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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By cute_gurl_123321
Warf: It's too hard -- I can't tear it!
Skeith: That's because it's made of rubber, silly! We're only posing for a Caption Contest!
Techo: Oh... no wonder it tasted funny!

By spieguy_12345
Neopets Staff Member: Um... maybe we SHOULD
put Omelette Defender back on the site. O_o

By bananamaran
Hey, waiter! There's a fly in my omelette... and a Skeith, a Grarrl,
a Mynci, and all of these other lovely creatures, too!

By super_icey312
Skeith: My, what a beautiful day!
Mynci: Yes it is, isn't it?
Grarrl: Hello? We're in the Caption Contest! You guys had better
think of something more creative, or else we'll NEVER get any votes!

By bec_is_cool_260
Techo: Keep eating, guys... you know how they
always put prizes at the bottom of these things.

By drakko
Skeith: Isn't that the Altador Cup Fanatic Techo?
Grarrl: Yeah, he got painted, now he's the Omelette Fanatic Techo!

By _little_angel6_
That's what happens when Sabre-X goes on holiday....

By samlikesyou
The Giant Omelette: Where's Sabre-X when you need him?!?

By nashatane
Though they knew they'd regret it later, no one could resist
the unexpected delights of the jalapeno and glue omelette.

By lana_lang_11
Mynci: See, this is why they wouldn't let me in cooking school...
Techo: Dude, you didn't even make this.
Mynci: You couldn't have played along for, like, a minute?

By iammebutnotmarie
Five minutes ago - Mynci's status: dying (super hungry)
Now - Mynci's status: bloated (super full)
The time in between - well, use your imagination.

By bumblebee_
Volcano in the Distance: If you only knew how badly I
want to erupt and cover them all in lava right now....

By zelda_kittens
Mynci: Eww! That tasted like feet!
Skeith: Um... have you ever tasted feet before?

By pollydog
This must be what the hungry Skeith does whenever the jelly factory closes down.

By lean5316
Skeith: Whoa! They weren't kidding when they said it's free!

Quick Jump

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