"So, in the next panel, Super Lupe blows the evil deranged
mutant Sloth minions to smithereens with an electronic hyper phase distortion
blaster..." read a yellow Poogle with a note of suspense.
"64587465874368767, you know I have no idea what
any of those words meant with the possible exception of 'the,'" said Holycow81,
who had heard that comic book read, by his count, about four hundred fifty thousand,
three hundred ninety-eight times before. The entire family was in the living
room that Sunday afternoon, listening to 64587465874368767 read her favourite
comic book because they had nothing better to do.
"We know how the story ends, 64587465874368767,"
said Groucho45, the red Techo, "you've read it so many times, we've practically
memorised it."
"Well, practically isn't enough. I'm giving you
a 100 question test on this tomorrow."
Everyone but a yellow Kougra moaned. Skyhawk1010,
the yellow Kougra, then said "Woohoo!" He was great at school and wondered why
more people didn't like being tested.
"Oh, I'm kidding," said 64587465874368767. Everyone
sighed with relief. "It's 200 questions." Everyone started moaning again.
"Look, if you like the super hero comic so much,
you should become a super hero yourself," said Groucho45 sarcastically. He was
just kidding, but 64587465874368767 got an idea.
"One moment," she said as she ran into the closet.
In a few minutes, she walked out wearing a red cape. "Never fear, Ultra Poogle
is here!"
"Oh, brother," said Holycow81.
The next day, 64587465874368767 refused to go to school. "In all the comic
books I've read, I haven't seen one super hero go to school."
"What about Korbatman? He's a scientist."
"Oh, alright." 64587465874368767 went to school,
but wore the cape either way.
A blue Shoyru on the way to school asked, "64587465874368767,
what's with the cape?"
"64587465874368767? Who is this 64587465874368767?
I'm Ultra Poogle!"
"You have serious problems..."
64587465874368767... er... Ultra Poogle opened her locker. The neopet with
his locker next to hers said, "If you're not 64587465874368767, then how come
you know her locker combination?"
"Oh, I have x-ray vision. I can see into it."
64587465874368767 encountered several problems
in class. "64587465874368767, would you please take your cape off in class?"
asked Mrs. Owen.
"I keep telling everyone, I'm not 64587465874368767!
I'm Ultra Poogle!" said 64587465874368767. Everyone laughed.
After school that day, 64587465874368767 went
home and read comic books. "I didn't think super heroines read comic books about
themselves," said Holycow81.
"When nothing's going on, they do," said 64587465874368767.
"Man, how egocentric can you get..."
One day, 64587465874368767 walked by the kitchen and looked through the keyhole.
She saw movement at the table. A red figure came out. "Whoa, a robber in my
own kitchen," she said as she got ready for an attack. "Well, he's no match
for..." She slammed the door open and jumped into the room dramatically, "Ultra
"Augh!" said the neopet as he accidentally closed
his claw in the fridge. It turned out to only be Groucho45.
"Be quiet, Groucho! I just saw a burglar in here
"What? What burglar? I just came in here to make
a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
"Oh no! It was you? Why would you rob your own
"What are you talking about? I didn't come here
to rob anything! I'm not a robber any more than you're Ultra Poogle."
"So you are a robber! Prepare to be..."
"Are you that thick? You aren't Ultra... whatever!"
said Groucho45 as he snatched 64587465874368767's plastic handcuffs and stomped
on them.
"B-b-but the cape..."
"'B-b-b-b-but the cape!'" said Groucho45 in the
silliest exaggerated voice possible before he left the kitchen.
The next morning, 64587465874368767 went to the breakfast table in a bad mood.
As he poured Coco Crunch into her bowl, Holycow81 asked, "So, how are you doing
today, Ultra Poogle?"
"Who's this 'Ultra Poogle' person? I'm 64587465874368767,"
the yellow Poogle said grumpily.
"So then, what happened to Ultra Poogle?"
"She gave up her duties to Judge Hog," said Groucho45
for a joke.
64587465874368767 walked to school that day and
dodged every question involving Ultra Poogle. She denied any knowledge of the
super hero's existence at school.
When 64587465874368767 got home that day, she
saw a note on the door. It said:
"Dear neopet,
This is your owner. I have taken my pet/pets to the Neolodge without you
and want you to stay at the house. Especially don't go to Dr Sloth's lair, no
matter how suspicious you are of his guilt.
Best wishes,
Your owner."
64587465874368767 just glared at the note skeptically.
Obviously, this was the work of Dr Sloth, who kidnapped Holycow81 and his other
pets and left that stupid note.
She sat on the stoop, waiting for nothing. It
wasn't her problem that her owner and brothers were kidnapped. Nosiree. And
yet, she still felt sort of guilty.
Suddenly, out of a puff of white smoke, a small
figure landed on 64587465874368767's shoulder. It looked exactly like her, except
it was wearing a white cloak and had a halo above it's head. "You have to save
your owner," it said to 64587465874368767, "just go to Dr Sloth as Ultra Poogle!"
"I tell everyone, I'm not ultra Poogle anymore."
"That's right. It's not your problem. Even if,
when you don't save him, he can't feed you or love you, and you'll have to go
back to the pound where Holycow81 got you from..." said a small red Poogle figure
with horns, a pitchfork and a long tail who had landed on 64587465874368767's
opposite shoulder.
64587465874368767 looked at the red Poogle skeptically.
"You're not very bright, are you."
64587465874368767's bad side said, "Well, it
puts bread on the table," before 64587465874368767 flicked it into a nearby
garbage can.
"You know what to do," said the white figure
before vanishing. 64587465874368767 went into the house and put on her cape.
Meanwhile, in Sloth's Lair, Holycow81 and hid
pets were tied to a rather large stake. "Um, forgive my asking, but why did
you kidnap us?" asked Skyhawk1010.
Dr Sloth spoke in a deep voice, "Because Ultra
Poogle is a threat to my plans. When she comes, I will destroy her, and nothing
will be in my way when I, once again, try to take over Neopia! Muhahahaha!"
"What, you mean 64587465874368767? She's just
a stupid yellow Poogle," said Groucho45.
"I can't take that chance. If you co-operate,
I will destroy you all rather painlessly."
Suddenly, a window smashed open and 64587465874368767
flew in. "Never fear, Ultra Poogle is here!" she said proudly.
"Watch out, 64587465874368767! He's trying to
kill you!" yelled Chiastovsky.
"You silly..." said Dr Sloth as he took out his
laser gun, "I'll get you right after I'm done with your friend!"
Before Sloth could fire one shot, 64587465874368767
rapidly fired with her scarab stone slingshot and knocked him out. She untied
her owner and brothers and they all escaped safely.
When they all got home, Groucho45 said "Well,
that was impressive. Thanks for saving us, Ultra Poogle!"
"Please, Groucho, I'm 64587465874368767!"
The End