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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Tale of Hannah
By Anjie

Tell the tale of a hero bold,
The greatest legend, often told.
An Usul, a mere lass they say,
So many times has saved the day.
A tavern worker, nothing more,
Who hailed from Krawk Island's shore.

The heroine that none surpass,
Brave, bold Hannah, Usul lass!

A daring dash, a pirate cave,
Such treasures did bold Hannah save!
She craved adventure, sought such fun,
And thus her legend had begun.
The tavern left so far behind,
She fled with treasure on the mind.

The heroine that none surpass,
Brave, bold Hannah, Usul lass!

To barren peaks of ice and snow,
A guild of thieves became her foe.
With small Armin, her loyal friend,
The foul plots met hasty end.
She saved the day, all do agree,
And let the Bori race run free.

The heroine that none surpass,
Brave, bold Hannah, Usul lass!

This Usul lass so small, petite,
The bravest soul you'll ever meet.
She proved some heroes aren't just strong,
It's courage that drives them along.
A tiny hero none surpass,
So raise your glass to Usul lass!

The Castle of Eliv Thade
By Stargal101

Gilly the Usul, out one day,
Walking through woods so far away.
Far from the path did Gilly stray
And found that she had lost her way.

Frightened, lost without a trace
In a fearful, dark and haunted place,
Gilly's heart began to race,
Pure terror showed upon her face.

She ran and ran through the Haunted Woods
As fast as ever an Usul could,
Her sense of direction not as it should,
Further she went into the wood.

She came to a clearing eventually,
Gasping for breath exhaustedly.
She searched for shelter but could not see
Anywhere to hide safely.

At last to a castle Gilly came,
No light showed in the window frames,
No sign that others ever came.
Suddenly it began to rain.

Desperate not to catch a chill,
Gilly summoned all her will,
Opened the door with lack of skill.
Inside the castle all was still.

Gilly sighed with much relief
But her final respite was brief:
In her young eyes was disbelief
As she saw a face clouded over with grief.

But this sad face was unlike most:
It was the visage of a fearsome ghost!
As Gilly realised that he was her host
The spectre then began to boast:

"Welcome to the castle of Eliv Thade,
Whose glory days are now in shade.
Once a great fortune I had made
But it, like my life, began to fade.

"I was the best puzzler in the land,
A Kacheek admired, seen as grand,
But fate dealt me an unfortunate hand
And a riddle I could not understand."

"Help me and I'll set you free,
But a right answer it must be.
Otherwise daylight you never will see,
You'll spend your days in here with me!"

So Gilly then agreed to try
To win her freedom from this guy.
A paper slip fell from the sky,
In her hands: live or die...

Toward the grisly ghost she winks:
"You may think I'm a little minx
But the answer is easy, as I think
It is the riddle of the Sphinx!"

Old Eliv Thade she did astound
With answers she had easily found.
Gilly's head spun round and round
That Eliv's puzzle she had confound.

And so young Gilly headed home
To tidy up with brush and comb,
Returned to life beside the foam
But nevermore did Gilly roam.

Shadow Usul Waits - An Acrostic
By _Eveningstar

Shadows cover a shadow darker,
Hidden in the trees.
A flash of fur, pitch black,
Doesn't seem to cease.
O'er the canyon, forest beyond,
Without movement she waits.

Under that mighty oak,
Shadows await her prey,
Under that mighty oak,
Laughter stays away.

Waiting under the oak, hiding in shadows,
After endless hours
In the dark, hours in the night.
Taunting all her rivals, taunting...
She strikes at midnight.

By Fleaf

Umber pelt and crimson fluff,
Eyes that shine with glee,
Dare you drink the potion there --
To seek all manifestly?

Your lovely fur shall darken so,
Until purple is its hue,
Shadows bound to your bow and neck,
Dyed black like skies above you.

A third eye will join the pair,
Saffron like summer light,
Your tail and body will grow,
Till your will is as big as your might.

So beware young Usul fair,
In that bottle is a potion,
That may change your life forever,
And send you in a different notion!

Usul Celebration!
By Crimson_ninja483

Usuls are wonderful, kind, and sweet;
when it comes to generosity, they can't be beat.
Always willing to lend a helping hand,
spreading lots of love throughout the land.

Usuls are cute, bubbly, and glamourous;
when it comes to style, no other is as fabulous.
Bright and cheery with a heart that's giving,
sensitive and caring to all things living.

Usuls are furry little creatures,
they are never without a smile.
Adorable, stubby little features,
and a laugh that can be heard for miles.

Usuls are great friends,
you can count on them to be there.
Always thinking of others
and ways to show they care.

Pleasantly fun company,
and always looking out for those in need.
Adventurous, brave, and curious indeed.

Usuls are special in so many ways;
so join the celebration,
It's their special day!

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