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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By sugarypixiestix2
Shoyru: So, if we're inside a Treasure Keepers portal and this game no longer exists... does that mean we're stuck here forever? @.@

By nedviolet
Snorkle: Um, why are you all staring at me?
Poogle [Smiles]: We're avatar collectors....

By pinkglassslippers
Shoyru: What happened to your tin foil costume?
Moehog: My Mom keeps trying to recycle it!

By ub3r_g00b3r
Moehog Knight: Does anyone have any candy? I could use a breastplate.

By spooksville123
Poogle: Ahh, just cracking my neck... don't mind me!

By baxterb
Slorg: *giggles* They'll never find me here!!!
Shoyru: *facepalm* Seriously?!?

By fruitcupandspoons
Moehog [To Shoyru]: Playing tag is no fun if none of us can reach you up there!

By geneames1
Poogle: Should I go this way, or that way?
Shoyru: I don't know about you, but I'm "hedging" my bets.

By tomiko33
Shoyru: Aww, c'mon! They have to make Key Quest for five players....

By fooshfuush
Poogle: I wonder what's behind that bush...

By gypsychic420
Poogle: Why is the Slorg so big?
Moehog Knight: He keeps licking off the Supersize I put on the topiaries to fertilize them.

By comawhite333
Slorg [To Self]: In two more turns I'm going to give that Moehog the scare of a lifetime!

By dr_tomoe
Snorkle: This is the worst Revel Roundup path ever!

By neopian_traveler
Moehog: So what if Treasure Keepers was taken down a while ago? That site theme will be MINE!

By mike11695
Moehog: I do hope you guys realize that we're all stuck in these spots forever as Treasure Keepers is long gone.

By rjewel
Tin Foil: I had such high hopes, like being wrapped around a Merifoods potato!

By secant
Moehog: No, I'm actually not the Invasion of Meridell Moehog. This is just a costume, you see... made of, er, tin foil.

By komorahem_786
Shoyru: Hey, I quit in the middle of a Key Quest game to come here. Let me play!
Moehog: This is Treasure Keepers. No quitters allowed!

By iitachi
Poogle [To Moehog]: You know, you're going in the wrong direction.
Moehog: Oh no... foiled again!

By hyperlexi
Slorg: *swallows the dice*
Moehog: Only one way to decide this, then. *rolls Slorg*
Shoyru: Oh! So that's why Slorgs have dots on them!

By chessy_bear
Shoyru [To Poogle]: You're losing. What's with the goofy grin?
Poogle: Because I've heard of tin foil hats, but a tin foil cape? Cuckoo!

By shura_yuki_hime
Shoyru: What number do I have to roll to get down from here?!?

By lyenna625
Shoyru: I'll just hide back here where I'm safe from any power-ups.

By anndee41
Shoyru: I think that the only one who knows how to play hide and seek is the Slorg...
Slorg: Aww, you found me?

By rcticsun
Shoyru: Oh great, I'm glitching again.

Quick Jump

1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 126 - 150 | 151 - 175 | 176 - 200 | 201 - 225 | 226 - 250 | 251 - 275 | 276 - 300 | 301 - 325 | 326 - 350 | 351 - 375 | 376 - 400 | 401 - 425 | 426 - 450 | 451 - 475 | 476 - 500 | 501 - 525 | 526 - 550 | 551 - 575 | 576 - 600 | 601 - 625 | 626 - 650 | 651 - 675 | 676 - 700 | 701 - 725 | 726 - 750 | 751 - 775 | 776 - 800 | 801 - 825 | 826 - 850 | 851 - 875 | 876 - 900 | 901 - 925 | 926 - 950 | 951 - 975 | 976 - 1000 | 1001 - 1025 | 1026 - 1050 | 1051 - 1075 | 1076 - 1100 | 1101 - 1125 | 1126 - 1150 | 1151 - 1175 | 1176 - 1200 | 1201 - 1225 | 1226 - 1250 | 1251 - 1275 | 1276 - 1300 | 1301 - 1325 | 1326 - 1350 | 1351 - 1375 | 1376 - 1400 | 1401 - 1425 | 1426 - 1450 | 1451 - 1475 | 1476 - 1490

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