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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 2nd day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 127 > Articles > Defender Trainer: Knowing Your Names

Defender Trainer: Knowing Your Names

by zanshore

GAMES ROOM - Many Neopians know all of the Neopets names by simply looking at their picture. Many put their knowledge to the test every day by playing Defender Trainer. But just knowing the Neopets isn't enough; you have to know petpets and items. To top it all off, knowing the name just won't cut it, you have to know the length of their name and know what the item is if it's moving, not colored, and upside down. These elements make this game more challenging.

First off, you have to know what you're going to be up against when choosing a difficulty. There are three difficulties, Easy, Medium, and Hard. Easy mode will give you a longer time limit and 4 options to choose from. Medium will give you an average time limit with 6 options, and Hard will give you 9 options. If you have no idea what Neopets names are, it would be a good idea to start off on Easy. If you know Neopets names but still have trouble with items and petpets, Medium is for you. Hard is for people who have memorized all or most of the items in Defender Trainer and are ready to make some Neopoints; Easy and Medium won't give off many Neopoints.

Cheap Tricks
Once in a while, the game will toss in tricks here and there to throw you off track. Such is the following:
Minimized Targets - The options will become microscopic so you have to look harder to identify it.
Silhouettes - The option will turn black, so the only thing you can make out of it is its shape.
Moving Targets - On the top left it will say 'Moving Targets' in red letters so you know the targets will move. The options will jump around, wait until it moves then click it right away to avoid possible mistakes.
Fake Moving Targets - Sometimes the words 'Moving Targets' will be on the top left but the targets won't actually move.
Up Side Down Targets - The options will be upside down; the object should still be easily identified however.
NOT - The clue will contain the word NOT, so instead of looking for a 'Which of these is a Skeith' it might say 'Which of these is NOT a Skeith'.

Neopet Names
When you first start the game, you will be asked to identify Neopets based on the first letter of their name. Sound easy? It is once you get the hang of it. The beginning rounds give you a nice decent time limit to identify the neopet, this doesn't mean that you want to waste all the time, however. If you want to make lots of Neopoints, you're going to want to identify the neopet fast to get a time bonus. This round should be quite easy if you know your Neopets. A technique I use is to move my mouse over the Neopets, naming each one in my mind as the mouse goes over it, looking for the neopet that complies with the clue.

Petpet Names
The second round asks you to identify a petpet. Petpets are more difficult than Neopets as they aren't as common around the site. If you don't know your petpets, you should play Medium or Easy to get the hang of it. The timer also lowers a little so you have less time to answer the question. Not all the petpets on the site are used though, only a handful of petpets are used in Defender Trainer, making it easy to memorize it all.

Neopet and Petpet Anagrams
Round three should also be simple if you know your Neopets The clue will give you an anagram of the Neopets name. An anagram is a scrambled word, unscrambling should not be a problem, if you can't identify the word, try looking for key letters. For example, if you see the letter 'z', there will be a good chance it will be a Zafara or Buzz. Unscrambling the word shouldn't be a problem though. Once you unscramble the letter, look for the neopet.

Item Anagrams
There will be many first timers that won't know the names of items. There are many commonly unheard of items here such as 'Wartroot' and 'Sniddberry'. It may take much practice to memorize these items from heart. You obviously can't unscramble the word if you don't know what item to unscramble it to. Therefore, you may have to fail the game a few times, but the more you fail, the better the item name sticks in your head. Some items sound alike, such as Bomberry and Sniddberry. They also look alike; these things could throw you off track.

Neopet, Petpet, and Item Names
Stages one, two, and three are now combined. Not only that, but this is where the time limit starts to become really strict. Put your knowledge to the test by quickly identifying the object and clicking on it. This is one of the harder rounds; it may take many tries before completing this round.

Longest Neopet and Petpet Names
This round is were many Neopians tend to bail out. Many experienced players also have trouble on this. You will be looking for Neopets with the longest names. This is extremely difficult on Hard mode, although on Easy mode it is still quite hard. The time limit is extremely strict now. Some neopet and petpets you should be looking for are Drackonack, Elephante, Tuskaninny, Kadoatie, Puppyblew, Doglefox, Scorchio, and Meowclops. These are the options I look for when I first enter this round, if none are there, which happens a small amount of the time, you will have to use pure knowledge to work your way from there.

Shortest Neopet and Petpet Names
If you made it past the Longest Neopet and Petpet Names stage, then most likely you'll suffer on this stage. It will take ages of practicing to get this stage down. Because the shortest Neopet and Petpet names are three letters, your going to want to be looking for three to four lettered words. Some examples are Kau, Ixi, Uni, Koi, Buzz, Usul, and Kiko. The very strict time limit now increases the difficulty of this stage greatly, and it will take many tries to beat it.

Defender Trainer is a game which you would play to make Neopoints, get a trophy, or simply just for entertainment. Before you know it, you will be a master a recognizing Neopets, petpets, and items that other people don't know.

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