Legend has it that Princess
Lilac of Lilac
Island once had a younger sister named Lana and it is a true. Why she
is not known is our story.
Almost 50 years ago, Lana, a blue Lupe (exactly like Princess Lilac) and a
sophomore student in Snowy
Valley High, was taking down notes of Ice Carving. Lana yawned loudly
as she wrote. Mr. Kopi, a senior Kiko teacher turned around from the board and
"I realise that Ice Carving isn't a very entertaining subject for some of
you but please remember that SOME of us don't exactly appreciate pop music you
kids listen to unlike the elegance of ice carving," reprimanded Mr. Kopi and
continued writing.
Lana rolled her bright blue eyes. How on Neopia could her family send her
to this boring, freezing high school? She'd much rather work at the Employment
Center in Faerieland, go on quests, battle in the Battledome or something exciting
like that rather than come to this school. She'd already had enough of schooling
in the Training School on Mystery Island. Or even go to the new Krawk Island,
In the cafeteria, Lana sat with her best friend, Galatia the Gelert, eating
Chicken Broth. "I'm not so sure I can take anymore of this school, Gala. I'm
really fed up with all this learning n this freezing environment," said Lana
while shivering.
"But, Lana, your sister, Princess Lilac will be so disappointed! Besides,
what're you going to do? Run away? There's nothing you can do. I'm also sick
of this learning but it'll benefit us in the future!" reasoned Galatia.
"Galatia! I thought you were on my side! I just want to be like my sister!
That's all to it!"
"Oh, Lana, I am! It's just that, well, be sensible. We can't all be like your
sister! So, just forget about it, okay?" said Galatia and went back to her chicken
broth. "So, what's your next lesson?" Lana took the hint and changed the subject.
But all through the day, Lana couldn't think about anything except going on
adventures or fighting in the Battledome. It earned her an hour's detention
later in Snow Fighting for not paying attention. Even in detention, she couldn't
help daydreaming about what would happen if she took her chance in the world
outside the safety of the school's icy walls and her sister's castle.
So, all of next week later Lana prepared herself. She bought tons of battle,
defense and magic items as well as potions and food. Her PetPet, a Kadoatie
named Keryna insisted she come along so she could help Lana in the Battledome.
Besides Keryna didn't like to be without Lana. Then on the night when she was
about to escape from the castle, Lana received a visit from the Light Faerie,
just as she was about to escape from her bedroom window.
"Lana, are you sure you want to go through with this?" asked the kind faerie
"Yes. I want to go and explore Neopia, fight evil creatures, and do stuff.
Not just go to school and sit in the castle all day," replied Lana determinedly.
"Very well. I shall give you some things to make your journey a little easier,"
said the Light Faerie.
The Light Faerie then gave Lana all the Neggs, the Staff of the Light Faerie
and all the healing potions compliments of the Water Faerie. And then the faerie
disappeared. Lana looked numbly at the spot where the Light Faerie had disappeared.
Suddenly, she remembered why the Light Faerie had come. Heading towards her
window, she looked back. Could she really run from all those who cared for her
and from her creature comforts?
Then she looked out the window to where adventures and possibly victory awaited
her. Yes, she thought. She could run from those things.
And Lana jumped out the window with Keryna in her backpack, never to return.
Even until today Lana has never returned to Neopia. Some say she has gone to
help the Light Faerie. Others say she had gone to the Battledome as planned
and she still fights there under a different identity. There are also those
who say that she got tired of roaming and settled down with a loving owner.
But whatever had happened to Lana, it is certain that she really existed and
is out there somewhere.
The End |