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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 134 > Continuing Series > Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Four

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Four

by ridergirl333

A Warm Welcome at Mist Mountain

Treali scooped up armfuls of dirt and was ready to smother the fire the minute I came charging through. Though less protected from the blaze than I had been, she somehow had gotten through nearly unscathed. Lucky girl, I thought with a wry grin. Or is it luck? Somehow, I don't think even the luckiest of people can walk through a fire and be 110% okay.

      What if it's… magic?

      Okay, now I've officially crossed the line into craziness, I thought. I watched with amusement as the hole in the dome of light fibers healed itself and I listened to Maloporg use some colorful language to describe Treali and me. It felt good to get on his nerves.

      "Are you hurt, Tessa?" Treali asked, trying to hide a grin as Maloporg shouted something about feeding us to Slorgs.

      "Nope. Not much can hurt this Lupess," I said toughly, grabbing my staff (which I had luckily remembered to bring with me). Then, I took my first good look at Mist Mountain.

      Directly in front of me was a rough piece of granite that seemed to whisper, reminding me of the mutterings of the wind. I picked the stone up. It was moist as a river stone and light as a feather. This mountain had small areas of snow on it, but fro the most part was covered in various patches of grass, soil, lakes, groves of trees, and (to my horror) towering infernos of flame. Thick curtains of mist veiled anything more than fifty yards ahead of me. Random holes in the earth dotted the landscape, seeming to go down and down forever, with no conceivable bottom. Some holes shone with the light of a supernova, and others seemed to draw in darkness, like night without moon or stars. Darkness like the eyes of the Elephante. Darkness like the core of the Flame of Evil. I took a cautious step forward, drawing closer to one of these holes of darkness. A glint of light at the bottom! So there was a bottom! I simply had to see what was down there! I had to, and nothing and no one was going to stop me! Straining my eyes in an attempt to see what it was, I leaned forward…

      And jolted as Treali grabbed my neck fur and jerked me back. "What do you think you're doing?" I snapped quickly, without thinking about what I was saying. Then, it dawned on me. Seeing tears come to Treali's face, I put my paw around her shoulder.

      "I'm sorry, Treali." I whispered.

      "It's not your fault," she wailed. "Those holes… they're full of dark enchantments. You've got to… be careful…"

      "Thanks for saving me," I said.

      "Well, you've saved me so many times… it was the only way I could repay you."

      "No repayment needed," I insisted. Then, I bent to examine a nearby lake. It was small, small enough almost to be considered a puddle. The water was filthy, with every manner of leaf and twig floating in it. But the odd thing about this lake was; the surface was on fire. Low flames skittered across the surface, not visible from afar but very noticeable if you took the time to draw close and watch. Tiny wisps of smoke rose from the flames, vanishing almost as soon as they appeared. I stuck my burned paw in the water, careful to avoid the dancing flames. The water was warm and soothing, just the remedy I needed.

      "Hey!" A snappish cry from behind me made me whirl around in fright. A rather aggressive-looking pack of mountain Lupes, a dozen of them, three adult males, five adult females and four pups. Their coats were long and shaggy, even shaggier than mine, and the color of old bark left to rot. Splotches of green, resembling mold or moss dappled their backs. Worst of all, their eyes were filled with wild fury, eyes handed down by generations of living in the roughs of the wilderness. Their fangs were larger than those of a normal Lupe, slightly yellowed and gleaming dangerously. Their claws were larger too, and sharper and more perilous than any claws I had ever seen on a beast. These Lupes were survivors. The speaker, a male with a scar across his left cheek and more green blotches than any of is pack-mates, turned to me with a feral gleam in his eye. "This is our land. Scram!"

      "I beg your pardon, sir, but my companion and I were just looking for a place to rest," I said in my most diplomatic voice. "We've been traveling for a long while…"

      The briefest look of bewilderment crossed the Lupe's face, but was quickly replaced by that dangerous gleam again. "Shush. This is our land. Scram."

      It occurred to me that centuries of living away from civilized society had shrunk these Lupes' vocabulary. To them, the world wasn't about words. It was about action. Eat or be eaten. Defend your territory, or be left in the cold. Fight or die.

      I tried communication again. "My name is Tessalea. My friend… my pack-mate and I are tired. Can we rest here?"

      "This is our land. Scram."

      Hmm… maybe their vocabulary was a bit more limited than I had anticipated.

      One Lupess, a large one with a green-tipped tail gestured to Treali. "Who be that?"

      "Treali," I said, pointing at my companion, who smiled shyly and waved at the primitive Lupes. "Treali the Grey Faerie."

      At those words, the entire pack gasped. Low murmurings echoed throughout the pack. "Faerie?" "Here?" "Bad." None seemed able to say more than any simple, monosyllable words, yet they all seemed to know the word "Faerie" quite well. The splotchy-backed Lupe leader turned his wrathful gaze back on his pack, who silenced immediately. Yet they still seemed to be waiting anxiously for something, muscles tensed. I clutched my staff tightly for comfort.

      Then, he gave the command. "Kill it."

      They charged. I scarcely had time to lift my staff before they were upon us. All eight of the adult Lupes, against me and my staff, whilst Treali cowered behind me, helpless and unarmed. If only I had given her the staff, I thought. But it was too late now. I had to get her to safety. "Get up a tree!" I shouted. "Lupes can't climb! Get up a tree!" Treali nodded and hastily obliged, scurrying up a nearby maple. Before I could utter another word, two of the Lupes pounced on me, sending me crashing to the ground and knocking the wind from my lungs. I tucked myself into a roll and leapt back onto my feet, unharmed. They charged again, and this time I was ready. The staff hit the jaws of the first with a sickening crack. The second got past the staff, only to deal with my teeth.

      The third and fourth were ready for me. This time, I did the charging, and met them on the banks of the fiery lake. A smack to the ankles sent one Lupe in to take a swim, but exposed my torso. The other Lupe took full advantage of this, digging her claws into my chest. Meanwhile, her pack-mate emerged from the water, slightly burned but very scared.

      Wounded, gasping for breath, and quite a few enemies left to defeat. The circumstances weren't looking good for me. Plus, my headache was starting to return. I put a paw to my forehead, as if that would soothe my throbbing skull.

      Bad move. Seeing my weakened position, the Lupes struck. And for the third time, I was spiraling into blackness…

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Grey Despair Golden Hope: The Starless, the Cursed

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part One

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Two

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Three

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Five

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Six

Grey Despair, Golden Hope: Part Seven

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