Neopets Poems
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Sloth and his Game
By Anjie
Kreludor was dim that night,
Its glow a pallid arc.
Floating in the shadowed sky,
The station, quiet and dark.
Two Grundos in the station, sit.
Within a small, dank room.
A sock shaped puppet leaves a tube,
And down a shoot does zoom.
Every eve they played this game,
Until that horrid night.
When Sloth walked in, a glare on face
(Poor things got such a fright!).
Narrowed were his scarlet eyes,
A scowl fixed on his face.
Rage was brimming in his tones,
He cried, "What a disgrace!"
The Grundos scampered to their feet,
And trembled with dismay.
No doubt they thought in horror, then,
Of Sloth's sludge zapping ray!
The Grundos gave a shriek of fright,
"Don't harm us!" one did cry.
Sloth did glare and screamed "Get out!"
As something caught his eye.
As those Grundos fled the room,
Sloth gazed down to the floor.
He picked up rolled up paper then,
And slowly closed the door.
Settling down beside the game,
He flicked a shining switch.
He sat in tense and wary watch,
One eye with nerves did twitch.
Bang! The Sloth sock did shoot out,
And down that paper came.
Sloth did mutter, low and soft,
"I kind of like this game!"
About Dr. Sloth
By Kushbi
From split paint brush to pile of sludge;
Hold your tears, bear not a grudge,
From ghostkersword to worthless dust,
Screams and shouts deter not much
This doctor by the name of Frank,
Whose schemes are carried out with flair.
Mind control, his favourite game
Drives poor victims most insane,
Some detest his evil ray,
Others thank him for their Draik,
Transformed from potion vial supreme,
A gift from Sloth none could foresee.
His influence spreads through the land,
At Virtupets' his sock gets whacked,
In the Battledome his clone
Fights with nary groan or moan,
Furniture his features grace,
Part of the pinata craze.
The utmost evil plans he likes
Can be witnessed with a flight
To Kreludor, the Neopian moon,
Home to sparkly glittering food,
With orange Grundos working hard,
Mining secrets in the dark.
Rail at Sloth for collecting tax,
And twenty odd percent at that,
Whine about his villainy
When he zaps your attack pea.
Bravely we must all unite,
Against him, put up a good fight.
But on this day, we should thank
The Boss for pranks that never end!
Follow... Or Else
By Parmadur
With fearful eyes and trembling knees bow low,
Pay homage to your deadly lord of black.
For if a Neopet won't follow, Sloth will know.
The cringing servants that dare not weakness show,
Who strain and sweat that others might not lack,
With fearful eyes and trembling knees bow low.
Strong Neopets drill hard, their crimson eyes aglow,
An army that would never dare to slack:
For if a Neopet won't follow, Sloth will know.
And even those who seeds of discord sow,
Those Neopets that wish
Sloth's mighty rule to crack,
With fearful eyes and trembling knees bow low.
For through the treach'rous shadows dark spies flow
And list with greedy ears, dissent to track.
For if a Neopet won't follow, Sloth must know.
When Doctor Sloth returns with ships of woe,
A thousand mutants marching at his back,
With fearful eyes and trembling knees bow low:
For if a Neopet won't follow, Sloth will know.
Sloth Day Soup
By sparkly_fairy_dust
Tattered, ragged, sickly green,
Anything but crystal clean,
Any Neopet would withdraw,
From a pot held by such a claw.
A small pot, cold hard metal,
Steaming like an angry kettle,
Glinting with a rough shine,
The simplest of the pot designs.
In the pot sits a solution,
Acid green like rank pollution,
Bubbling, sizzling, burning hot,
Are the contents of the metal pot.
Chunky brown floating bits,
Rising from the fetid pits,
What is held in this claw,
Should be considered against the law.
On Sloth Appreciation Day,
I advise all Neopets to stay away,
Please do not take a scoop,
Of that disgusting Sloth Day Soup!
The Tale of Sloth
By mew_21184_thesecond
This poem is to inform you
About our very own Dr. Sloth,
Who appeared in Neopia one day
Sipping a cup of broth.
With ghastly green skin stretched over his bones
And a piercing, beastly laugh,
This evil creature of torture
Does mutate Neopets into just half.
Yet the gloomy cloud that hung over our land
Is now gone, thankfully,
For when Sloth's day was here
Neopia seemed doomed for all eternity.
Almost two thousand years ago
Our beloved home was not filled with its present cheer
With dreadful swamps and barren plains,
And no merry sounds to fill your ear.
While deep in his lair, Sloth worked busily
On revolting experiments to create new beasts,
Was he perhaps a bit lonely,
Or was it to work for him
To do chores and fetch him things,
Prepare grand feasts?
Oh but one joyous day,
The good Neopians would rejoice
When Frank Sloth exited his lair
And saw such a sight,
Shining sunrays beamed down
On a rock in front of him
And this view was not vile, nor revolting,
Nor would cause any fright!
The trampled grass stalks began
To shoot upward quite fast
And beautiful flowers stretched out on the rocks,
But Sloth, who had not seen anything
Lovely in a long time
Felt only burning pain where
The joyous light had hit him,
And yowled, "OH SOCKS!"
Sloth rambled angrily on to himself
As he entered his lair again
Rushing to where his cameras were situated,
He groaned at the unbelievable sight
Smashing his fists down on a table.
His mutant beasts that he had made
Were trapped in the sunlight above
And were turning fast into the smelly mud
From which they were created,
This just would not do! thought Sloth
And his mood was no longer elated.
Sloth decided he must escape
This horrid planet immediately
But as he rose and began to make plans to go,
And walked down a corridor, muttering to himself,
A robotic computerised voice echoed to him,
"I have important updates, though!"
It continued on in the same flat voice
Repeating the same phrase annoyingly,
"Lifeform Detected! Lifeform Detected!"
Until Sloth consented to go back
To his desk so it would let him be.
He stared hard in bafflement
At the unwelcome sight
Appearing on a screen,
It was nothing more or nothing less
Than a scaly dragon
And Dr. Sloth almost let out a scream.
No creatures had been living on this empty land
For as long as he could remember,
But here it was right before his eyes,
Observing the land of September.
Oh no! Say it is not so! Sloth thought miserably
For another beast had appeared
Next to the other one,
A fluffball with big feet
That looked in confusion at the sun.
What are these... these things?
What are they doing here? Sloth demanded.
Just then an idea sparked in his head,
Accompanied by that wicked smile,
For Sloth had a reason to stay in Neopia
It might actually be worth the while.
So the devilish Dr. Frank Sloth
Attempted to prevail once again
But we know he failed, don't we? DON'T WE?
So now we are able to look out of our window pane
And grin as we see the sunshine,
The birds, and the trees.
Hence the evil days of Dr. Frank Sloth
Are gone forever
They're done, through, no more in existence,
But we still know deep inside
That Sloth lurks somewhere in our land
The Virtupets Space Station, or another planet,
Or somewhere with a very long distance.
Now that is the tale of dear Frank Sloth
And he is but a memory to scare infant Neopets
To obey their mothers,
Although he certainly made his contribution
To the Gallery of Evil
He had a unique story like no other.
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