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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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The Great Clash By Olrak

The sun sinks down to the dark horizon,
The air grows thin and all is silent,
The wary winds blows
The dust upon the empty streets,
The arenas of fair Neopia has been filled,
The days of battle have begun,
All those who wait, and trained for this event,
Will no longer idle away the hours,
Cries of war echo around the cities,
Challenges are announced by the brave and mighty,
From numerous Guilds, tournaments arise,
From these great champions are created.
Tension fills the tone of the local arena,
Upon the center of the worn battlefield,
Two sturdy neopets stand, facing each other,
Each positioned with a unique fighting stance,
Armed with a variety of weapons, old and new,
Equipped with durable armor and powerful spells.
Behind them their owners stand,
With pride and courage,
Behind these warriors the Battle Faerie watches,
Observes each strike,
Each miss, each dodge, each loss and win.
War is now waged in fair Neopia,
Every conflict has a side,
Good and Evil, Light and Dark, Fire and Water,
The question now is what side will you stand on…

Shoyru By the Sea By sunspot_f

A lonely Shoyru sits by the sea,
There he waits,
He waits for me,
For I have told him I will come,
And I will, as always.
He goes and finds the cutest things,
From books to shells to dust from Faerie wings,
And brings them here,
For me.
I go to the dark green forests,
To find him many gifts,
For he loves the forest,
From the smallest bush to the tallest tree,
And I find him nuts and fruits and seeds,
To bring to him,
The lonely Shoyru, by the sea.
There I find him, every time,
Sitting in the warm sand,
Waiting for me, always for me,
For me to take him by the hand,
And dance around and play fun games,
And exchange the gifts, which we always bring.
Play we do, all day long,
Happy games and happy songs,
But then it gets late, and we know it is time,
For me to leave, once again.
He sighs and says, "Shame..."
And he looks at me and says,
"Though we have sang and played our games,
It never is enough, for I miss when you go..."
And I agree, and say, "Yes indeed, but think,
How much fun we'll have next time!"
He sort of smiles and says "goodbye"
And I give him a hug,
And turn away, so he cannot see,
The tears I shed for he,
The sadness in my heart, that I must leave,
But it is best, for he is grown,
And this is his coming-of-age.
We will re-unite,
And he will always be with me,
But now he must stay,
For his trial is not yet done,
And for a while,
He will be,
But a lonely Shoyru by the sea.

Garbage's Taste By zaammie

I used to walk the grimy streets,
Through rain, hail, and snow.
I rummaged through the trash for treats,
And hid from people, you know.
They thought I was a stupid lump,
All homeless, rough, and vicious.
I slept in the nasty dumps,
And found prized garbage delicious.
Until one day you took me home,
And fed and scrubbed me clean.
No one could tell I once did roam,
Not a speck of dirt could be seen.
Now I've found my true place,
I need no longer wander.
What I found is better
Than garbage's taste!

Adopted By orange_popsicle2001

I am afraid, lonely, and trembling.
The cold floor offers me no warmth,
the ragged blanket no comfort.
I want to get out but the bars bind me.
I want to be free again,
to laugh and play and run in the fields
like I once did!
I can not though because I was left here.
I hear footsteps, new ones, she has not come before.
I hear her come closer,
will she walk past like so many others?
Her steps slow as she reaches me.
I hide behind my hoof.
She smiles and nods.
I am taken out!
I am free!
I am saved from the prison.
The horrible prison behind me I act properly.
If I am good will she keep me?
I need to know but I cannot.
All I can do is hope, wish, and pray
that she will never take me back
to that prison.

The Kougra By maplestarre

I hear a rustling
in the brush behind me.
It is not the wind.
I see
bright yellow eyes like a cat's
wide in a face of blue fur.
She throws back her head
and yowls.
I see
the pearly white teeth
the pink tongue.
The fur is the color of a cloudless sky
with darker stripes
the color of the navy-blue sky at night.
She bats her eyelashes
and swipes a large paw out
to bat a fly.
She flicks her tail around.
Oh, Kougra, so dangerous
but yet so perfectly content.
Oh Kougra...
I wish i could watch you forever.
Oh Kougra...

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