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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 23rd day of Eating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 115 > Articles > The Mystery Island Kidnappings: The Techo Master’s Story

The Mystery Island Kidnappings: The Techo Master’s Story

by ridergirl333

MYSTERY ISLAND - Ahh… Mystery Island. The sand, the surf, the sinister kidnapping plots…

You get the general idea. In any case, there's a story behind every plot and a tale every character has to tell. Which is why I found myself standing on the Techo Master's doorstep, eager for an interview.

When I reached the Training School, Ryshu was repairing a burnt hole in the wall, humming a little tune to himself. "Good afternoon!" he said in an uncharacteristically perky manner. "How might I help you today? Shall I train your pet in endurance? Speed? Strength? I will because I can again!"

"I'm not here for training," I said gently. "I'm here for my interview with the Techo Master. I wrote a letter to say I'd be coming ahead of time."

"Oh yes, yes," the Nimmo said, still perky beyond belief. "I shall escort you to his living quarters."

Down long hallways made of bamboo and other jungle plants. Through beaded curtain doors and past classrooms full of training students. Through a window, I could see the stony, almost foreboding face of Techo Hill. A slight shiver went down my spine as I remembered the misty figure of the Techo Master floating in the mouth of the mountain. He seemed so surreal… more like illusions in the mists than like the Techo Master we all knew. I remembered going out to meet him, kicking, punching and blocking until he was freed.

Finally, we had reached the Techo Master's living quarters. It was a small, simple room consisting of only a dried bamboo bed, a few photographs of young students (including Ryshu) and other pieces of dried bamboo furniture. The Techo Master hovered in midair above his bed in silent meditation.

So real… definitely as solid as Ryshu and I. Yet I couldn't help but compare him to the mist-Techo from the mouth of the mountain. "Honorable sensei?" Ryshu said softly, failing to hide the obvious happiness in his voice. "The reporter is here."

Gently and gracefully as a falling leaf, the Techo Master drifted downward and sat Indian-style on the bed. "Enter, young grasshopper."

"I'm a human, thanks," I said dryly. "Anyway, may I begin the interview?"


"So describe your kidnapping to me. What exactly happened?"

"I had sent Ryshu to train the youngsters on the beach that day, because I thought they deserved a break. I was alone in the classroom, practicing. Suddenly, a tall, graceful fire Faerie burst through the door. A belt of yellow stones encircled her waist and a Kougra Lily rested in her hair. She was wearing clothing the same flaming orange hue as her hair and eyes. It was those eyes that gave her malicious intent away.

"Without warning, she charged at me, balls of fire blazing in her hands! Needless to say, I was terrified. But I gave her one heck of a fight. Dodging fireballs, blocking punches, and even throwing a punch or two of my own out there. But in the end, she outlasted me. She had all the advantages. Youth, energy, magic and the element of surprise. Eventually, I was subdued and thrown, panting and weary, into a burlap sack. She hauled me off from there. Such strength I never would have expected from one so small. I traveled for an hour, semiconscious and, (during the times when I was totally conscious) scared witless.

"Finally, we arrived at Techo Mountain. She seemed to utter a series of letters to the mouth of the Techo, whispering so that I might not hear. The roaring sounds of shifting stone filled my ears at the Techo of the Mountain opened its mouth. With a heaving groan, she cast my sack into the cavern where I attempted to scramble out. Enraged at my effort to escape, she muttered the words of some ancient language and cursed me. A curse I wouldn't wish on my worst foe."

I tried in vain to suppress the shivers running down my spine. "What happened?"

The Techo Master replied in a detached sort of manner, gazing out the window at the Techo's granite face. "Immediately, I felt my body become lighter and lighter. The color drained from my face and clothing and became as white as mist on the mountains. All sense of feeling left my limbs, and I found that I could no longer stand on the ground properly. Instead, my feet hovered a few inches above the cavern floor. I was ghost… and yet I was not dead. Nor was I painted with a ghost paintbrush. The Faerie looked at me in the eye, laughing as though this were a big joke. Wordlessly, I stared at her for many minutes. Tears of mirth running down her cheeks and her hands clutching her sides with laughter. That cruel sort of laughter that thrives off of another's pain. Shaking in silent rage, I endured her taunts knowing that I would not be able to harm her in my wraithlike form. But before she left, I gave her one last think to think about. 'Be proud, young Faerie. Not many could defeat me in combat. It was a great deed you did. But remember, there is a difference between great deeds and good deeds.'"

"'What do you know about greatness, old Techo?' she asked me. 'I know about greatness. I have put a great and ancient spell on you making it impossible for you to leave this cave unless someone frees you with the right combination of punches and blocks. If they can get past the mouth first, which I find highly unlikely. I created the password myself.' Without another word, she left Techo Mountain, closing the mouth behind her."

I moved towards the window in an attempt to catch the Techo master's eye. "What happened next?"

Still he avoided my gaze. "I stayed there for days, not knowing what was to be my fate. In the total darkness of the cavern, it was hard to see the light of hope. Questions ran amok through my head. Who was this fire Faerie? Why would she, or any others, wish me ill? How were Ryshu and the Training School doing without me? How was Mystery Island doing without me? Would I ever escape this cave and get my old body back?

"For days I pondered this, feeling as insubstantial as the mists that I was now made of. Until finally one day, I thought I saw a crack of light near the cave's mouth. Impossible, I had thought. It's been dark in her so long that I forget what light looks like. But it wasn't impossible. Some Neopians figured out the password to enter the cave. Time after time, they struggled to find the correct combination of blocks and punches, struggling to set me free. And when the right combination was discovered… oh I was so glad! With a shimmer of red Faerie dust, I was solid again! I could feel the granite floor beneath my feet. I could feel the breeze on my scales. I could exit the cave and enter the world of sunlight and life! Never again shall I take this world for granted." He turned away from the window and looked me in the eye. "Never again."

I smiled. "So did you ever find out who that Faerie was?"

"Indeed I did. I saw her again soon after I was rescued and before she took that final journey into the volcano. She's the daughter of a former pupil of mine. Decades ago, Flamenne Lilia was one of my most promising students. Powerful, beautiful, a lot like her daughter. She even wore the same belt and had the same Kougra Lily in her hair. Flamenne loved Mystery Island, from the dense tropical jungles to the golden sandy beaches. But she was fascinated with the volcano, especially after I told her legends of the beast that lay within. 'Poor thing,' she had said about the beast. 'All cooped up in a volcano all the time. I want to free it! Or at least give it company.' It was her life's dream to go into the volcano to meet this beast. Unfortunately, the lava was too hot, even for her. She didn't know the cooling spells to make it safe. A generation later, Flamenne's daughter Magmarra learned the spell from a shaman she found and agreed to help him set the beast free. I don't think she knew what she was doing. That beast, as she ironically found out later, has a whopper of an appetite."

"So you don't hold any blame against her?"

"No. The poor child didn't know what she was doing."

"And what about the shaman?"

The Techo Master cringed. An awkward silence. I watched his eyes glaze over as he thought to himself. "Unlike Magmarra, that shaman did have ill intent." The Techo Master said, his voice dripping poison. "He only wanted to see us all destroyed."

I dared to ask. "Why?"

"His race is… a primitive race called the Chakaros. Long, long ago, the Mystery Islanders were nothing more than a primitive tribe called the Pangoros, named for Mango Pango. The Pangoros and the Chakaros constantly fought for territory on the island. One day, one of the Pangoros, who happens to be the Tombola Man today, found a tiny little Moltenore, a bit of a runt, really. He cared for it, feeding it and feeding it and feeding it until it was huge! Ten feet tall, with monstrous teeth and claws! The Tombola Man used the Moltenore in battle, driving the Chakaros to nearby islands. This island has belonged to the Pangoros ever since. But the Chakaros are a crafty race, keen on getting their island back. Which is why the Tombola Man, the Tiki Tour Coco, the Island Mystic, Jhuidah and I were appointed the guardians of the island."

"And the shaman came to reclaim the land of his people? I don't see how unleashing a giant Moltenore on it would help, especially if it was the Moltenore that drove them out in the first place."

A fearful look crossed the Techo Master's face. "The shaman knows a spell now that his people didn't know back then. It can… control the minds of petpets."

"Odd," I commented.

"In the wrong hands, this spell could be disastrous. But it's not a problem now. He's gone. The Moltenore is gone. The kidnapped people are safe again. The Pangoros survive. Mystery Island survives."

"And for that," Ryshu said, still leaning against the doorway. "We are eternally grateful."

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