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Neopia's Fill in the Blank News Source | 4th day of Celebrating, Yr 26
The Neopian Times Week 104 > Continuing Series > Krawk Island Captives: Part Two

Krawk Island Captives: Part Two

by squieshie

"W-Who are you?" I asked, shaking with fear.

     "I'm Gnariel. And you are my lunch." The blue Jetsam opened his mouth super-big, and was about ready to chomp me into slices.

     "TAITL!" I heard from above. It was Xraie. "Watch out!"

     Just as the Jetsam was going to take a big bite out of me, he stopped, and froze.

     "Oh my gosh... I'm so, so, sorry, mistress." The Jetsam pulled himself back.

     "Huh? Aren't you going to tear me into shreds?" I questioned, curiously, but relieved.

     "No, I would never do that! You are the all-mighty, and powerful Rain Ixi!"

     "Ohh! But... why would that matter?" I replied.

     "I am a follower of Phebious, the god of Rain. He must have been the one who told you of your powers," the Jetsam explained.

     "Oh! Him! Yeah, I know Phebious. Good 'ol Phebious!" I grinned, swimming slowly away from the Jetsam.

     "You may go now. But beware, other Jetsam of the sea may not be followers of Phebious."

     "Yeah, sure, whatever," I replied, not paying any attention to what he was saying. "But can you help me a little? I'm tryin' to get up there," I pointed to the deck of the ship where Xraie and the petpets were watching from above.

     "Sure," the Jetsam signaled for me to get on his back. He jumped out of the water and on to the dock, and I got off of his back.

     "Wow, thanks!" I replied, cheerfully.

     "It's nothing. Good luck in these seas, little Ixi of Rain!" The Jetsam smiled, winking. "Oh, and you might want to keep the rest of this rope. It might come in handy," The mysterious Shark jumped off of the deck and into the salty water.

     I stuffed the rope the Jetsam gave to me in my pocket. "Now that we are all up here, what do we do now? There's no way we can get back to shore -- I mean all of us. I can't swim, and I'd prolly be too heavy for you to carry on your back." Xraie frowned, wondering what to do.

     I heard a grumbling noise come from Xraie's stomach. "I'm hungry," she groaned.

     "Yeah, me too... lets look around for some grub!" I walked around the ship, not considering we were being held captive on a pirate ship and could be caught any time.

     "Uh-oh," Xraie muttered.

     "What is it?" I inquired, looking around.

     "Here comes the pirates again..."

     I saw the Mynci pirate and Techo pirate stomping towards us with each a smug grin glued on their faces.

     "So ye escaped from yer room, eh mateys?" Asked the Techo pirate, eyeing us suspiciously.

     Xraie and I were silent.

     "Well, for that ye will be rewarded with punishment ye hear that mateys?" the Techo pirate said, even though it didn't make very much sense at all.

     "Umm... okay?" Xraie replied, chuckling to herself.

     The Techo pirate's eyes blazed. "Why are ye laughing, you good for nothin' Draik?!" He pulled Xraie up by the neck. Her legs were dangling from her body, and she struggled to touch the floor of the ship.

     "Unh..." Xraie sounded.

     "Um, Mr. Techo pirate sir," I uttered.

     "Arr... ye shall call me Mr. Techo Pirate Sir NO LONGER! Call me Mister. YOU GOT IT?!" Mister yelled in my face.

     "Yes, Mister!" I replied. "Um... can you please let my sister down? You're like choking her!"

     "Arr..." Mister dropped Xraie on the ground.

     "Cough, cough! Thanks Taitl." Xraie got up on her feet, and Mister pushed her along.

     "Oh, yes," Mister started, "ye shall state me mate here by the name of Sir." Mister pointed to the Mynci Pirate.

     "Yes, Mister," Xraie and I replied.

     "Heheheh. Very nice."

     Mister and Sir lead us down a hallway, and into a very small, but cozy room. It had a huge bed, fancy curtains on the windows, a food buffet on a table, and the room was just plain nice.

     "Now, you STAY IN HERE, AND DON'T DO ANYTHING!" Mister shouted in our faces.

     Sir grunted, as he walked out of the door, Mister scampering closely behind. They slammed the door.

     "So what are we supposed to do in here?" asked Xraie.

     "I guess we are just supposed to stay in here and don't do anything," I replied.

     "No! We have to get out of here before they chop us to shreds with a sword!" Xraie stated.

     "Well, I guess you're right. Okay, lets make a plan." I stood up, and went to the table.

     "What are you doing?" Xraie questioned.

     "I'm going to eat something," I explained, "and then when they come back, they'll have a sword, and they will try and chop us up into little tiny shreds."

     "But that's exactly what we don't want them to do to us!" Xraie argued.

     "I know," I muttered, grinning. I reached for an apple, and as soon as I took a bite, Mister and Sir barged in.

     "AYE! WHAT YOU BE DOIN'?!" Mister demanded.

     "Why, I was just eating an apple. You know, I was kind of getting hungry, just sitting here on a ship," I explained.

     "ARR! YE SHALL BE SHREDDED INTO... uh... SHREDS! ARR! Pull out yer sword, Sir!" Mister yelled.

     Sir pulled out a sword, and inched closer and closer to us.

     "Wait..." Mister muttered. "STOP! I have a better idea. Lets take the Draik and leave the Ixi in here to deal with later." Mister grinned evilly.

     "Aye," Sir replied. He grabbed Xraie by the arm, and dragged her out of the room. Mister followed, closing the door, and locking it tightly.

     "Oh no!" I said to myself. "I have to get out of here and save Xraie before something bad happens!" I walked around the room, in search of a secret switch or something. I saw no trace of one, anywhere, but then I decided to check under the carpet. I went to an edge of the room, and lifted up the carpet. I rolled it up, still looking for a switch of some sort. Just then, I spotted a spot on the floor where the wood was lower than the rest of the floor. There was a handle. Curiously, I pulled the handle, and the plank of wood lifted up! It lead down a dark hole. I had to go down. It was my only way of getting out of there. Bravely, I took a deep breath, and jumped down the hole. I was falling for some time, until finally, I slammed against the rock hard floor. I looked up. I didn't see any light whatsoever. It must have been a really long way down. I stood up. My front right leg was hurting really bad. I must have landed on it. I couldn't really move it, so I just walked with three legs. It was very difficult.

     I walked for the longest time. I was getting immensely tired. But, finally I came to a big door. It had all sorts of designs on it, and in the middle of the door was a petpet Krawk. I froze. Petpet! I had forgotten all about Comedian-Buggy and Xraie's Poppit! "What happened to them?!" I panicked. But I knew I had to move on. I slowly opened the door, wondering what was on the other side. I was amazed to find a room full of Gold! I gasped, looking around. The room was filled with huge piles of gold. There were mountains and mountains of it. There was also a chest in the south corner of the room. I stumbled over to the chest, but there was a golden lock on it. I had to know what was inside of the chest, so I kicked it with my hoof a couple of times, and the lock broke. I thrust opened the chest, hoping to find riches. But All that was stowed away in the rugged old thing was a few pairs of the exact same clothes.

     The shirts where blue with white stripes going across horizontally, and the pants were plain old black. Just then, I heard someone coming from the door I came through. Oh no, I thought. It must be Mister and Sir! I bounded into the middle of the room, frantically searching for a place to hide. Just then, I realized there was another door in the room, which wasn't the one I came in from. I ran over to it, and opened it curiously. It was yet another hallway. I looked back at the chest of clothes, and decided it would come in handy, in case I needed to disguise myself. I went back, and hurriedly grabbed a pair of clothes, put them on with no delay. I also grabbed a handful of gold, and stuffed it into my pocket, and trotted out of the door, and in to the dark hallway.

     I kept running and running, not even stopping to rest. My leg was feeling better now. At last, I came to the end of the hallway. There were three doors. Having no clue which one to chose, I went into the middle door. I walked in. It was pitch black dark. The door shut behind me. Lights turned on. I looked around the room. There were no floors. I was even standing on nothing! Below me, was a lake of boiling lava!

     I figured I must have been standing on invisible floor. I turned around, facing the door. Maybe it was unlocked. I could chose a different room. I tried the handle on the door, but it was locked. How was I going to get out?

To be continued...

Previous Episodes

Krawk Island Captives: Part One

Krawk Island Captives: Part Three

Krawk Island Captives: Part Four

Krawk Island Captives: Part Five

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