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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Snuffling in the Snow
By Sparkly_fairy_dust

The little creature stands aware,
His eyes hold a resolute stare,
His head moves slightly to the right,
The Snuffly squeaks with delight.

The Petpet's smelt a tasty treat,
He's off as fast as a rapid heart-beat,
Weaving in and out and around,
Snuffly stops -- what has he found?

His little round body quivers,
His small paws tremble as he shivers,
Curly blue horns wobble around,
The Petpet's nose makes a sniffing sound.

He scrambles about for his prize,
Hope sparkles in those glistening eyes,
The intense happiness begins to show,
As the Snuffly is snuffling in the snow.

A Snuffly Serenade
By Anjie

Roll along, we search all day,
And sing our Snuffly tune,
"Keep your horns up to the sky,
We shall find dinner, soon!"

Waddle, toddle, bounce away,
And snuffle all the while,
Wag your small blue tail around,
In cheery Snuffly style!

Dive underneath the chilling snow,
And sniff along the ground.
Everybody crying out,
"What IS that snuffly sound?"

Climb to highest, snow tipped tree,
It's brisk this time of year!
Happy Valley, icy cold!
As festive time draws near.

Check near every snowman, too,
His nose a carrot! Yum!
Grab it, run, quick as you can,
As Snuffly songs, you hum!

Winter Petpet store is here,
Its doors are candy, sweet.
But nibble quick, before they see,
(One has to be discreet!)

So choose a Snuffly as your friend,
With us, you can't go wrong!
Clap your hands and waddle 'round,
And join the Snuffly song!

Snuffly Dreams
By xx_crying_inside_xx

All wrapped against the cold wind's wrath,
Wander now in memories path,
Where dreams are made and can be real,
Into a place of wonder steal.

Walk upon the highest peak,
And feel the mountain high go weak,
For then you glide up with the moon,
Dancing to the night skies tune.

For while you float and laugh aloud,
You marvel at the dawn so proud,
For black has cleared and light has won,
And filters through -- this new born sun.

You land untouched and ride the waves,
Each one alight with magic saves,
And plunge now deep into the sea,
Where you can swim and then be free.

But as the journey short has turned,
There a lesson to be learned,
This petpet small with cheeky grin,
Has learned the thread of dreams to spin.

With horns of blue and teeth set sharp,
It knows a secret it shall not harp.
And wake refreshed, elated true,
For dreams create that which is new.

Ode to the Homeless Snuffly
By Tanktrigger

With snow white fur and blue eyes so bright,
Reflecting the brilliance of cold wint'ry nights,
They rummage for food
Through the deepest of snow
Or cuddle in front of the fireplace glow.

They have such a kind-hearted look to their face,
I'm surprised you can't find them
All over the place,
But sadly, thousands go
Without kind, loving homes
They're left out at night, with no place to go.

The saddest of all are the pets who don't care
If their tiny pet's fireplace stocking is bare.
Or if their little stomachs have something to eat
They're kicked out to the cold,
With just their bare feet.

No food and no shelter,
They have nowhere to call home,
They hope someone won't let them
Be cold and alone
Alas, poor Snuffly,
People don't see your kind heart
Or the fact that, when freezing,
Your heart comes apart.

Hopefully, someone will care about you
In time to give out you a present or two,
I wish you Happy Holidays,
And a great Christmas cheer.
And hopefully, someone will care
By the end of next year.

It's Borovan Day!
By Elvin28

Heavy white flakes fell on a cold December morn,
Pets snuggled in their beds,
Unaware of the snowy white storm,
The Neohome was heated, the fireplace aglow,
Sheltering them all from the bitter slushy snow.

The hallways were strung with ribbons of red,
A glorious tree by the hearth, heavily decorated.
Tinsle of silver shone in the firelight,
Creating a wonderful, joyous happy sight.

A wondrous scent wafted down the long hall,
Causing eyes to open, awakening them all.
They dove down toward the kitchen,
All full of happy glee,
Down the hallway and past the beautiful tree.

Four painted cups on a small silver plate,
They guzzled it down, they did not wait.
It was steaming hot,
Something they had not thought!

With burning throats, they asked for more,
Careful not to let a single drop
Touch the clean tiled floor.
Then, with joyous grins, they all did warmly say,
"Thank goodness that it is Borovan Day!!!"

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