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The Neopets Caption Competition

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The Caption Contest - Past Winners

This week's picture is shown below. We had many funny entries and the lucky winners were:

By shenkuun
Mynci: Here! Grab onto this rope!
Scorchio: I can fly, you know....

By dortho
Mynci [to Scorchio]: I said you'd have to WAIT, not WADE, until the Caption Contest avatar is available again.

By sugarypixiestix2
Mortog: Hey! If you kiss me, I might turn into a Prince!
Techo: Oh, right... and if you don't I'm sure NO ONE is going to tape this and put it up on Neovision. *eye roll*

By happyromper
Mortog: I'm not kissing THAT Scorchio!

By maraquan_magician
Mynci: Save me! Quickly!
Scorchio: You didn't say plea...

By manditch
Mynci: I had no idea that Jungle Raiders could get this crowded!

By babybenner
Mynci: If you REALLY want to impress me, do that UNDER the water.

By zaphriielle
Despite the utter cool-lookingness of this Scorchio, flaming is not cool and discouraged by TNT.

By naika_is_da_best
Mynci: Quick, grab the rope before you drown!
Scorchio: Judging by the way that plant is hungrily smiling at you, I'm not so sure that I'm the one who needs saving.

By brad_333
Mynci: Get over it! TNT just didn't find your caption funny, OKAY?!?

By nomitts
Mynci: I'm glad that the whole Neoplant thing was all a joke...
Plant: That's what you think... *evil grin*

By conniethecat
Mynci: This is why Scorchios don't whistle....

By babybenner
Mynci: For goodness' sake, save it until we actually need to light the campfire!

By queeniie
Mynci: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Scorchio: Hey, hey, who's the one with fire coming out of his mouth?
Mynci: Well, you are, but I don't see...
Scorchio: Exactly.

By maskedintruder
Mynci: What are you doing?
Scorchio: I'm "warming up" for Kiss the Mortog.

Quick Jump

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