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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 18th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 137 > Continuing Series > Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Seven

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Seven

by ridergirl333

Golden Hope

It was the strangest thing…

     Somewhere between wiping the tears from my cheeks and wailing hysterically, a revelation came to me. In that moment… the Star broken, my best friend dead and me kneeling in front of the world's most powerful Dark Faerie, helpless and alone… I had never felt more hope.

     We had made it this far, Tessalea and I. She had been willing to rush into certain death to get that Star. For Neopia. And for me.

     The last bits of sunlight fled from the world, on this, the night of the dark moon. The stars were the only source of light in the heavens. They were all I needed. As Jennumara cackled (had I ever called that cackle terrible? It didn't affect me now.) I inched forward and touched the rough edges of the fallen Star. "Nothing is impossible." I whispered.

     A single tear slid down my cheek, quivered at my chin, and dropped onto the Star. And something happened. I guess you could call it a miracle…

     An explosion of golden light, silent but powerful enough to knock Jennumara unconscious. A gust of warm wind that coaxed me to my feet and caressed my cheeks. And in that wind, I felt Tessalea's paw. Drying my tears, like she had when she freed me from Maloporg. Now, she was freeing me again. From despair, from doubt, from fear. She was warming my bitter cold insides, filling me with the warmth of her courage. The supernova of light dimmed to a soft glow, and I saw the pieces of Star rising until they were a few meters above my head. As they rose, they became less solid and more… more like mist. It shifted in shape and color, turning white, then silver, then gold, writhing like a snake. Finally, the mist took on a more familiar shape. It formed a body, a tail, wings, a beak… and solidified into a living creature. He grew feathers so white they made the snow seem dull in comparison. Gold highlights graced the tips of his wings and gold striped adorned his body. His tail was tipped in gold and he had three gold stripes on his head.

     He was a white Weewoo. The symbol of dreams coming true.

     I tried to back away in awe, but my feet refused to leave the ground. I tried to speak, but my tongue would not obey. I felt like I had no control over my body. Of its own accord, my hand raised itself up, and my index finger went straight and stiff, as if inviting the Weewoo to come and perch. With the grace and speed of the wind itself, he dove down at me, flaring his wings at the last second and perching. He let out a resounding cry, one that would ring in my ears and haunt me forever.


     I felt my entire body tingle with the power of his magic. I closed my eyes briefly, overwhelmed by the power he was channeling through me. The tingling grew more intense, then stopped. It was a few moments before I dared to open my eyes.

     My skin had regained its rosy hue, quite unlike the pallor of my skin before. I was clothed in a shimmering gold gown, simple, but warm enough for the mountain air and quite unlike the ragged thing I had been wearing before. My hair was blonde, smooth and shiny. It reached slightly past my shoulders and was pulled back out of my face by a gold-colored headband. On my feet were dainty high-heeled gold-colored shoes. Even on the rocky ground, I had no trouble walking in them.

     Best of all, a pair of flaxen butterfly wings grew out of my back, shimmering in the light of the stars. And when I looked at my reflection in the flaming pond, my eyes twinkled back at me with the light of a galaxy of stars.

     "Thank you," I whispered to the Weewoo, stroking his back gently. His feathers were softer than a new chick's down.

     It was my pleasure, the Weewoo said, though he didn't move his beak. It was more like he was speaking to my mind, using a sort of telepathy. Look at you. You're beautiful. You always were, you know.

     "I know," I said softly. "But now I have wings on my back, stars in my eyes again. All I need is a new name…"

     You have one, now, the Weewoo said. Kirastra, Kira's Star of the Renewed Hope Light Circle.

     "Kirastra…" I whispered to myself. The name sounded sweet and musical on my tongue. "Kira's Star…"

     The Weewoo gave a coo of pleasure. Yes.

     "What's your name?"

     My name… I don't really have one. I guess you can call me Impossible. Because that's what I am; Impossible.

     "I'm not the same as I was…"

     Are you referring to your physical changes? That you're no longer an earth faerie? That couldn't be helped. After the Star was shattered, only two elements remained in its depths; light and darkness. Because it was a darkness faerie that split the Star, the Star decided only to let its light energy loose. And it manifested itself in the form of a white Weewoo. Me.

     If you're referring to the changes that you can't see, the changes that happened in your mind and in your heart, well those can't be helped either. You've been though a lot, Kirastra. You've fallen from power and lain in the prisons of a dark faerie. You've escaped and met Tessalea Bordorian, fiery warrior and daughter of Lupe conquerors. You've traveled miles and miles. You've battled Lupe packs, dark faeries, and Eyries. You've defeated the odds and came out on top, rising from the ashes of your destruction like a phoenix.

     "Phoenixes come in many shapes and forms." I said softly, remembering Lady Darkmoon's words.

     Yes. No one can ever be quite the same after going through all you've been through.

     I nodded. "After losing my magic… I didn't think I'd ever get it back."

     Lose your magic? Impossible flared his wings in surprise. Lose your magic? You never lost your magic, young one.

     My jaw dropped in shock. "But… grey faeries don't have…"

     Regaining his balance, Impossible gave me a look of pity. Poor dear, thinking you lost your magic. You didn't lose it, it just changed.

     "But how…"

     Did anything peculiar ever happen to you while you were a grey faerie? When you were feeling sad or afraid? Have you ever… changed your surroundings?

     Remembering what Tessalea had said about her home, I sat down in shock. "Bordor Mount?"

     You mean Eyrie Peak? Yes, you changed that. The rivers, the streams, the trees, the wind, all retained a bit of magic from their former Eyrie owners. Thus, they reacted to your magic, throwing the mountain into misery and despair.

     "And the Lupe pack…"

     Your tears enchanted them into running away.

     "And the Star…"

     Yes, when you tear hit the pieces of the Star, I emerged. See, a grey faerie's magic is in her tears.

     I sighed, remembering Tessalea. How I wished I could cry now, and bring her back to me! As if reading my mind, Impossible nudged me with his beak sympathetically. I'm so sorry about your loss, Treali. She was a warrior brave and true. But you know what? She gave you your wings so that you could travel Neopia, helping other grey faeries get their wings back.

     "But that's impossible…"

     That's my name, don't wear it out. The Weewoo joked.

     "No, no. I mean we can't… the Star is broken…"

     Impossible gave a shrill coo that sounded like a laugh. Dear, there are other ways for a fallen faerie to grow wings. The Star was just one of them. No wing-growing method is easy, I can assure you that.

     "So… let's go free some faeries!" I said enthusiastically. "Maybe someday, we'll free all of the grey faeries in Neopia…"

     Impossible laughed again. Maybe, Kirastra. Maybe.

* * *
     That night…

     Jennumara awoke under a ceiling of a thousand stars, cursing that grey faerie and her Lupess companion. "Well," she muttered, "There are other ways to free Kilamara. I don't need that Dessro to do it. Oh, but no one makes a fool of Jennumara, the Eldest of the Fourteen Sisters of Starless Peak, and gets away with it! Mark my words, Treali. When I get my hands on you, you will pay for this dearly."

     So wrapped up in her angry mutterings, Jennumara never realized that her younger sister was still alive. Coughing, sputtering, and vomiting lake water, but alive. "Foolish sister," she cackled. "She forgets that the Ancient Magic runs through my blood. Therefore, the Flame of Evil won't kill me. Oh, but no one makes Grindomara look like an idiot. I'll have my revenge on Jennumara, and that grey faerie and her thrice-cursed Lupess." (Being unconscious for so long, she didn't know that Tessalea was dead.) "Then I'll be the most powerful of the Fourteen Sisters! At least, until the Darkest Faerie returns…"

The End

Previous Episodes

Grey Despair Golden Hope: The Starless, the Cursed

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part One

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Two

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Three

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Four

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Five

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Six

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