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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 7th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 136 > New Series > Forgotten II: Part One

Forgotten II: Part One

by moonstar_cutie67

By popular demand, Forgotten has returned. :) To read the first one, click here.

"Kayinna! C'mon, we're going to be late for the meeting!" A Dark Faerie shook her head and threw up her hands in frustration. She tapped her foot impatiently, arms crossed as a plushie Kougra staggered out of the small home. "There you are!"

     "Maelstra, you can't rush me," Kayinna sniffed, jumping off the porch steps and following her faerie owner. Maelstra just shook her head and pulled the mutant Kougra toward the entrance out of the secluded area. Once out, Maelstra brushed her long purple dress with her hands a few times, causing Kayinna's eyes to roll reluctantly. "Worried, are we?" the Kougra asked with a bemused smile. The faerie cast her pet an icy glare.

     "I wouldn't be talking," she scoffed angrily, stomping toward the Faerieland sidewalk. "Fyora's meeting should be starting any minute, and you were the one to take so long in the bathroom! We're going to be late for the meeting, did you know that?" Shaking her head, Maelstra began to trudge toward Fyora's cloud castle. Kayinna followed grudgingly.

     "The meeting won't start without the one and only, the Dark Faerie," Kayinna said with a pleased look, "and of course, her wonderful Kougra. Maelstra, you know Fyora turned the other cheek for you. Ever since you've adopted me, she's liked you much more. Remember the last meeting? I picked that thing for castle-sitting and we made it through? Remember Fyora's look?" The Kougra nodded, encouraging the thought. But Maelstra just gave a simple shrug.

     "Whatever," she replied dully, passing some tourists that seemed quite interested in the magical faerie foods that were on display in a shop.

     "Okay, but remember…" Kayinna said in a sing-song voice. "Look, the castle doors are still open!" The Kougra gave a wide grin and ran toward the double oak doors. Maelstra had to smile at her pet's enthusiasm and how happy she seemed ever since she had been painted plushie. The guards didn't even bother stopping Kayinna as she pounced past them and into Fyora's foyer. Normally pets and friendly tourists weren't allowed to go into Fyora's castle, but today Fyora had an exhibit going on. She hired her guards for overtime to make sure nobody stole anything and installed extra security cameras just for the special occasion. At the same time, a faerie meeting was going to be held. When Maelstra entered the marble foyer, she saw already few faeries were entering the meeting room. Tourists drifted from one room to the other, snapping camera shots at rare things never to be seen any other time.

     "Told you so," Kayinna said, sticking out her tongue. "The meeting hasn't even started yet!"

     And so she was right. The only faeries that had showed up so far was Taelia and Illusen, who were arguing about the things given out on their quests. "…so I think you should stop giving out honey potions and…" Kayinna passed the fight without much interest; she was heading straight for Fyora who seemed bemused by the whole situation. Her Kadoatie purred as the Kougra stepped closer to the faerie queen.

     "Hello Kayinna," Fyora replied with a calm voice. "And, ah, hello Maelstra. Lovely day, isn't it?" She nodded with a smile, her eyes twinkling, toward the gigantic windows that showed the clear blue sky and the shining sun. Kayinna nodded.

     "When's the meeting going to start?" she asked eagerly.

     Fyora let out a hearty laugh. "When the all the other faeries show up and when these two," she jabbed her thumb toward Illusen and Taelia, who seemed both quite angry now. "Stop fighting." She grinned and tasseled Kayinna's soft plushie fur. "So how's life being plushie?"

     "Oh, it's alright," Kayinna replied, losing interest in the new conversation. She drifted toward the food table, already piling faerie queen burritos and earth faerie brownies on her plastic plate. Fyora chuckled, knowing that all the Kougra was interested was the meeting and, of course, the food. So the queen turned eagerly at Maelstra, who had settled in the second row of many seats. Just as Fyora was about to start to ask the faerie a question, the oak doors flew open and a crowd of faeries milled into the room, taking their seats on the left side of the hall, which made Fyora stop. Kayinna abandoned her food to get a seat next to her owner. Finally, when everyone was seated and Taelia and Illusen had stopped bickering, Fyora took a deep breath.

     "I have called this meeting," she began, "because, as you know, there are many pets in the Pound that are like Kayinna was before. There is one simple task I am assigning each faerie; to go to the Pound and pick out your favourite pet. For one week, you will take care of your pet like it was your own from the beginning, which means keeping it fed, homed, and well cared for all together. Maelstra, you will still pick out another pet for the time being. At the end of the week, you will bring your pets to the next meeting and I will decide if you have been a good owner for this pet. If you agree with the pet and like it very much, you'll have the choice to keep it forever. But if you don't get all with him or her, you also have the opportunity to abandon it. But this will all happen at the end of the week; at the end of seven days. Does everyone agree on this?"

     "So I'll get to have a little brother or sister?" Kayinna piped up with interest, raising her paw. Fyora nodded. When the questions were over, all the faeries began to grumble things like, "I don't have space for a measly pet!" and "Goodness, I bet this was either Maelstra's or Kayinna's idea!!" But Kayinna ignored all this and eagerly turned to Maelstra.

     "Can we go to the pound and pick one out right now??" she asked with her pleading Kougra eyes.

     Maelstra laughed. "Sure Kay," she said, leading them both out of the foyer. Now the castle was packed with tourists of all sizes, climbing the winding marble staircases or disappearing into other rooms. Kayinna clung to Maelstra's hand as they wove their way through the crowded area. Once outside, both stopped to take a deep breath of fresh air.

     "Where's she going to sleep?" the Kougra asked with interest as they headed for the nearest portal to Neopia Central.

     "Oh, we'll find a place for her," Maelstra reassured her friend, squeezing her paw for effect. "Remember, I still have my powers so I can expand the home to whatever size needed. Look!" They had neared the portal, which was beginning to take off, but stopped at the sight of the running pair. Once safely inside, they took off toward Neopia Central.

     "Can it be a Kougra?" Kayinna giggled. "I mean, you get along with me great and same goes for me with you. So that means if we find a Kougra…" Kayinna stopped, giggling loudly.

     "We'll see," Maelstra laughed. She loved the idea that all the faeries were now to take on the responsibility of caring for a pet; now Illusen couldn't take off whenever she wanted too and Taelia had to keep sight of her pet. But the problem was, Maelstra had to take care of two pets; one her own and the other hopefully to become her own. But she didn't mind; she loved pets all around, which was unusual for a Dark Faerie because you would think she'd be mean and angry all the time. But really, Maelstra was a good-hearted soul all together. Before she had more time to think about the new assignment, the portal came to an abrupt stop.

     "Neopia Central," the driver called as most of the tourists scrambled up. "Next stop, Tyrannia…"

     "Come on!" Kayinna cried, jumping off the portal and pulling her owner after her. "I bet most the of the faeries are already there, picking out the best pound pets!"

     "Kay, stop it!" Maelstra laughed, wiggling out of her Kougra's tight grasp. "You weren't really the best pound pet around either and I still picked you, right? So that means we won't be going for the prettiest painted pets; we'll be going for the pets that need us the most. You understand, don't you?" She paused as Kayinna nodded her head, not stopping to actually face Maelstra and directly answer her. But nonetheless, Maelstra followed with a bemused smile.

     "Welcome," the red Uni at the front counter said. "Fyora has already notified the whole Pound building, so I'll be leading you through all the aisles of pets." The Uni didn't even bother smiling as she pushed past the swinging doors. As they passed the cafeteria, Kayinna saw that it was completely empty, despite it being almost breakfast time. They must be ready in their cages, Kayinna thought with a smile as they walked down the first aisle. As they passed, the beauty pets stood with superior behind their metal cage bars. But even though Kayinna stopped to look at some, Maelstra still passed without much interest.

     "Here we are… the last aisle," the Uni said with a bored voice, passing through another pair of doors. They had passed through several aisles and still Maelstra hadn't picked a pet. It seemed to be the same down this aisle too because when they had neared the end, the faerie still hadn't made a decision. "Well that's the last of them," the Uni said, clearing her throat. "If you want to go down the first aisle again, that's where the most nicest and newest pets are…" But Maelstra's gaze flicked toward the last cage right at the bottom. She crouched down to get a better look at the shy green Aisha who sat behind the bars.

     For a moment, Kayinna surveyed the lonely pet. There was a little plate with information right by the latch, which told everything about the pet. The Aisha's name was Plessa and she had been here… "Hey, she's been here longer than I was!" Kayinna exclaimed. The tag read that Plessa had been abandoned at birth and was found weeks later in an abandoned alleyway. There she had been rescued to the Pound, but it wasn't so much better anyway, Kayinna knew that for sure.

     "I want Plessa," Maelstra said with a firm nod of her head, getting up to face the bewildered Uni.

     "But we have much nicer pets down the first aisle-"

     "I want Plessa," Maelstra repeated. "And like I said with Kayinna, I'm not leaving the Pound premises until she's in my arms." The faerie smiled down at the shocked Aisha who had crawled forward to see all the commotion.

     "Fine," the irritated Uni unlatched the cage door and pulled Plessa out, who was shyer than ever. "Plessa, Maelstra is here to come take you home." She nodded as the faerie picked up the Aisha and cradled her in her arms. "Is that all?" the Uni asked, peeling off the plate. Maelstra nodded.

     "Come on, you're coming home with me now…" Maelstra cooed.

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

Forgotten II: Part Two

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