

“Well, we’re just going to have to wait until we hear anything else. If she causes trouble we’ll stop her but if we never hear about her again then we’ll just have to let it go,” FireLupe said.

“Now we have a new arch enemy,” IceQuiggle sighed.

“No news is good news,” WaterPoogle said leading the SuperNeos back to their headquarters.

The SuperNeos sat around for days and heard nothing about LightningPeophin.

“I think we scared her off,” IceQuiggle giggled.

“She won’t be back,” EarthKau assured.

Two days later the SuperNeos were proved wrong. LightningPeophin was back and better than ever.

“She’s been training for the last few days and should have a few new attacks up her sleeve,” FireLupe said as the SuperNeos hurried into town where LightningPeophin was causing trouble.

“Electrocution shocker,” LightningPeophin shouted shocking a passing by Chomby.

“Bomb explosion,” StoneShoyru cried sending a bomb to the feet of LightningPeophin.

“ARGHHHHHHHHHH,” LightningPeophin yelled as the bomb blew up and hurt her left leg.

“Crystal finder,” LightningPeophin cackled.

“Oh no this is what I feared,” FireLupe shouted.

“What does the attack do?” AirKyrii asked.

“It makes her crystal tell her where to find other hidden crystals. She’ll be able to find the dark and fighting crystals and create a team of her own,” FireLupe explained.

“That’s right and I’m off to find the fighting crystal now,” LightningPeophin said as she dashed away.

“There is nothing we can do,” WaterPoogle gasped.

“Yes there is. I read somewhere that every crystal grants crystal finder as it’s fourth attack. StoneShoyru has three attacks. All we have to do is train him and he can learn crystal finder in no time,” FireLupe cried.

So the SuperNeos began their next goal.

"Rock Rage,” StoneShoyru shouted, hurling heavy stones toward IceQuiggle.

“Freeze blast,” IceQuiggle yelled, freezing the stones right before they hit her.

The SuperNeos were training and hoping to learn the attack crystal finder.

“Have you guys learned any new attacks?” FireLupe asked as he sat down to watch the training.

“No. I think we’re getting close though,” AirKyrii said.

“Poison ivy,” EarthKau cried sending a vine of poison ivy toward WaterPoogle.

“Crashing waves,” WaterPoogle yelled, washing the poison ivy away.

“You have just learned flash flood,” WaterPoogle’s crystal said as it lit up.

“Yeah, I learned an attack,” WaterPoogle said jumping for joy.

“Don’t get too excited. You still have to train some more. We need to learn the attack crystal finder remember,” FireLupe pointed out.

“Oh yeah,” WaterPoogle sighed, getting back into the battles.

“It’s no use. We’ve been training all day and the only one to learn an attack has been WaterPoogle. I’m sure LightningPeophin has found the fighting crystal by now,” StoneShoyru said.

“Yes, but if we can learn the attack soon, we could get to the dark crystal before her,” FireLupe said.

“That’s right, the dark crystal is missing too and it’s the most powerful of all,” IceQuiggle said.

“Bomb explosion,” StoneShoyru yelled tossing a bomb toward AirKyrii.

“You have just learned the attack crystal finder,” StoneShoyru’s crystal said.

“We did it. Now use it StoneShoyru, quickly,” EarthKau said.

“Crystal finder,” StoneShoyru shouted.

“The fighting crystal is located at the Mysterious Isle,” StoneShoyru’s crystal said.

“That is a day long trip. We’d better get started on our way,” AirKyrii said.

“I’ll put some blankets, pillows, snacks, and soda in the back of the NeoMobile,” IceQuiggle said rushing off.

The SuperNeos started off on their journey to the Mysterious Isle. They traveled all day long and night started to fall so they stopped to rest.

“There is a NeoLodge at the next exit,” WaterPoogle said.

“How do you know? Did you travel before you came a SuperNeo?” AirKyrii asked.

“Yeah I did. Have been to the space station, Maraqua, the mysterious isle and the ice caves,” WaterPoogle said.

“Wow, maybe someday our adventures will lead us there,” IceQuiggle said.

The SuperNeos stopped at the NeoLodge for the night and rested. In the middle of the night, AirKyrii heard a noise outside their hotel room and went outside to see what it was.

“You foolish SuperNeos think you can beat me to finding the crystals?” LightningPeophin said jumping out from behind a bush.

“LightningPeophin! What are you doing here?” AirKyrii asked.

“Stopping you dead in your tracks. I already retrieved the fighting crystal from the Mysterious Isle and now I have a new partner. Meet FightingScorchio,” LightningPeophin said revealing her new Scorchio pal.

“High jump kick,” FightingScorchio said as he delivered a powerful blow to AirKyrii, knocking her unconscious.

“What should we do with her?” FightingScorchio asked.

“Let’s take her with us to get the dark crystal. That way we can lure her friends into a trap and dispose of them all at once,” LightningPeophin cackled.

The next day the SuperNeos woke up and noticed that AirKyrii was missing.

“Crystal finder, find me the fighting crystal,” StoneShoyru cried.

The fighting crystal has been obtained,” StoneShoyru’s crystal said.

“Crystal finder, find me the air crystal,” StoneShoyru shouted.

“The air crystal is with the lightning and fighting crystals. The three crystal holders are heading toward the space station where the dark crystal is located,” StoneShoyru’s crystal explained.

“LightningPeophin must have captured AirKyrii last night,” FireLupe said.

“Let’s get going. We need to head them off at the space station,” EarthKau said.

So the SuperNeos set off after the bad guys, their friend, and the missing link between them: the dark crystal.


“Poor AirKyrii, I bet she’s scared to death,” WaterPoogle said.

“Don’t worry, AirKyrii can take care of herself. She’s a tough girl,” IceQuiggle said.

“I just hope we get to the dark crystal before them,” FireLupe said.

“Don’t worry about that. I’m concerned about the new fighting crystal holder,” EarthKau pointed out.

“That’s right. The fighting crystal has been obtained by someone. I bet they’re LightningPeophin’s sidekick,” StoneShoyru said.

“We can take on anything. Let’s just try to use our united power attack,” IceQuiggle said.

“We can only hope it will be that easy,” FireLupe said.

Meanwhile, AirKyrii was plotting her escape.

“You’ll never get the SuperNeos. We’re too powerful and experienced for you,” AirKyrii said.

“Is that so? Then how did we get you? I’m sorry AirKyrii but I think we’ve got you this time,” LightningPeophin said.

“Once you get the dark crystal, what are you going to do with it?” AirKyrii asked.

“Oh, didn’t I tell you. There are four of us on this trip. Remember little Lorna the Bruce? Well, she dropped out of the singing career and joined forces with me. She’s in the back seat sleeping now. Soon, DarkBruce will be born and team EvilNeo will be formed,” LightningPeophin cackled.

“I can’t believe that Lorna joined you guys. She was so nice and good hearted. I guess she was desperate,” AirKyrii said.

“Not desperate my child, smart is what she is. Now, we should be arriving any minute and I want everything to be perfect when your friends come. They’ll just die when they see me,” LightningPeophin laughed.

Meanwhile, the SuperNeos were in a tizzy. They had so many questions and no answers.

“We’re here!” IceQuiggle shouted.

The SuperNeos piled out of the NeoMobile and searched the area.

“Where is she? Does she know the dark crystal is here?” FireLupe asked.

“Of course I know. DarkBruce is wearing it around her neck. If you would have arrived here and hour earlier you would know that we have retrieved the crystal and your old friend Lorna has become DarkBruce. You also have not met FightingScorchio if I am correct,” LightningPeophin said.

“That can’t be Lorna. Lorna would only fight for truth and honesty,” EarthKau shouted.

“Steel cage,” DarkBruce yelled as a cage dropped on top of EarthKau.

“You have just learned the attacks crystal finder and black goo,” DarkBruce’s crystal said as it lit up.

“Where is AirKyrii?” WaterPoogle shouted.

“She is in our car but you’ll have to get past the three of us to get to her,” LightningPeophin replied.

“Flame circle,” FireLupe yelled as flames circled in on DarkBruce.

“Power punch,” FightingScorchio yelled as he gave FireLupe and uppercut.

“Stone statue,” StoneShoyru cried as LightningPeophin was turned into a rock.

IceQuiggle quickly made a brake for the car to free AirKyrii but DarkBruce used her steel cage attack and trapped IceQuiggle just feet away from the car.

“With EarthKau, IceQuiggle, and AirKyrii all trapped, you will never be able to defeat us,” FightingScorchio cackled.

“Flash flood,” WaterPoogle cried washing everyone to the ground with powerful waves. She quickly helped EarthKau out of his cage while everyone was down.

“Quaking earth,” EarthKau yelled as everyone was knocked back down to the ground. EarthKau quickly freed IceQuiggle and AirKyrii. The team was now six strong again.

“Dark shadow warp,” DarkBruce said warping herself and two teammates out of sight.

“We won!” IceQuiggle shouted.

“Poor Lorna. I cannot believe she joined those goons,” AirKyrii said.

“We just have to take team EvilNeo one day at a time,” FireLupe said as the gang headed back to Neopia where many adventures await them.

The End

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