Neopets Poems
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The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.
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Dreams of Neopia
By Madameacoustique
Sleep, my dear, my little one,
Let the dreams wash over you.
Dream of lands far and near,
Of valiant deeds left undone.
Dream your way to a far-off place
Where mythical creatures roam.
I know, my dear, of such a place --
Neopia, the Neopets' home.
O, my dear, the magic here
Is far beyond imagining.
There are always faeries near;
They were born in the beginning.
And, O! The pets!
O! The sights!
That are seen in morning lights!
Neopets, Petpets, whatever you like,
Magnificent, strong and bright,
All different shapes and sizes,
All of them full of surprises.
This one's young, this one's old,
This one's story is yet untold.
This one's got wings, this one swims.
This one gets everything done on a whim.
This one is lazy, this one wins races.
This one's been to so many places.
Even you, my dear, can't dream of knowing
The happiness here, it's overflowing!
Castles, ruins, mysterious islands,
Haunted Woods and kings and highlands,
Kingdoms in the skies,
Pyramids reach high,
The world is suddenly in reach.
Dream, my dear, make sure you dream deep.
Let these words carry you to sleep.
Travel wide and travel far
Of all that is and was and are,
And then, you see, you'll find it there.
Neopia, my dear, that is where
That is where your dreams come true
That is where I wait for you.
All Work and No Play
By Knoxigami
Skilled in the art of espionage,
Of hiding, still, unseen,
Slinking silent from place to place,
Veiled in a shadow's screen.
"All this work, and never play,"
The Zafara maiden sighs.
A sudden thought and off she creeps,
A twinkle in her eyes...
A plan so cunning she did concoct,
As none but she could do,
So with all haste to Faerieland
That sly Zafara flew.
Carrying with her rainbow paints,
To the Rainbow Fountain crept,
And poured them in the crystal depths,
As the Fountain Faerie slept.
Sliding back to shadows near,
The maiden watched with glee,
As a passing Gnorbu shouted loud,
"A colour change, for free!"
All who heard came running forth,
Jostling to be first,
Diving in the painted pool,
The Spy laughing fit to burst!
Woken, the faerie saw the pets
Floundering around.
"Get out of there at once!" she cried.
"You've been fooled!" the faerie frowned.
With a smirk, she turned to leave,
Her job to trick and lie,
"Back to work again," she sighed,
The Zafara Double Spy.
By Plumgrove
Past Neovia, trapped in throes
Of rage and grotesque greed,
A worried Lupe slips quietly out
With his sister, to rescue her from its woes.
Through the darkened woods he leads,
Sophie to his paw grasps tight,
As they step past shades and shadows and haunts --
But one poisoned whisper he heeds.
Though of her malice he is wary,
There is no other way to save
His innocent one; Reginald turns
And hands his sister to the faerie.
A tearful look, a last goodbye,
He tears himself from haunted forest,
From uncertain quest toward his family
And his ruined home beneath blackened sky.
Now everything is ghostly pale
To Reginald's frightened eyes:
Can Sophie, she whom he smuggled forth
Rescue all from this woeful tale?
Of potion sweet from blessed well
A Lupe drinks, and he smiles,
With Sophie the pure whom he sent out,
Sister beloved who broke the spell.
Within the Carnival of Terror
By Anjie
Within the Carnival of Terror...
What's that creeping up behind?
A chilling thought lurks in your mind,
Within the carnival, confined,
Who knows what monsters one might find?
Within the Carnival of Terror...
The night seems darker, all is bleak,
The silence lingers, do not speak,
The clowns glide past and loudly shriek,
Giggling in the night, they sneak.
Within the Carnival of Terror...
Those Chia Clowns, so filled with spite,
Fear within they do ignite,
Each face is painted clear and white,
The red nose glows, crimson and bright.
Within the Carnival of Terror...
Through the game stalls you shall steer,
So hoping clowns shall not appear,
Past roller coasters do you peer,
For sure the enemy dwells near.
Within the Carnival of Terror...
Each Chia Clown holds pie and plate,
Just hope that this is not your fate,
In frozen silence you do wait,
You try to run...
Alas. Too late.
By Angelhousemd
When I am feeling glum,
and my fingers are disconnected from my thumb
Destruct-O-Match, I play.
It keeps me sane on a rainy day.
This game is different, it is the best,
The Normal Mode, the Zen Mode, and all the rest.
All I do is click, and my stress goes away;
It keeps me sane on a rainy day.
It is quite popular, that is true.
We are all playing it -- red, yellow, green, or blue
Would I stop playing it? The answer is NAY!
Because it keeps me sane on a rainy day
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