Many Neopians do not take advantage of the great game called Cheat! So,
I decided, out of the kindness of my heart (^_^) to clue you guys in. (Please
note that this is not something you can read instead of the rules. You should
read them first or you will be a bit confused.)
Cheat! is a great way to make neopoints. I usually make about 1000 NP per
game, so the 50 NP price is worth it if you know how to play. Plus you'll get
a pretty fancy looking trophy for your cabinet.
On the other hand, if you don't know how to play, well that's why you're reading
this, isn't it. So why don't we get started?
In The Beginning
In the beginning of the game, our lovely neopets team decides to let you go
first. When you are picking the card value, you should try to pick the highest
or the lowest card you have, because you do not desperately need to catch up
to anyone this early in the game. Also, this will insure that, for now, there
are no gaps in the values of your cards so you will be less likely to have to
resort to cheating.
How To Catch Someone Cheating
When someone has taken their turn, you are faced with two of those ugly gray
buttons. Should you accuse them of cheating or "let them slide"? Well, there
is a very easy way to figure out if someone is cheating. Try and follow me here.
There are only four cards of each value, right? Yes, that's right. So let's
say Chuffer Bob the Meerca plays 3 nines. Look at your cards. If you have two
or more nines, Chuffer Bob is cheating because three and two make five, and
if you remember, there are only four nines and you know for a fact that since
you have two of them, no one else can have more than two other ones.
So basically, what you do is add the number of nines (or whatever value) they
say they have played to the number of nines (or whatever) that you have and
if the total is more than four, the person is cheating, and you should push
the top ugly button to accuse them. You will get a small amount of neopoints,
and the cheater will get the pile added to their hand. (As you know, if you
read the rules like I told you to.)
There is also another way to catch a cheater but it is not very reliable,
so you can skip down to the next section if you want.
Chuffer Bob the Meerca just played 2 sevens. You have no sevens so that is
just fine with you. No one accuses Chuffer Bob of cheating. Now it is Little
Timmy the Tuskaninny's turn. He goes and plays 4 seven's. He must be cheating,
right? Chuffer Bob just played 2 sevens. Well right now, I would not accuse
Little Timmy. Why? Well, because he might not be cheating. Hehe I know what
you mean. The answer is: You don't know if Chuffer Bob was cheating. He could
have been. I will point out, though, that if this is the case, Little Timmy,
with all four sevens, should have figured that out before his turn, but that
is why he is a random computer player and not a real person. (Unless you were
almost out of cards and he wanted you to think he was cheating so you would
accuse him and get the pile added to your hand...)
It's My Turn Again - What Do I Do?
When it is your turn again, you will probably be allowed to pick from three
card values: The value the person before you has just played, the value one
less than that, and the value one more than that. If you need to catch up to
someone or get ahead, or if none of the values is your highest or lowest, choose
the value of which you have the most. If you don't need to catch up, and the
numbers are not in the middle, then pick the highest or the lowest, for reasons
mentioned in the first section. If the person before you has been accused of
cheating, the pile will be clear. You will get to pick any card value, so you
should (say it with me now) pick the highest or the lowest, except when you
need to catch up, in which case you pick the one of which you have the most.
Very Good!
But I Don't Have Any Of Those Three Cards!
Okay, okay, you don't have to whine about it. All you have to do is cheat.

Won't They Catch Me?
Not if you follow these simple instructions: First decide which value you are
going to say you have played. Try to pick one that hasn't been played that much.
Next, pick the value you are really going to play. This should be your highest
or lowest card because you should never cheat more than one card because then
it will be easier for them to figure out you are cheating. After you have made
both decisions, click Go! and hope for the best!
Remember that these characters are not actual players. They accuse people randomly,
so if you get caught it does not mean you are a bad cheater, it just means the
game will go on a little longer.
Anything Else?
Yes, there are a few tips I still have to tell you:
1) If someone is playing their last card, accuse them of cheating whether you
think they are or not. Chances are you will be right and if you are wrong, the
game will end anyway because they have won.
2) Make people think other people are cheating. Make people think YOU are
cheating. Be devious. That's what Cheat! is all about.
Well I hope you enjoyed my long, slightly boring guide to Cheat! and I just
know you will all be whizing through the levels getting trophies and also getting
rich. Just remember that this is mostly a game of luck so if you do not win
the first time try it again. Now go out there and Cheat!
Hopefully no one will accuse you of cheating. |