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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Beneath Grey Waves
By Shelbster118

Mystery shimmers in their eyes,
Knowledge none shall comprehend.
Skin's twisted patterns hypnotize,
Where kindgom ends, land begins.

Harmonious voices sing alone,
Trapped beneath the sullen waves;
Forever serving ocean's throne,
They shrink forever in the caves.

Swimming further towards the shore,
Eyes seeking vainly for the light,
But sunlight filters down no more,
Plague and destruction is their plight.

Yet in all darkness there is hope,
A new city in sparkling sea,
Surrounded by the seaweed ropes,
No more will pirates make them flee.

And gliding through the sunlit foam,
A Draik leaps early for her age,
Free forever in her home,
No longer trapped within a cage.

Her eyes show off their stunning gold,
They shimmer with their utmost grace,
Still hold the secrets of the old,
But now joy spreads across her face.

The Auction
By Faulty_intellect

Greeted by many a whistle and cheer,
Up to his pedestal steps the auctioneer;
His mallet goes up, his audience quiet,
He holds up an item, and Neopians buy it.

There goes a Fuzzle, a used bean bag chair,
Now he's sold a plushie with barely a tear,
Earl Grey tea sold for forty-five points,
Here, everyone hears the jingling coins.

A Cobrall goes flying through the air,
Caught by a Bori who'd just bought him there,
All around there's excitement, grins and frowns,
Prices going up, and items passed around.

A paint brush he sold priced ridiculously low
Was sold to a Kiko who was happy to go,
Everything from Neopkins to Thyora's Tear
Is sold by the Scorchio auctioneer.

When the mallet is slammed
For the very last time,
There are those who will groan,
And those who will whine,
But veteran customers silently leave,
Satisfied with what they did achieve.

Back to their houses Neopians go,
While the Scorchio auctioneer rolls in dough,
Tomorrow, he reasons, more items will sell,
And he thinks to himself that all will be well.

The Price of Opulence
By Shgiusdhioasr

They call me too proud,
For I boast long and loud
Of the luxury items I've bought.
So what if that's true? I look better than you!
You've no shine, and of glitter you've naught.

My pets all look flush with the aid of a brush,
Though they scarcely e'er walk out the door.
And they've not fought one bout,
But they'd not be without
Swords of Skardsen -- snowballs are too poor!

And the walls of my home
Are all covered in chrome,
From the ceiling -- a pink disco ball.
Yes, they're hard to attach,
And the colors don't match,
And it's gaudy... but I've got it all!

So please don't make fun --
This has cost quite a ton,
And I don't make much use of this stuff.
I've no Neopoints left; of mere food I'm bereft,
But I look rich... for me, that's enough!

The Darkness of The Three
By Nanook72

When the streets of Meridell
Have not a single light,
The citizens' many nightmares
Will bark, but never bite.
At least, that is what the skeptics said to me.
But never on a moonless night
Did they ever meet The Three.

"You never see them coming,"
The villagers say.
"They come on a breath,
And they whisk you away."
Ambition, a faerie that once
Might have been light,
Revenge, an old Gelert with fur dark as night,
Greed is the final in our treacherous trio,
A horrible bunch in the land we call Neo.

"No one lasts long
Once the voices begin,"
An elder tells me
With his gap-toothed old grin.
"The caretakers go mad quite quickly."
These two statements make me quite sickly.
However, my search is nowhere near done;
I can predict quest will not be fun.

The talking continues,
And I soon discover,
The Three have talents like no other.
"You're ambitious enough,"
The faerie would say.
"You can take this whole castle,
I know, and you may."

"Think of the riches!"
Says the blobby old Skeith,
"With all of that cash,
You can buy what you need!
Or scratch what you need;
Buy whatever you want!"
He chortles with glee
And continues his haunt.

Revenge glares from the background,
His eyes glowing red,
A glare piercing into
The back of your head.
"You must strike soon," he says,
"For the hour is nigh,
Make your move now,
And those villains will die."
Some think for a moment,
Some leap at the chance,
They are simple pawns in a dangerous dance.

Walking past the palace,
The guards look rather sad,
As they bring to the dungeon
A fellow raving mad.
But in back of their heads,
A little voice says,
"Hello there, lovely. You are next..."

So next time you are in Meridell,
Listen to those with a tale to tell,
For it might be about the Three,
And you won't suffer the same fate as me...

The Dark Faerie Truth
By Sparklegirl2611

Few minutes close to midnight,
Up to your door they creep,
They never pause, they never rest,
They never eat or sleep.

Slowly, silent, dead of night,
Their hearts as cold as stone,
Unseen by Neopets alike,
They edge up to your home.

The water, ice, the wind so cold,
But oh, they do not feel,
Even when the heat will rise,
Their pale skin's strong as steel.

The clouds turn grey, the thunder rolls,
The lightning splits the sky,
Those who know them fear them and
Avoid the glaring eye.

But alas, those not so wise,
Those who've never known,
Will, alas, I dread to say,
If find them all alone,

Their fear will soon be surfaced,
Their heart, too, cold as stone,
The darkened place, the shadowed world,
Will soon be called their own.

So be warned, if they find you,
They find you on your own,
If the dark faeries find you,
You'll never return home.

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