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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By jbl10000
Kacheek: Normally I'd feel sorry for you, but that Rain Shower of yours is really getting on my nerves. Lose it!

By roxielady
Kacheek: And you wonder why you can't get past the first level of Ice Cream Machine....

By sylviau
Kacheek: Aww, cheer up. You'll get into the 1,200th Caption Contest for sure!

By sugarypixiestix2
Spardel: Yes! I love Random Events where you find food on the ground!

By clockblock
Kacheek: Well, it's not like you're used to having good days anyway, right?

By danzgirl12
Kacheek: Don't worry! Five second rule; you can still--
Spardel: *licks*
Kacheek: Never mind.

By cool_kougra_dancer
Kacheek: The Spardel has seen its ice cream! That means two more months of the rainy season!
Spardel: Neopets these days will do anything to pass time while waiting for the Altador Cup!

By silverinsanity21
Spardel: You know, it's very hard to shield your eyes against the rain when you don't have eyelids.

By return_of_itsy
Spardel: All my dreams have come true! It's raining STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM!
Kyrii: Actually, it's raspberry.

By i3clipse
Kacheek: See? I knew you should've spent your Neopoints on a haircut instead.

By jhudorkah
Kacheek: I'll give you 10,000 Neopoints if you eat that off the ground.
Spardel: It's a deal!
Kacheek: Not you....

By ilhs11
Kyrii: Wow, even the rain is upset today. There are little mad faces all over your umbrella.

By ma_trojas
Kacheek [thinking]: *sigh* Some Neopians just take not getting into the 1,100th Caption Contest too seriously....

By caroldou
Kyrii: If this is what happens on Tuesday the 13th, I can only imagine what would've happened if today had been a Friday!

By tiaiaia
Kacheek: At least you gave optimism a try....

Quick Jump

1 - 25 | 26 - 50 | 51 - 75 | 76 - 100 | 101 - 125 | 126 - 150 | 151 - 175 | 176 - 200 | 201 - 225 | 226 - 250 | 251 - 275 | 276 - 300 | 301 - 325 | 326 - 350 | 351 - 375 | 376 - 400 | 401 - 425 | 426 - 450 | 451 - 475 | 476 - 500 | 501 - 525 | 526 - 550 | 551 - 575 | 576 - 600 | 601 - 625 | 626 - 650 | 651 - 675 | 676 - 700 | 701 - 725 | 726 - 750 | 751 - 775 | 776 - 800 | 801 - 825 | 826 - 850 | 851 - 875 | 876 - 900 | 901 - 925 | 926 - 950 | 951 - 975 | 976 - 1000 | 1001 - 1025 | 1026 - 1050 | 1051 - 1075 | 1076 - 1100 | 1101 - 1125 | 1126 - 1150 | 1151 - 1175 | 1176 - 1200 | 1201 - 1225 | 1226 - 1250 | 1251 - 1275 | 1276 - 1300 | 1301 - 1325 | 1326 - 1350 | 1351 - 1375 | 1376 - 1400 | 1401 - 1425 | 1426 - 1450 | 1451 - 1475 | 1476 - 1490

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