It's not just Neopets that need to eat and drink. At this home for lost Meepits, it's up to you to make sure all the little Meepit children get their daily Juppie Juice. In this game you are controlling the Juice-O-Matic, an overly complicated machine designed to deliver fresh Juppie Juice to Meepits. Click on each pipe to rotate it clockwise so that there is an unbroken pipe between the Juppie Juice and the Meepits. Sometimes you will have to mix colours together to create a new one! If a Meepit drinks Juppie Juice that is the same colour as them you get extra points (they are quite particular about what they drink). However, they will be satisfied with any colour. If a Meepit is not fed in time you will lose a life. Lose three lives and it's game over, and the Meepits will not be pleased. Not Pleased At All.
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