GUILD HEADQUARTERS - A guild is where you will probably have the most fun in Neopia.
It is very great to talk to others and just plain be there! If you pick the right
guild, it will contain your interests and that is where guilds shine.
Now, I will tell a quick story to explain my point:
A month and three days ago, I ran a guild with a few friends, no good point,
and no real good contests. Basically, the guild was just failing. I felt that
I would have more fun as a member of a guild and not a leader.
So I kicked all the members out of the guild, quit the guild, and starting
looking for another. Now I think, "What guild will be the best for me? What
guild is made around my interests?" Then it hits me. The Neopian Times Appreciation
Guild is the place for me! I love writing, and as I find out later, the members
are funny and are great people.
I become an active member, introduce myself, read the FAQ, post, and participate
in the discussions. I soon learn why so many people are in guilds, and not leaders
of them. The responsibility of keeping a guild up and running, let alone a big
one, is amazingly huge, even with a council and other mods.
I agree with plushieowner's guild article, guild leaders do have a tough job,
being a former one myself. So thanks tdyans for the great job you're doing in
our guild!
The guilds were down at the time I started writing this article. I hated not
being posting in the guild message board. It is literally impossible to locate
members of my guild on the chat boards, so I felt stranded. This has showed
me how my guild gives me a lot of my fun and excitement in Neopia. This is why
you should choose a guild, and choose a good one.
To help you choose a guild, I have compiled a list of things you should look
for in a guild. Note that some of these are found out about by actually joining
the guild.
Take the list below and write it down on a sheet of paper in a question-answer
format. You can use it for each guild and mark a "check" for yes and an "x"
for no and an "o" for maybe. Or you can use your own way.
1. What are the members like? Are they mean and criticize your every move?
Or do they welcome you and act like you are an equal? Mean members sometimes
indicate a corrupted or bad guild.
2. Is there a guild website? If so, is it sloppy or well made? If not, this
criteria doesn't matter too much.
3. What is the message board like? Does an average person post at least once
a day? How many messages are posted a day? Is the message board under lazy rules
that allow spam?
Depending on you and what you like, decide whether you like your message board
and its rules.
4. Does the number of members match your personal preference? What I mean
is, if it is a small guild and you like lots of action and like lots of things
happening, don't join it. The activities in the guild are likely on a smaller-scale,
and the people probably aren't as active. This is probably the most important
thing to check.
5. When have the guild leader and council last logged on? If not within the
last few days, unless they have said they were going on vacation or would be
gone for something like a week, then the guild may not be the best one for you
to join. You probably won't have a good time.
Sometimes, though, there are certain special cases. In my guild, one of the
council members hasn't logged on for hundreds of days because of non-Neopets
priorities. If this is the case, by no means rule out a guild with a council
member like this.
6. Neomail the guild leader before joining. This can help you get a feel of
how things are run in the guild.
You should send a polite message to them like this:
I am thinking of joining your guild. Could you please tell me a little more
about your guild?
Thank you,
If the guild leader replies informatively and politely, this indicates a good
guild. However, rudeness should make you put a little "x" on your list of criteria
for this category.
7. By looking at the front page, website, and whatever else you can see does
the council have too much power. Would you get a say in anything? Does the guild
leader rule everything like a dictator? Also, although this isn't as important,
what are the council name titles?
Good Council Name Titles: President, Advisor, Secretary, Editor, Web
Master, Game Guru, etc.
Try to stay away from anything about ruling and dictating.
Bad Council Name Titles: Ruler, Dictator, King, Queen, Master of All,
Ruling Master, Dictating Ruler, Ruler of Kings, Ruler of Masters of Dictating
Kings, Mighty Ruler of Masters of Dictating Kings, Overlord of Mighty Rulers
of Masters of Dictating Kings, etc.
Keep in mind "King" and "Queen" do make sense in Meridell/Medieval guilds
and guilds like that. (Perhaps Role Playing guilds)
But also keep in mind that if the guild is good, a few bad rank and council
titles don't matter.
If the guild you want to join, or have joined meets most or all of these criteria,
then by all means you should join/stay! Otherwise you may want to check out
another guild. The list can also help members of guilds that are questioning
whether to leave the guild or not decide whether to do so.
Remember that the list above is not always 100% accurate in finding you the
perfect guild. It is just a list of guidelines you should use in looking for
a guild.
And don't forget, once you are in a guild you like, get to know the other
members for the maximum experience.
In the end, you can always quit your guild. Be polite about it and don't be
mean to your other guild members in your final message to them. Do make sure
to tell them that you are leaving. People dislike other members suddenly disappearing.
Eventually you will find the perfect guild for you!
Authors Note: This article was not meant to advertise my guild, the NTAG.
I hope this article will help the guildless really find enjoyment in Neopia.