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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Haunted Woods
By Phoenixlyd10012

A Meepit squeaks, a tree shoot snaps,
A wind blows hard, a sharp egg cracks,
Something calls you, take no bait,
Get out there before it's too late.

The trees close in, a sound, a whisper,
The leaves beneath your feet seem crisper,
Someone's out there; good or bad?
Or are you simply going mad?

Darkness reigns, your breath draws quicker,
You catch a light - no, just a flicker,
No way out - which way is home?
Stuck in the woods, all alone.

You stop for breath, you can't keep coping,
But then your fearful eyes flick open,
When you free your mouth to scream,
And you find out it's just a dream...

Oh Finneus
By Reggieman721

Away in land of Altador,
Most glorious domain,
Lives Finneus, the archivist,
A Lenny long of reign.

Oh Finneus, I pity thee!
No recognition yet,
For all of your heroic deeds,
No honor do you get.

Your dedication brought the end
Of Darkest Faerie's curse.
Without you, Altador would be
Forever lost, or worse!

Oh Finneus, my heart goes out.
I understand your pain.
Those pets who work with books and scrolls
Find glory hard to gain!

A library is not a place
Where heroes stay, it's true.
Perhaps if they would try it out
They'd learn a thing or two.

Oh Finneus, my humble friend,
You still do not despair.
Though nobody remembers you,
You do not really care.

As long as you are free to stay
Within the archive hall,
My Lenny friend, you seem to be
The happiest of all!

Song of the Battle Faerie
By Pyrosquirrelx

Upon a war-torn battlefield,
Amidst the flashing spears
Above the mud and dirt and sweat,
And through the bitter tears
Dost in flash of violent violet wings,
The Battle Faerie fly
And yell her valiant battle cry
To warriors trudging by.

So pick up your feet, sharpen your blade
The battle will be ours today
Let your blood surge, let your heart pound
For the Battle Faerie has entered the ground!

Her wings like gauze, her eyes like steel
Her sword a shimmering snake to feel
Her indigo hair glints under the sun
And with her strength you know the battle is won.

So pick up your helmet, sharpen your spear
Continue your fight without tremor or fear
Let your skin glow, let your voice rise
For the Battle Faerie has swooped o'er the skies!

She fights on the side of the strong or the weak
Not for fame or for riches, nor power does she seek
But to lend a drop of courage to the heart of brave souls
And to help them achieve
All their hopes and their goals.

So sheath you your weapon,
And raise the flags high
Let the clouds now be parted,
The sun burst through the sky
Let your ragged band shout,
And your weary hands wave
To the savior Battle Faerie -
Always fearless, always brave.

By Kawaii_kai002

The evil of Neopia prowl in the night
Or day or dusk, we'll never know,
Until one of us is taken as prey
Through sun or moon or grass or snow.

A dark furred Usul comes out to play,
Flanked by darkness, her enemies flee
From darkness smooth of sleekly black,
Dare not to laugh, you'll soon agree.

Once a pretty young Acara,
Vira, sweet as candied fruit,
Her poison touching flowers bright
Until they're withered to the root.

Bouncing around in his territory,
Looking like a lovely treat,
The Jelly Chia wants revenge
For being treated like an oversized sweet.

Looking around for things to grab,
He looks around to steal your stash
Of treasures like your brand-new bike
The Pant Devil will take in a flash!

He looks like something out of your nose
Covered in snot and dirt he roams,
Meuka comes to slime your stuff away,
Beware, beware, he'll raid your homes!

I've told you, citizens of the light
Careful, dare not look for trouble
For if you see one of these dark evils,
Get out of here, quick, on the double!

Sunlustre's Stand
By Kikiscamps_mom

Her golden wings in lightning flashed,
Silken mane wind-tangled,
Supple muscles heaved and thrashed
As through the trees she angled.

Branches whipped by the wild wild storm
Left her feathers battered, torn;
Yet still she flew, desperately raced,
A faint cry for help the Uni chased.

"Mama!" wailed the dire wind,
Her clarion neigh called hope;
At last she reached the river's bend:
On the bank fell creatures loped.

Within the flooded waters, upon a fragile nest,
A baby Lenny cringed in fear,
Down in the twigs it pressed;
Surging waves tore at his home,
Caught in a washed-up tree,
Forward came the predators, chuckling with glee.

Anger kindled within her heart,
She shrilled a battle-cry,
Sharp hooves split the air apart
As she fell on her foes from high.

Though outnumbered ten to one,
Surrounded by a ravening pack,
She fought without a trace of fear
Of the odds against her stacked.

Slashing teeth and heavy paws
Battered and tore at the Uni lone,
Desperate courage met their jaws
Until they fled in fear for home.

A broken wing stilled her flight,
She looked upon the infant's plight,
Then bit a branch and waded deep.
Braced against the floodtide's leap
She held the branch out to the chick,
Around the wood she muttered, "Quick!
Grab hold of this and hold on tight,"
Then gently she lifted the babe so slight
And fought the current back to the bank,
While behind her the battered nest sank.

Though exhausted, still she carried
The baby Lenny through the storm,
A wounded Uni, worn and harried,
Emerged from the woods with a waif forlorn.

Glad cries rang loud as the mother rushed
To lift her babe and hold him close,
His tears she dried, his crying shushed,
Then she thanked the Uni, patting her nose.

"Tell me brave Uni: what is your name?"
The mother asked gently, smoothing her mane.
"Sunlustre Goldwing, but 'Sunny' will do,"
The Uni replied, as the medics came through
To doctor her wounds. As the young Uni winced,
The mother then said, "I've heard from princes
And paupers alike, that Unis
In their own beauty delight,
But seeing your wounds, your blood and your pain,
I will tell one and all that Unis aren't vain,
Merely conscious of a grace that lies deep within,
A love wrapped in courage, for stranger and kin."

This is the story of Sunlustre's Stand,
And a heart that is bigger than most in the land.

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