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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 4th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 104 > Continuing Series > Jhudora's Neopet: Part Two

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Two

by opalgirl26

So, we needed to avoid the Scorchio. Easy, right? Wrong. Why? Mum must have given it a third of her weapons -- such as her famed collar.

     "This is awful," I sighed.

     "What?" asked Hannah. Unlike me, she did not know about mum's weapons.

     "You see that collar?" I asked, pointing.

     "Um, barely. What about it?"

     "It is one of the BEST weapons in the history of Neopia!!" I cried.

     "Oh," said Hannah, as though it didn't really matter, "no problem."

     "What?" I asked. I was clueless now.

     "Hey, you don't know what we have."

     "You mean, apart from the really awful odds that we're going to survive?" I asked skeptically.

     "Yup," she replied, really cheerfully.

     "Well, what DO we have?"

     "You," Hannah replied.

     "What about me?"

     "Well, Jhudora can't really hurt her own Neopet, can she?"

     "I guess not ..."

     "So that's how we get past!"

     I paused. "Does that mean you're going to use me as bait just so you can get inside ..." I began.

     "No, you'll knock on your front door, your mum'll open it, I'll get inside and when you see me inside you'll run inside really quickly and we'll get past your mum ..."

     "No," I said, "what'll really happen is I knock on the door, she opens it and pushes me off the edge of her cloud."

     "Okay," said Hannah, trying to think, "how about -- we throw rocks at your front door, making it sound like someone's knocking, we throw another rock at her and knock her out, the Scorchio'll stop guarding and start worrying, and we can get past -"

     "Nope," I said, "one, because we won't be able to hide around here, and two, we could get into big trouble with the Faerie Queen for hurting another Faerie --"

     "But SHE'S hurting another Faerie!"

     "You and I know that, but do we have any proof?"

     "The tape --"

     "Is not going to have any recordings on it."

     Hannah sighed, then lay down.

     "It's like 3 a.m.," Hannah said, "should we stay at Faerie Castle for the rest of the night?"

     "No," replied Jhuisa, even though she did want sleep, "Fyora won't want ME there. I've trusted Jhudora too long."

     "So where do we sleep?" Hannah inquired.

     "Um ... outside, I guess," Jhuisa looked at the purple cloud around them. "Let's just hope that my mum doesn't find us."

     Hannah nodded, and prepared herself for a long night.


"YOU TWO! WAKE UP!" came a voice.

     "Wha?" Jhuisa asked, sleepily. "What d'ya want?"

     "Jhudora's gonna get here any minute!" the voice shrieked.

     "Yeah," Jhuisa heard Hannah say, "why?"

     "Because she just saw you! Get away!"

     Jhuisa finally opened her eyes and saw a young girl staring at her.

     "Mmmm-hmmm -- going now, going now," Jhuisa said. "C'mon Hannah."

     "Whassa time?"

     "About eight," said the girl, "so it's not like -- oh no!"

     "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" came an angry voice.

     "Um, I don't know ... talking, breathing, standing -- normal stuff," the girl said, pretty calmly for someone in the presence of an angry Jhudora.

     "Get OUT!" Jhudora yelled.

     She quietly left, but never once turning her back.

     "And you two -- d'you really think you can help Illusen? Well, you might cheer her up, but apart from that..."

     Hannah and I glanced at each other. If there was any signal that we should go, this was it.

     "Uh.. we'll... go..." Hannah's voice trailed off under the angry glare from my mum.

     "Go? I don't think so..."

     Jhudora took a deep breath, and started speaking really weirdly.

     "Heta Arkda Aeriefa ndaa erha ightma, owerpa veroa heta Immona ndaa Xiia, tucksa oreverfa ithwa heta neoa hatta akesta wayaa llaa ightma! Oreverfa oundba yba aa odeca!"

     "I haven't heard of this one," I said, mainly to Hannah.

     "Argh!" Hannah let out a quick yell as the scene around them melted into a stone room, with no doors or windows, one lamp, Illusen, and a baseball bat.

     "What are you doing here?" Illusen asked. I got the feeling that Illusen didn't trust me very much.

     "We've come to save you!" I said.

     "But it hasn't worked," said Hannah.

     "No kidding," said Illusen, staring at me, "you're as stuck as I am, Hannah."

     "I'M STUCK HERE, TOO!" I yelled, surprising both Hannah and Illusen. "I - AM - NOT - MY - MUM'S - SPY!!"

     "Then how do we get out of here?" asked Illusen.

     "You don't know either, and that doesn't make you Jhudora's spy!" Hannah yelled at her mum.

     Hannah picked up the baseball bat, and whacked the wall with it. It bounced straight off and hit her head.

     "Stupid bat," I heard Hannah murmur.

     "Wait," I said, seeing something on the wall. "Hannah, you did something..."

To be continued...

Author's Note: What did Hannah do? APART from hurting her head? Let's see in part three! (Hey, that rhymes...)
Previous Episodes

Jhudora's Neopet: Part One

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Three

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Four

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Five

Jhudora's Neopet: Part Six

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