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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 12th day of Awakening, Yr 27
The Neopian Times Week 136 > New Series > A Blue Christmas: Part One

A Blue Christmas: Part One

by ratdog446

It was Christmas time, and for the pets at the pound, one of the best times of the year. Every morning, owners would crowd in front of the door, waiting for the pound to open. The numbers of residents each day, would drop by at least 25. Most of the pets were making themselves look nice, in order to be adopted, specifically two friends.

     "Come on Ally, just put on some red blush," a faerie Kacheek begged.

     "No Melissa. It reminds me of my Faerie Cybunny days," Allison, a starry Lupe told her friend. Allison had once been a Faerie Cybunny, and was constantly entered in Beauty Contests. Her owner at the time was charged with pet mistreatment, and Allison was taken to the pound.

     "Please," Melissa whimpered.

     "Okay, okay. But only for you, this once," Allison said, sighing.

     Allison and Melissa had become friends in the month of Gathering. Melissa had been at the pound for a day or so, and was a sad timid thing. Then Allison came to the pound after she had been found in the jungle of Mystery Island, sent by her most recent owner to find some new and exotic unknown thing, to make them rich. Allison was stronger willed, having fought in Battledome many times. She soon became Melissa's friend and protector.

     "Thank you! I have to go help Dr_Death prepare for the Christmas feast, but I'll be back soon!" Melissa said, as she rushed out the door.

     A few moments after Melissa left, a small crowd of people came in to the pound. A girl scanned through the pets, and their information, but stopped when she reached Allison. A smile appeared on her once angry face as she looked up.

     "Hello, I'm Betta," she said, with a kind voice.

     Allison liked the sound of her voice, and the fact that she seemed kind. "I'm Allison," she spoke, having trouble saying the words.

     The two began talking, and talked for at least half an hour. Finally, Betta had to go. "So I'll come tomorrow to adopt you right?" Betta finally said.

     "Yes. By the way, would you be interested in adopting a Faerie Kacheek, as well?" Allison asked, thinking about how great it would be if she and Melissa could be sisters. "No, I wish I could, and I know I could afford to, but I don't know if I'm quite ready for two pets. But if you're talking about that friend of yours, I would," Betta said sadly, sighing.

     "Oh," Allison whispered, sad that she and Melissa would be separated, but glad that she had found an owner that might be her owner forever.

     "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll make the arrangements so no one can take you until I get here," Betta said, before she got up and left.

     "Guess what!!" Melissa exclaimed as she ran to Allison.

     "What?" Allison asked, scared from the clatter.

     "I'm getting adopted!" Melissa screamed.

     "Oh my gosh! While you were gone I met my owner to be. Her name's Betta, and I think she's going to be the one. I asked if she could adopt you too, but she couldn't. But that's still great!!" Allison cried.

     "Oh!! I asked if Dimetra could adopt you!! But maybe our owners will meet and become best friends and we can live next door, and visit every day!! And we can share a garden, and both get petpets, who will be best friends," Melissa gushed, speaking a mile a minute.

     "Yah!! That would be so great! Now tell me about the person that's adopting you," her friend exclaimed.

     "Well, her name's Dimetra, and she is really rich, and kind. She said as soon as I get adopted, we're going petpet shopping!! And after that, we're going to go furniture shopping for my room and bathroom. I visited her Neohome, that's why I was gone so long, and it is great!! Not very small and cozy, but when I was there I felt like I was home," Melissa sighed, as if in a dream.

     "Betta's not rich like Dimetra, but she isn't poor. She's a little but more than average on Neopoints. I can't wait for tomorrow!" Allison stated with enthusiasm.

     "Well, it's getting late. We should definitely have a good nights rest," Melissa stated, yawning.

     "Yep, this is our last night here together," Allison said, before going of to bed.

     "Wow!! I can't believe this is our last day here together!" Melissa said, through a grin.

     "I know!! I'm so excited!!!" Allison smiled at her friend.

     "Well, Betta and Dimetra will be here in 10 minutes!! I didn't have much time, but I made you a good bye present," Melissa said, handing a lumpy package to her friend.

     "Me too!! Let's open them at the same time," Allison handed a lumpy package to her friend.

     "One…two…three!!" the two friends cried, pulling open their packages.

     "Wow!! A scarf!!" the two cried in unison, the burst into a fit of giggles.

     "Okay, let's pack our stuff!!" Allison said, thinking that this may be her last moments living in the pound ever. No more packing, no more cruel owners, and no more not being loved by a family.

     Soon the moment arrived. Allison shinned as brightly as her starry coat at Betta, who came through the front door, while Melissa grinned her biggest at Dimetra, who came through the back door.

     "Okay, time to come home, Allison!!" Betta exclaimed.

     "Time to come home with me, Melissa!" Dimetra cried.

     The two seemed to recognize the others voice for they both whirled around, to see who was speaking.

     "Oh!! It's you!!" Betta sneered.

     "Ah, and you!" Dimetra hissed.

     "I assume you lost everything, for you had a full house of pets, and would never abandon one," Betta countered.

     "And what makes it your business!!" Dimetra countered back.

     Mouths a gap the two friends turned to look at each other. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

     "I guess this ruins our plans," Melissa whimpered over the arguing.

     "I think this may really be good bye," Allison whispered.

     The two owners didn't hear a word of what the two pets were saying. They just kept arguing.

     Finally they stopped, reached for the pet they were adopting, and headed for the two adopt desks, at the different ends of the pound. After paying both speed out, in to the bustling streets of Neopia Central.

To be continued…

Previous Episodes

A Blue Christmas: Part Two

A Blue Christmas: Part Three

A Blue Christmas: Part Four

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