A Simple Question by linnea111 |  |
"MOMMY!!!" came a cry from upstairs. Linnea111 rushed up the stairs to blueberry755's
room to see what was wrong. When she got there she saw blueberry sitting quietly
on her oak bed, swinging her legs back and forth, waiting for her.
"Yes sweetheart?" asked linnea. Blueberry said, "I have a question. Where do
Shoyru's come from?"
Linnea knew this day would come. It was expected of a young Shoyru to have
lots of questions.
Linnea answered, "Well, sweetie, it would be kind of hard to explain, it is
very complicated. Tomorrow I will take you out, and I can explain it to you,
but not right now, right now you have to go to bed."
Then linnea gave blueberry a kiss on the forehead and tucked blueberry in for
the night.
The next day blueberry woke before her mom, and got dressed as quick as she
could. Then she ran down the stairs to her mom's room and started jumping on
her bed excitedly to wake linnea.
Linnea woke groggily and said with a yawn, "Go into the kitchen and fix yourself
some cereal, the milk is in the fridge. I'll be there in a minute."
Blueberry did as she said and skipped all the way to the breakfast table. After
a few minutes, linnea came in, fully dressed and awake. Blueberry had finished
her breakfast and was playing quietly with her Mermaid Usuki doll. Linnea told
blueberry to go grab her jacket and they would go into town. Blueberry ran upstairs
to get her jacket while linnea grabbed her purse
When they reached their destination, blueberry was frightened at how big the
Neopian Bazaar was, and clung to linnea's pant leg the whole time. They walked
over to a big building shaped like an egg, and painted all over with purple
polka dots. Blueberry became interested and stepped in through the oak doors,
and saw rows and rows of incubators with eggs that looked like the building's
outside. Linnea was right behind her and without interest in anything around,
walked up to a desk at the end of the building. Sitting quietly at the desk
reading a book was a friendly looking Zafara. Linnea rang the bell and waited
for the attendant to help her, and looked around for blueberry. Blueberry was
walking between the rows of incubators, looking at every single egg, and reading
the signs that said what species and what colour they were. Linnea stopped worrying
and waited. When the Zafara met her, linnea asked if she could get a tour of
the building for blueberry, to help her understand more about it. The Zafara
charged her 10 NP, and linnea went to get blueberry.
The Zafara started droning on in difficult words, and every so often linnea
had to translate for blueberry. After the "boring" tour, linnea told blueberry
that she had been thinking very hard about this for a long time, and blueberry
was going to get a little baby brother. Linnea let blueberry help out with everything,
and she got to name him. Blueberry finally decided on AwesomeDragon. The Zafara
gave them some paperwork to fill out, and after about 20 minutes, they received
a birth certificate for him. Blueberry walked out the door cuddling her new
baby brother. Linnea walked home with blueberry, watching as she took so much
care in making sure his little fuzzy blanket was wrapped all around him, feeding
him baby food, and even she couldn't help smiling at her new Shoyru.
Once they got home, linnea helped blueberry tuck AwesomeDragon into bed and
read him a bedtime story. After linnea hooked up a baby-sitter for a short while,
linnea and blueberry headed out again, this time for the adoption centre.
On the way there, linnea stopped blueberry under a big oak tree to tell her
where they were going. She explained all about the adoption centre, how people
created pets at the place they had just left, and when they didn't like them
anymore, they put them in the adoption centre. She explained how cruel people
were to pets in there, and asked if blueberry was ready to experience the cruelty
of the pound. It took blueberry a long time to answer, but she finally decided
she was ready. Around the next corner, blueberry saw a tall, old, ugly gray
building. This was it. The adoption/abandonment centre.
Blueberry was ready to turn back, but decided to be brave. She closed her eyes
and stepped in the door. She wasn't ready for what she saw next. On the walls
were rows and rows of cages, full of sad animals, with big eyes, just waiting
to be adopted. Blueberry looked in the first cage, and saw a lonely looking
blue Grundo, and felt the urge to break the cage bars and go save that poor
thing. She looked around at all the people there, all the people passing by,
and none of them even glancing at the poor Grundo. Then came a friendly looking
girl, dragging along the owner of the adoption centre, pointing desperately
at the Grundo's cage. The Uni unlocked it and the Grundo looked up slowly. Then
the Grundo realized she was going to be adopted! Blueberry was so happy, and
as soon as the Grundo stepped out of the cage, blueberry ran to linnea and told
her about the whole thing. Linnea smiled, and wished that could happen to all
the poor animals in here.
When blueberry caught her breath from the excitement of the adoption, she noticed
that linnea was holding another Shoyru, and when linnea saw blueberry looking
at it, she said, "This is your new brother, Firebreather_48082." Blueberry jumped
up and down, and was so happy that she helped to rescue another poor NeoPet
from the pound. She begged and pleaded to come back tomorrow, and linnea gave
in, and wondered quietly why.
The next day linnea took all of her new Shoyru's out to go shopping, and dropped
blueberry off at the pound. Linnea left, and blueberry walked up to the Uni
and asked if she could help out, like a volunteer. The Uni was happy to have
help and set blueberry to work, to try and cheer up the poor animals. The Uni
saw what a great job blueberry was doing, and also saw that more animals were
being adopted, because they were happier to have some reassurance and friendliness.
The Uni invited her to come back tomorrow. Ever since then the pets in the pound
have been happier, and the number of pets in the pound has lowered dramatically,
all thanks, to a small question. "Where do Shoyru's come from?"
The End |