Ringo stared at the cold, iron bars of his pound cage as they slammed on him,
trapping him there with no escape. Ringo was a red, baby Lupe of four hours.
His master had created him and thrown him into the pound for no reason. Ringo
walked over to the corner of his cage and curled into a little ball. The cage
was big and could have held another two pets. He wondered if he would be getting
a room mate soon. He closed his eyes and dreamed of the life he wish he knew.
Ringo heard the door of his cage open and jumped as something thumped down
next to him. He opened his eyes and saw a little green Eyrie. It was so small,
probably as old as he was. "Hi," Ringo said in a cheerful voice, "I'm Ringo,
What's your name?" The Eyrie stared at him for a moment and then answered, "Jenko,
I think," he scratched his head with one one sharp claw. Ringo laughed, "You
think?" "Yea I'm not quite sure, I think that's what my master called me," he
looked at Ringo.
"Okay, so I call you Jenko right?"
Ringo sat up on his haunches. "Sure, and I call you Ringo," Jenko smiled broadly.
"Yip!" He smiled.
Over the next few days Ringo and Jenko became great friends. They shared food
and told of their lives before the pound. But then one day the worst happened,
Jenko was adopted by a boy and Ringo was left alone. Every time a human passed
him they never even stopped to look at him, "What's wrong with me?" Ringo thought
to himself, "I don't smell that bad!" He looked himself over. "Oh well, they
have to adopt me someday," he sighed and lay down.
But that day never came. Ringo got older and so did the days as they turned
to months, and the months finally turned into a year. Ringo was full grown and
a year old, and no one had even looked at him! What was wrong!?
"Why doesn't anyone like me?" he thought out loud, "Is it because I'm not painted?"
He looked around at the several painted pets. "Or is it just me?" He whispered,
tears building up in his eyes, "I may as well face it, I'll never get out of
here." He plopped down on the ground and placed his head on his paws. The opening
of his cage door snapped him back to reality.
"Ya got a new cell mate, buddy!" The cranky Jetsam tossed a blue Chia into
his cell. The little Chia rolled over a few times and stopped, still huddled
in a ball. Ringo got up and walked over to the blue ball. He poked it with his
paw and it whimpered.
"Are you all right?" Ringo whispered.
"Ahhhyeeee!!" The ball sprung open and the little Chia backed into the opposite
corner as Ringo, "Please don't eat me!!" It cried, "I don't taste good at all,
to much fat!!" The little fuzz ball cried.
"Why would I eat you?" Ringo asked puzzled, "They do feed you here, believe
it or not." Ringo smiled.
The little Chia calmed down and sat on his behind. "It's just that Lupes are
suppose to eat Chias and...." he trailed off.
"I'm not gonna eat my only roommate! I haven't had one in like nine months!!"
Ringo laughed.
"Oh, well then, my names' BoomBoom."
He stood up. "Ringo," Ringo said, holding out his paw. Ringo shook the little
hand, being very gentle.
"So you've been here for a year?" BoomBoom asked.
"Yea, around that," Ringo looked around.
"So why haven't you tried escaping?" BoomBoom asked.
"Well, I guess I never really thought of that," Ringo scratched his head.
"What have you got to lose?!" BoomBoom asked.
So the next day when the Jetsam opened the door to feed them Ringo pounced
out with BoomBoom on his back. "So far so good kid!" BoomBoom yelled.
"Yea, now to get passed the front desk!"
Ringo leaped over the front desk and bounded out the door. But they weren't
home free yet, the pound was on their heels chasing the escaped duo.
"You know kid I always wanted to ride a Lupe!!" BoomBoom called.
"So why haven't you?" Ringo yelled, continuing to run.
"Well they would probably eat me-Whoa!!" BoomBoom couldn't finish as Ringo
tripped, sending him flying across the pavement. When BoomBoom turned around
the pound had snagged Ringo in a net.
"I'll be okay BoomBoom! Run!" Ringo tried to struggle free.
"B-B-But!" BoomBoom stuttered.
"RUN!!" Ringo roared, then he softened, "What have you got to lose?" He smiled.
Then he stopped struggling and let the catcher carry him bag to the pound.
"A good friend, that's what I've got to lose, a good friend," BoomBoom said
as he watched the van drive away. "I won't forget you Ringo, never in a million
years." BoomBoom turned and walked away.
The End
Note: All these characters are made up. They're all me creations. As you
can tell this story is based on pets that have spent a long time at the pound.
There are many there and if your looking for a new pet please go to the pound,
they truly need you. |