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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 25th day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 129 > Continuing Series > The Raven Faerie: Part Two

The Raven Faerie: Part Two

by shadyy15

"Oh, just stop it. You're just jealous because someone else got all the attention, in stead of you." Shocked Faith took a few steps back. She looked at him with hard eyes; she meant it. She was totally exhausted when she sank on the bed. Pennathradiel wrapped her self in the black sheets and hid herself from Faith's sight.

      When Nefkemenion reached Meridell only few were taken in by some activity. He walked on towards the Castle, where he was soon to be expected. On Meridell's largest square there was a market today. Curious, Nefkemenion wandered between the different stalls, admiring the arts and crafts of his fellow Neopets. He didn't realise that a, rather large, Grarrl was following him. Of course he realised this, when the Grarrls subtle shadow entirely covered the little Nefkemenion. He turned around and stared at an ugly yellow bellybutton. What he saw above the bellybutton didn't look any better according to him. Must be one of the King's Mercenaries, he thought. Those are dangerous.

      "If it isn't little Nefkemenion, one of Rehoans favourite apprentices. Tell me, what were you doing in the forests. Coming back from an appointment with the Black Witch?" As his voice was not quite as silent as Nefkemenion wished, the whole square heard him and started laughing.

      "What witch? Do you believe in witches Drardum? A big fellow like you?" It was a risky answer, but he had to save what was left of his reputation.

      Ignoring the insults, Drardum replied: "Why, the witch of the wood, little one. She is ugly as night or as the Darkest Faerie! They say she lives in some tower, somewhere south of the city. The exact direction you came out of!

      Having to listen to him insulting the fair Pennathradiel, was too much for Nefkemenion. "What do you know about it, you big yellow moron! She's very pretty and not evil at all. You're all idiots..." As he was rambling on an unfriendly pair of ears heard every word. Under her cloak Numa smiled. Meanwhile, Nefkemenion had ended his tirade. Everybody looked at him and then one big wave of laughing broke out. Humiliated he ran on to the castle, safe from the mocking laughter.


The sun was really up high now. The drapes in the tower room were shut. No light would have come in, unless if they were a little moth-eaten. A few holes had made their way into the thick black cloth, now the sun was filtering true, warming the cold stones. You could see dust particles dancing in the ray of light, they moved, twirled, like tiny ballerinas.

      Suddenly, the dancers were torn apart by the wagging tail of a lazy Gelert, called Faith as we know. When he had gone back to sleep the dancers stood once again in the spotlight and twirled again. They weren't the only ones who had seen Faith go back to sleep.

      Numa pushed the door of the room and looked around; they were both asleep. But she immediately detected the intruding rays of sun. She pointed at the curtain, a dark blue stream came out of her pretty finger and there were no more holes in the moth-eaten curtain. She went further into the room. She saw Faith sleeping underneath the window; silently she mouthed a spell. Black lace was rapping itself around the faithful, still sleeping, friend. The room was utterly dark; Numa threw back her cloak. So doing she unveiled a tall and pretty figure. She was wearing a dark-blue dress and had long brown hair. Her face was pale too, but not as pale as the Raven Faerie's. She stepped slowly towards the bed, smiling at the innocent face of the good Dark Faerie. She sat down on the side; Pennathradiel slightly rolled towards her.

      "Wake up, wake up silly Faerie," whispered Numa gently with a chanting voice.

      Pennathradiel moaned. "Leave me be Faith! I'm still angry with you."

      "But I am not, Faith!"

      Pennathradiel opened her eyes and yelled. Faith woke up with a startle but found her limbs bound together. Pennathradiel tried a spell, but her powers were still too weak. Numa's hysterical laugh resounded against the stone walls. "There, there, little Dark Faerie, don't get all upset on me now! I've just come to take you with me. The Dark Faerie Council requests your presence at their next meeting. It will be a fun one, trust me."

      "Who are you? You have no right whatsoever to be here, no-one has!" shouted Pennathradiel.

      "My, my, you're not really that bright, are you? It should be abundantly clear to you that I am, in fact, a true Dark Faerie. Therefore, I also have just a little more powers during the day. That's nice, isn't it? You could have that too, you know. If you would just drop this smelly dungeon! They don't even show you any gratitude for what you do! Don't get me wrong, I admire you. Going through life all by yourself, while you have these nice magical powers at night, and there's not one single thing you can do with them. Now, I would just hate that!" She kept rambling on, turning the Raven Faerie furious.

      Not all she said was untrue. Pennathradiel felt that her very blood was boiling; she was just so angry. She had actually never been this angry before. She ran towards Numa and slapped her across the face. A little scratch had appeared on Numa's cheek. She felt it with her hand; a small drop of blood was now on her finger. Pennathradiel stood puffing in the corner behind Numa, ready for more.

      "That wasn't a very nice thing to do!" said Numa with a sharp voice. "I'm only trying to be your friend!" At that cursed word Pennathradiel jumped again, if not magic it would be physical strength that would help her. But this time Numa had anticipated the jump, again she mouthed a spell and the dark-blue lace started capturing Pennathradiel, as she fell to the floor.

      "Like it or not, you are coming with me dear!" Numa wrapped Pennathradiel in her black cloak, put on her own and kicked the door open.


Pennathradiel fell on a cold, stone floor. Her hair was hanging in front of her eyes and she could not see. She was still bound by the black lace. Numa bent over and wiped the hair out of the pale blue eyes. Pennathradiel shot a dark look at her.

      "What, you don't like it? It's very similar to that tower of yours! Or do you miss your little Gelert. I suppose you wish you hadn't got all mad on him! Well it's too late, you'll never see him again." Pennathradiel looked at Numa with tears in her eyes. "Oh, silly you. I didn't hurt her. I meant you were never going to make it back to the tower. Come to think of it, if no one knows of your tower... Faith shall never be delivered. Oh, isn't that sad. Be careful now, Pennathradiel! You don't want to say what you're thinking; this is not your home anymore. It should be, though!"

      "Enough Numa! Sit down, and let the Dark Faerie Council begin! Now make sure she is well tied, the sun is setting. We don't want any unpleasant surprises, do we?" Pennathradiel couldn't see who was speaking; suddenly another string of magical lace started tying her. She tried to break free, she could see the first rays of the crescent moonlight, but she was already tied to well. "Good! Now set her up straight!" A pair of hands grabbed her and set her on her feet. She staggered a little at first, but then she stood up straight, as a true Faerie does.

      She heard a whisper coming from behind her. Suddenly, all the candles in the room were lit. She found herself, standing in the middle of the round room. There were twenty thrones against the walls. All of them were taken by Dark Faeries. It is for the first time that Pennathradiel realised that Dark Faeries aren't very much alike. She even saw one Faerie with dark blonde hair. This was the one that had spoken earlier on. She had dark, malicious eyes. You could see the other Faeries were a little scared of her. Pennathradiel looked straight into the eyes, after a while a chill went down her spine, which did not go unnoticed.

      "Is it too cold for you, my dear? You are the reason of this meeting; we can't have you feeling uncomfortable." Pennathradiel froze and looked at her dress. "The least you could do is answer!" yelled the Faerie, she spoke a few words and Pennathradiel was instantly flung against a wall. She fell into another Dark Faeries lap, who looked really angry with the blonde Faerie. "Now that we know each other a little, let me introduce myself. My name is Lychea, leader of the Dark Faerie Council. To tell you the truth, Pennathradiel, we are very worried about you. Living far away from you sisters can't be healthy. Pretending that you are a good Dark Faerie is impossible. I can live with this. But the fact that you keep us from doing what we want, doing what we have to do as Dark Faeries, is an outrage! It's been for a while now that we're interested in Meridell. It's a sweet little city: weak, perfect setting, and large woods to hide in. But we have one problem in Meridell. You! You keep us from performing spells, as you are stronger than most of my Faeries, at night. Now, you don't expect me to go and do those little spells, do you? No, no, no. We have decided to accept you back into our sisterhood. Join the Dark side, your side. You will no longer be alone; you will be powerful day and night. Join us." She was now standing in front of Pennathradiel, who was sitting on her knees.

      "Cut the lace loose!" commanded Lychea. Numa hesitated. "Do it!" Numa ran forward and cut the lace with a little dagger. Pennathradiel rubbed her wrists and stood up.

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

The Raven Faerie: Part One

The Raven Faerie: Part Three

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