A young blue Shoyru, Shoryu964_15143, and his owner, gthyju42, were traveling
through Mystery Island one day last year. Shoryu964_15143and gthyju42 were the
best of friends. They were very adventurous, and loved doing daring things.
A boat at the bottom of Mystery Island was waiting to take them on a journey
through the seas.
"This will be so much fun, gthyju42," said Shoryu964_15143 excitedly. "Sailing
through the seas."
"Yeah, I can't wait!" replied gthyju42.
The twosome reached the top of the peak. It was very wet, but they stepped
out of the boat, confident as ever. They wrapped wetsuits around themselves,
lifted the anchor and set sail.
The driver was a man wrapped in a blue wetsuit. You couldn't see his face.
He coughed and said in a raspy voice, "Hello. My name Joe, and I will be your
Cap'n today." *cough*
Gthyju42 nodded and held Shoryu964_15143 in his lap. The boat set sail into
the sea. They sailed on for miles, and as they approached Faerieland, they took
off their wetsuits because of the altitude.
"Go northwest," commanded gthyju42 to Joe.
Joe made a sharp turn to the northwest. For about fifty miles they sailed on
on, until shoryu964_15143 saw a humongous Island in the distance. The Cap'n
sailed the boat closer and closer to the large Island and they slowed down as
they approached it. The boat anchored on the Island, and to gthyju42's and Shoryu964_15143's
amazement, they did not get wet. Grabbing their backpacks, gthyju42 and Shoryu964_15143
jumped out onto the island. They saw before them a large sleeping pirate guard
and a smelly yellow and green gate.
Shoryu964_15143 opened the gate and they slowly went in to the strange place.
There was another wall enclosing something in the centre, an Island to the
far left where they could hear cheering, an Academy near them, and an ugly,
foul smelling cove. They made their way to the ugly cove, and there, sitting
on a small chair, was the legendary Cap'n Threelegs. He was combing his messy
black hair and tattooing himself. He looked up at them and gasped.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, shocked.
"We're just...visiting, uh, what is this place?" said gthyju42.
"This is Krawk Island,"
said the Cap'n Threelegs. "No humans are allowed here. Just pirates."
"But we want to explore!" said Shoryu964_15143.
"Well..." said the Cap'n Threelegs hesitantly. "It isn't my rule. It is the
law of the pirate King. It is up to him to decide. Come, I will take you to
His ship."

The cap'n led them through the gate of the other smelly wall and into a foul
city. There was a large Dubloon-O-Matic, an academy, a cove, a Deck ball thingy,
and a game. He took gthyju42 and Shoryu964_15143 to the left of the cove, where
they stood facing nothing. Walked forward, which was a mistake.
"OUCH!" he cried. "My nose!"
"You have just bumped into the academy," said the cap'n, smiling slightly.
"Back up and I will open the door."
The cap'n opened an invisible door. Reluctantly, Shoryu964_15143 and gthyju42
stepped onto the ship, and suddenly the deck appeared. They could see a wooden,
spiral staircase leading downwards. They walked down the stairs and entered
the dungeon. Inside the King was eating a giant feast. He looked surprised to
see the cap'n and his guests.
"Cap'n," said the King sternly to the cap'n, "why are there humans and a not
a pirate here?"
The cap'n looked nervous.
"Well, your Highness, this guy and Shoyru just came in, and found me at the
Armada," said the cap'n. "And they said they wanted to explore, so I brought
them here."
"Explore?" said the King. "Well...when you go home, are you planning to tell
the whole of Neopia that we exist here in the waters?"
"Um, I guess," said gthyju42, shrugging.
"Then you must leave now, and you will be punished and forced not to tell anyone
that we are here," said the King.
"But wouldn't having tourists be a financial benefit?" asked Shoryu964_15143
determinedly. "I mean, you can't make any Neopoints here without tourists, can
The King thought for a moment.
"You have a point, kid," said the King. "I will think it over. In the meantime,
I grant you permission to explore Krawk Island. But if I do not agree to allow
you to tell people about Krawk Island, you mustn't tell a soul or bring back
any items from Krawk Island. So if you manage to find a Dubloon coin, I would
suggest you not use it until I have given you the okay. If you do use it, and
I do not approve of the public knowing about us, then this Shoyru must stay
"Thank you, your Excellency," said gthyju42 and Shoryu964_15143.
They bowed and left the dudgeon. Then they began to roam around Krawk Island.
They played Armada, from which Shoryu964_15143 won. They took a refreshing
drink from the seaside, and bet on sea monsters at the sea monster Races. They
bought two sea treats and ate them. It was the best experience they had ever....
experienced. When the day was over, they returned to King's dungeon to hear
her answer. And it was....
"Yes," said the King will allow you to tell Neopia about us, and I will start
doing several advertising campaigns. Oh, and here, you might need this to prove
that Krawk Island handed them the mega rare 100 Dubloon coin to show them. The
two bowed and got back on the boat, sad to leave the wonderful place called
Krawk Island.
And that was how Krawk Island was discovered.
The End |