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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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A Whisper in the Ocean
By Thevoicewithin671766

Far into the boundless ocean,
Among the crashing waves,
There remains a tiny whisper
Where the water faerie sings.

Her notes are shy but very clear,
They flow like a gentle wave,
And when they reach the sandy shores,
Her voice suddenly fades away.

Too shy to sing her beautiful song
So that all in Neopia can hear,
She swims on by unnoticed, unheard,
And continues with her work.

She still remains a quiet creature,
One with an unheard voice,
She still remains and will always remain
A whisper in the ocean.

The Three
By Graciegreen

Revenge is opted by many a mind,
Where nothing but hate and jealousy thrive.
It consumes its host with thoughts unreal,
Chaos and destruction is much aligned,
It worms its way into one's heart,
Destroying the senses one at a time,
Until nothing is left.

Greed is chosen by the hungry,
Its allure is bright and shiny, oh so slick,
Thoughts that ache like an itch,
Scheming and plotting are necessary ploys,
Keeping track of all that exists,
Wants and wants and wants unfilled,
Never satiated, always empty.

Ambition when gone astray
Is ugly, deceitful and mean,
Forcing all those to move aside,
Pushing itself to the front of the line,
Stepping on friendships, even family ties.
Single-mindedly forcing itself
Upon all that it sees.

So heed my words... if one of the Three
Creep into your mind, look in the mirror.
Can you really hide?

The Soup Faerie:
The Most Modest of All Faeries

By American_tabby_cat

Most humble of faeries, and kind-hearted too,
Encouraging, generous, loving and true,
She lives in a home on the green rolling hills,
Where ravenous bellies are fed to their fill.

Instead of a wand, she would wield a large spoon
For stirring her soups from the morning 'till noon.
With the apron she fixes around her slim waist,
She pours out some stew with delectable taste.

Her magical cauldron that holds her warm broth
Feeds ev'ry customer; even Frank Sloth.
The only main reason the poor do not wish
For wealth is because they'd all long for her dish.

So ask ev'ry pet that you've known for a while,
"Did you ever think that her soup tasted vile?"
They'd gawp at you strangely and ask you instead
"What put that ridiculous thought in your head?"

The Kougra's Prowl
By Elvin28

Slipping through the night,
As silent as a cloud,
The Kougra is hunting,
Don't make a sound.

Orange-golden pelt,
Eyes of eerie yellow,
Pads of pink felt,
Moving so calmly,
So mellow...

Whiskers all a'bristle,
Claws flexed a'straight,
Hear the winds whistle
In his woodland estate.

Sinewy frame of golden-red,
Stripes of navy blue,
Each soft, silent pawstep,
Sending leaves askew...

Slipping through the night,
As silent as a cloud,
The Kougra is hunting,
Don't make a sound.

Meepit Vs Feepit
By Kushbi

Whatever there was between two friends
Soon blazed and burned beyond amend.
A bond of warmth that once was shared,
Now lies in ashes and a deadly glare.

Perhaps it was neglected then,
That pink and blue should never pair,
But who could guess that chums so close
Would turn into such desperate foes?

How it started, no one knows --
Rumour says some vicious row
About the look of an overbite
Sent Meepit to deliver smites.

The flame within gave heat and light
To Feepit who gathered its might,
Striking back with greater force,
Beginning the unfortunate war.

So pink and blue are friends no more,
A steaming rivalry none can ignore,
Immortalised with fabled name
By 'Meepit versus Feepit' game.

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